Chariot of Doom

Chapter 2 Doomsday Chariot

"Damn it, isn't it just the food from the broken cafeteria? What's the matter with you? How can it be the same as the reincarnation of a starving spirit who hasn't eaten for several years!"

The big man on the opposite side, Old Li, was full of confusion.

Ye Hao ignored his words, but looked at him and said excitedly: "One more serving, not enough!!!"

When the apocalypse comes, food is everything. For a little bit of clean water and a small piece of bread, there will be a blood fight, and steaming food is a delicacy that only the powerful and powerful in the apocalypse can want to use!

In fact, since the apocalypse, Ye Hao has never eaten any hot food, even the ordinary instant noodles, because boiling water is also a luxury in the apocalypse !

How can he not be excited when he sees these foods now?

"Damn it, why are you still eating, you're not afraid of dying!" Big head Lao Li looked at the empty rice bowl in front of him, his face speechless.

The situation here quickly attracted the attention of the people around.

"I'll go, that person is probably a fool. I vomited something in this dilapidated cafeteria, and I still eat it with such relish!"

"Haha, there are silly hats every year, and this year is especially so!"

Ye Hao ignored the strange eyes of the people around him and the laughter, and just kept urging Big Man Lao Li to buy some more food.

He didn't feel it, but Datou Lao Li couldn't stand the strange gazes of the people around him. Just as Datou Lao Li blushed and said nothing, when he was about to take the meal card and go to buy food, a man in a famous brand was holding it. The dinner plate came over and handed it to Ye Hao with a playful look on his face.

"Huh, isn't this Ye Hao? Do you want to eat this kind of food? I have it here, give it, take it and eat it!"

This man is Ye Hao, a freshman of the same class as Big Head Old Li. There have been some disputes on the basketball court before. Ye Hao once overshadowed his three big hot pots, causing him to lose face in front of the whole basketball court. Now it is estimated that It was the unhappy one who came to find Ye Hao.

"Wang Cong, what do you mean? Are you looking for trouble? Still want to eat hot pot?"

Before Ye Hao opened his mouth, the big man in front of him, Old Li, suddenly stood up, staring at Wang Cong with anger, as if he was about to take action if he disagreed.

"I am what I am, I am not..." Wang Cong didn't give in at all, just when he was about to start a fight with the big old man, Ye Hao, who had not spoken, moved.


Ye Hao ignored the playful look on Wang Cong's face at all, thanked him, grabbed the plate handed over by the man, and then swept away again.

Looking at Ye Hao who was enjoying the delicious food in front of him, the man's face twitched involuntarily. There was an uncomfortable feeling of being punched in the air. Of course, the playful look on his face disappeared instantly, and he stood there stiffly. .

"Hmph, what a fool!" Wang Cong snorted and walked away, took out the meal card, and seemed to want to make another meal for himself.

Ye Hao ignored him. If it was in the end, the meal that Wang Cong just brought out would be enough for many people to fight and fight for it!

In addition, Ye Hao remembered well, this Ye Hao was bitten to death by the mutant girlfriend who was giving him a mouth after the doomsday!

So he didn't even bother to pay attention to Wang Cong, anyway, there was a big meal waiting for him later.

"Fuck, Ye Hao, are you crazy? You even eat what this guy gave you???" Big old Li couldn't calm down at all, his eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

"Hehe, this tastes really good, eat a few more bites, I'm afraid I can only miss it in my memories!" Ye Hao said with a smile while stuffing food into his mouth frantically.

Suddenly, Ye Hao, who was sweeping the food in front of him, stopped. He found something in his mind. It was a drawing, a drawing titled Doomsday Chariot!

"Doomsday Chariot?"

Ye Hao's whole mind was deeply attracted by the drawings that appeared in his mind, and he even temporarily forgot the food in front of him.

This is an extremely large chariot. The net weight marked on the drawing is 49 tons, far exceeding the net weight of ordinary heavy trucks.

The carriage of this chariot is much larger than a container with a length of tens of meters, and the interior is like a house with a size of 100 square meters.

Among them is the largest room, marked on the drawings with the word storage room, apparently designed to store material use.

Next to it is the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and a training room, a master bedroom, and a secondary bedroom. The interior space can be extremely large, far exceeding the average RV.

In addition, there are many high-tech products inside the chariot, such as rainwater purification devices, armed detection radars, thermal imagers, fully automatic driving central control, internal air circulation devices, oxygen supply devices, and night monitors for all-view outside the vehicle. Ultra-efficient solar panels...

Among them, what attracted Ye Hao the most was the rainwater purification device. Ye Hao knew very well how happy it was to be able to take a clean, hot bath in the end.

The second is the ultra-high-efficiency solar power panel. The function description depicted on the drawing is: sufficient sunlight absorption for a day can provide the energy needed by the doomsday chariot for a month!

Ye Hao didn't know what principle was involved, but it was written like this on the drawing, and it might be some kind of high-tech perpetual motion device that played a role in it.

In addition, there are household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines. In addition, the engine in the doomsday chariot is also a core highlight.

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