Chariot of Doom

Chapter 267: Finally Seeing Ye Hao

"Report, a soldier who claimed to be the subordinate of Li Yunfei's regimental commander came to inquire about the situation." A soldier guarding the city wall reported the situation to the battalion commander.

"Li Yunfei, isn't this the iron-blooded regimental commander trained by the No. 2 executive? We also studied in a military academy, what did you say?" The battalion commander looked at the sky, slightly nostalgic.

"I told them the whole situation in City D, and a person who seemed to be a commander told us that they were here to help."

"Then, how many people did they come? Did they all come from a battalion?"

"No, there's only one gun truck, a dozen people..."

The battalion commander was a little speechless, but he didn't call out for help. Who would bring a group of people to D City for support for no reason? If it really came, they would have thought they wanted to take over the mountain and be the king.

What the battalion commander did not expect was that Li Yunfei was sent out to arrest Ye Hao before the doomsday broke out, but just as the doomsday broke out, the soldiers under his command were still in the military, and there were only a dozen or so left.

And these more than a dozen are not ordinary people, they are all people who have awakened abilities. At the same time, their own strength has been promoted to the second and third orders along with the battle and eating the meat of mutant beasts. There are even soldiers with strong foundations in one fell swoop. Reach level four!

"Let them come to the city wall and watch the battle as soon as possible." After speaking, he stared at the changes in the field and continued to carefully observe the battle.

"It's a miracle. If such a character can be used by the country, it will definitely stabilize the situation in the peaceful zone!"

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The whole body was penetrated by one after another bone-piercing force, and the pieces of sword light were connected, like a huge seal, and the three-color sword light fragments were cut directly on its body, like a thousand swords.

"Fuck, this bull is too strong!"

"My God, is this still a human, such a subtle attack, such a powerful energy fluctuation, my dog's eye!"


One after another three-color power pierced the body of the forgiveness color lord zombie, and one after another bloody wounds appeared on its huge body. All these attacks contained a burning effect, which inhibited its powerful recovery ability.

The stinging pain from the wound made its eyes turn scarlet, and when it turned around, it was about to run away, and its long beak was trembling slightly. The wounds all over his body were steaming hot, and drops of black blood flowed out of his body.

"Captain, someone brought it."

"Hahahaha, Brother Yunfei, I didn't expect that the last time we parted, the world changed a lot when we met."

"Yeah, Brother Yunlong, I didn't expect that we could still see each other alive." Li Yunfei shook his head, and it was very difficult to find Ye Hao all the way, and he was not very strong because of his awakening ability.

"Captain... this, the battlefield..."

"Fuck, there is a superman!"

"What Superman, obviously Thanos, didn't you see him snap his fingers!"

The soldiers behind Li Yunfei were all shocked when they saw Ye Hao fighting in the field. It was too far away, they couldn't see Ye Hao's face clearly, but they could see the terrifying power that pervaded the battlefield!

"This person, we don't know his identity. All we know is that his power is extremely powerful. So many of us can survive entirely by his power." Chu Yunlong pointed to Ye Hao in the distance and said.

"Staff, give me the telescope."

Li Yunfei reached out and took the sight glass in the hand of the chief of staff, wanting to see the appearance of this person in the field. If he was recruited into the country, his role might not be much lower than the value of Ye Hao, who the second executive had been looking for.

When he adjusted the sight distance and turned his eyes to Ye Hao's face, a little smile appeared on his face.

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!"

"Brother Yunlong, what, this person, do you know?"

"This person is amazing, you know what I mean, although the relationship between the two is good, there are some things that can't be said."

"Understood, understood." Chu Yunlong also knew that even at his level, he was not qualified to hear a special task unless it fell on his head.

"I found something." The chief of staff came over, wanting to understand why the always serious head of the regiment actually smiled.

"Hahaha, today is really a good day. The old classmates met and the mission goal was found!"

"What! The mission target has been found!" The chief of staff was surprised.

"You can see for yourself." The head of the regiment handed him the telescope in his hand.

"It seems that today is really a good day, but I don't know if I can successfully bring him back to the secret base."


Forgive the color lord zombie with a shield floating all over his body to block the attack of the three-color sword light fragments. These attacks are like a powerful missile, constantly bombarding its condensed shield, making bursts of thunder-like sound .

This is the powerful shield that it condenses with all its strength after being attacked.

While the broken tri-color sword light is powerful, it contains less energy and cannot break through this shield and cause damage to it.

But why Ye Hao doesn't know, the power contained in these shattered sword lights can seriously injure the zombies when they lose their defenses. The power contained in it is unable to cause more powerful trauma to it, so...

Ye Hao is like stepping on a golden crow, his whole body is stained with golden holy light.

This is the outbreak of the power of the fruit of light, and the figure close to the speed of sound has flashed behind the forgiveness of the lord zombie, just like the previous attack on the four-armed lord zombie, so the trick is repeated!

Forgive the speed of the color lord zombie is much stronger than that of the four-armed lord zombie, but after taking the fruit of light, Ye Hao relies on the power of the fruit of light, and the speed of the explosion is extremely terrifying. The speed of this level is far from the speed of this level. Than.

And the speed of the fruit of light can also increase the power contained in it with the increase of Ye Hao's level. That is to say, Ye Hao's weak strength is increasing in reading, and it is likely that he will enter the speed of sound field!

Ye Hao's body is really like an ant compared to the Zombie Lord of Forgiveness.

Now, this ant can kill this giant!


Ye Hao swung the knife down, and Baipi Dao seemed to be a three-color magic knife at this time. All kinds of power radiated out, and the space began to crack open inch by inch. .

It seems that hundreds of millions of swords are falling, but the powerful force is extremely calm under the control of Ye Hao, and the power of terror pervades Ye Hao's body.

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