Chariot of Doom

Chapter 41 The First Territory

City F is a coastal city with a well-developed seaport industry and many isolated islands around it.

Ye Hao is now focusing on these uninhabited islands.

The doomsday is coming, and it is obviously a bit whimsical to form a force that can dominate the doomsday by himself, so he needs to cultivate a die-hard loyalist to prepare for his doomsday empire.

Choosing an uninhabited island as a base is undoubtedly the best choice.

Likewise, this isolated island will become his first territory in half a year!

After renting a yacht and sailing at sea for more than an hour, Ye Hao finally found a relatively suitable island.

This is an island with an area of ​​1.9 square kilometers. The water depth of the nearby sea area is 6-12 meters, and the visibility in the water can reach about 8 meters. It stands alone in the blue sea.

It is about twenty-five nautical miles from the nearest island around it, and fifty-seven nautical miles from the land.

The island is lush with trees and there are some small animals. Ye Hao walked around and found no large carnivores.

Ye Hao didn't know the original name of this island, and he didn't want to know. He directly gave the island a meaningful name, Independence Island.

When the doomsday breaks out after half a year, this island will belong to Ye Hao's personal territory, and the independent island has indeed exuded a bright light after the doomsday, laying the foundation for Ye Hao to dominate the doomsday!

A field survey on the island took another four hours.

During this period, Ye Hao was hungry, so he directly caught a few pheasants on the island and roasted them.

Wild predation is a must-have skill for all doomsday survivors, because all that are not mastered are dead.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Hao's skill in grilling pheasants is still good. Of course, his appetite is even better. He ate all the five big pheasants by himself!

Leaving the independent island, Ye Hao called a car and went directly to the city orphanage.

There are several large orphanages in F city, and Ye Hao chose the largest one - Angel Church Orphanage.

The name is very beautiful, but all the children living here have a sad past, either they were abandoned babies, their parents died, or their relatives didn't want them anymore.

A group of children live here and receive assistance from people from all walks of life. Every time a well-meaning person from the society comes, they are reminded every time that they are orphans, abandoned children, and a lower-level existence than other children!

After Ye Hao's parents had a car accident, an orphanage sought him out and wanted to take him to the orphanage, but he rejected him directly!

Ye Hao was only twelve years old at that time!

Although his parents left him in a car accident, he was unwilling to go to the orphanage and was labelled inferior!

Since then, Ye Hao has started to be the master of the house, bearing many burdens of life that children of his age should bear.

So he is very precocious, much earlier than other children of the same age,

While other children are enjoying the love of their parents, he has already started watching his mobile phone to learn how to cook, because he promised his parents that he would live a good life!

Fate gave him an imperfect childhood, and made him suffer far more than children of the same age should bear.

It is precisely because of these experiences that he was able to survive alone in the apocalypse for five years.

And this time, this rebirth gave him a chance to change his destiny!

Thinking of this in his mind, Ye Hao entered the Angels Church Welfare Institute. The children inside were so immature, yet so lonely.

Their eyes have long been unable to find the brilliance of childhood that belongs to their age group.

"Beat! Kill him! Let him punish us for standing!!!"

Suddenly, a noisy voice came, and I followed the voice.

A group of ten-year-old children are beating and kicking around a child.

The child who was beaten completely ignored the fists and feet that smashed on his body, his eyes were blood red, and a pair of small hands stubbornly pinched the other child under him.

"Stop, stop it all for me, do you want to be locked in a small dark room???"

"Ali, why is it you again? Let go, Xiaowei is going to be strangled by you!!!"

At this moment, several orphanage staff rushed over and pulled away the children who were fighting together, but they were unable to pull away the child named Ali.

Several staff members looked at Xiaowei who was being pressed by Ali, his face had turned purple, and he was about to die.

Several staff members were in a hurry, and a male staff member directly raised his fist and smashed it at Ali's head in a hurry, hoping to let him let go by this method, or better to stun him!

"I see who dares to touch him!"

Suddenly, Ye Hao, who was standing aside, stepped forward quickly and grabbed the fist that the male staff member smashed at Ali.

All of them looked at him in surprise for a while, even A Li, who was stubbornly strangling Xiaowei's neck regardless of the blood red eyes, turned his head and glanced at Ye Hao, his strength subconsciously loosened a little, he was pressed Xiaowei, who was under him, finally took a breath, but he didn't dare to move.

"Hey... it hurts! Who are you, let go!!!"

Just when everyone was in a state of daze, the male staff member who was pinched by Ye Hao's fist screamed in pain, his face flushed red.

"Who are you, this gentleman? How did you come into our welfare home? Please let go of our colleagues.

What? "

Hearing his voice, the rest of the orphanage staff finally reacted and persuaded Ye Hao one after another, and some people even took out their mobile phones to report safety!

"Whoever dares to touch him, I will destroy him!" Ye Hao glanced at a few staff members coldly.

Then he looked at the male staff member whose fist was pinched by him, and said coldly, "Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand..."

The male staff member wanted to be stubborn, but when he saw Ye Hao's icy gaze, he couldn't help shivering.

His intuition told him that if he dared to say one more word, he would most likely be dethroned by the person younger than him in front of him!

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