Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1280 Harmless

You are not in a hurry. "Before I finished speaking, I quickly jumped off the trestle. There is no dome until the bottom of hell.

When they saw it, they followed him along the path of the trestle and jumped straight to the bottom of the ground. The bottom of the prison looks like a place for interrogation. This is a horrific set of torture tools. Soldering irons, pegboards, knives and stands are all available with tremors.

They only looked at it for a while, and found that there were dozens of tunnels in the walls at the bottom of the week, each of which was a prison. When people are overwhelmed. All of a sudden, I rushed to the right end of the tunnel, and people didn't know its intentions, and they followed suit. I walked straight in that direction, walking faster and faster, as if I heard a faint breath, he felt that there must be someone who wanted to meet him at the end of the road.

So he walked over without hesitation. At this time, reason can produce no results, so trust a feeling, believe once it is harmless. How he wished he could be in this place. There seemed to be hallucinations in his ears, and he seemed to be able to hear Jean Valjean's wailing.

At first, his footsteps were light, but gradually, on both sides of the tunnel, there were still some prisons with iron bars, but most of them were empty. He'd hoped one of them would show up as a slow-looking figure, but he was disappointed time and time again. His steps were getting faster, almost to a trot, and he wanted to hurry across the aisle so he could see what was making him so uneasy.

When my scholar left, the despair in my heart increased a little, and my hope was shattered for a while. Walking through the prison, seeing nothing more than a few bones at best. My book hero suddenly felt a kind of sadness in his heart. When the road came to an end, the little hope in his heart was almost shattered. I felt that the sorrow in his heart was like a flood, and he himself was like a rock on the seashore, which was constantly being carried away by the tide. My Shuhao felt cold all over, so I roared on the fence, as if I had exhausted all my strength, and trembled all over.

The voice that I, Hu Yue'er, and others heard came, but within ten steps before me, I didn't have the heart to get any closer. He was now on the verge of grief, on the verge of collapse, and a word could make him panic.

I roared again, with tears in my eyes, and hit the iron fence hard, and the iron fence came down with a bang. However, my book hero punched me like crazy. Like that's fate, that's the injustice of heaven. The skin is broken, and the blood flow is very long, but I don't know it. He was still falling hard, and his long hair was disheveled like a pile of grass. The tears in the eyes have long since lost a touch of blood.

I was punched out, and the iron fence was broken by him, and the flesh and blood of the stars were still hanging on the shattered iron stubble. I knelt down feebly, not knowing whether I was tired or not. Everyone felt that he seemed to have grown old suddenly.

I, Hu Yue'er, looked at me like this, tears streaming down my face. She wanted to go up and talk to him, but was stopped by Han Lun. Han Lun shook his head, making Fox Yue'er stop. Looking helplessly at the helpless Mori, he turned and cried.

I suddenly raised my head and smiled wryly, and said: "God's will makes people be at the mercy of fate!" He uttered the last two words weakly, and after a while, his long hair was like ink being washed away by water, and gradually faded. White.

People are surprised, the qi in front of them is like a fantasy, they look away, they know my heartache, and they also understand that the opportunity to slowly fall is alive, and it may gradually approach nothing.

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