Chariot of Doom

Chapter 57 Ali's Transformation

Not long after Ye Hao left, Ali, who had broken bones and tendons, woke up.

The place where the body was originally broken has formed a thick blood scab, and the broken bones in the body have been basically recovered with the help of the heart exercises and the medicated bath.

The black medicinal bath in the wooden barrel has turned into clear water.

Ali checked his body. Although he was seriously injured in many places, his body was much stronger than before the injury.

However, he ignored this, and after scanning the circle with hateful eyes, he did not find Ye Hao's figure.

Instead of staying in the barrel, Ali changed his clothes and started looking for Ye Hao's figure, he was going to kill the man who almost killed himself!

After some searching to no avail, Ali became more and more irritable, just at this moment, a somewhat familiar roar came from a distance.

Ali was instantly overjoyed, guessing that this was probably Ye Hao's voice, he immediately searched for the direction of the voice, and quietly groped for it.

As a result, Ali saw the figure that made him extremely hateful. Under the waterfall, he was smashed to the ground by the huge water pressure again and again, but every time he stood up stubbornly.

Being smashed to the ground again and again, and standing up again and again, that figure of his incomparable hatred never flinched once!

Suddenly, Ali was a little confused and secretly said in his heart.

"Is this person sick? Be ruthless to us, and even more ruthless to yourself!"

That's it, Ali has been hiding there and secretly observing Ye Hao until Ye Hao can no longer move.

He knew that he wanted to kill Ye Hao, and now was definitely the best time.

Just when he sneaked over and wanted to make a move, his body inexplicably didn't obey the command and couldn't move.

At this moment, he remembered every scene he had with Ye Hao yesterday, from when he was in the orphanage, Ye Hao helped him teach the staff of the orphanage, to adopting him, taking him to a restaurant, grabbing something to eat with him, and teaching him how to train ...

The two didn't get along for a long time, and it was only a little more than a day when they were full.

Ye Hao gave Ali a sense of security that he had never had before.

After hesitating, Ali began to hesitate whether to take advantage of this golden opportunity to kill Ye Hao.

"Humph! I'll see what you want to do!"

After struggling for a long time, Ali finally quietly left from this place, and in the end he still couldn't make a move.

However, what he didn't know was that his retreat did not save Ye Hao's life, but saved his own life!

At first, Ye Hao really didn't know where Ali was hiding, and didn't expect him to wake up so quickly.

But Ali was still too young to learn how to hide his killing intent.

When his hateful eyes stared at Ye Hao, Ye Hao couldn't help shivering immediately, and immediately realized that someone was peeping at him.

However, he did not immediately look back, but continued to carry out extreme weight training. However, when he was washed into the pool by the huge water pressure, he found Ali hiding behind the stones.

So he just took the plan directly, staged an ultra-extreme training, and completely broke away from the scene, waiting for Ali to take the bait.

If he really dared to approach, Ye Hao would definitely not hesitate at all and would kill him directly.

Because for him, his life is always the most important.

Anyone who threatens his life will definitely be killed by him.

So when he pretended to be powerless and collapsed on the shore, he actually had a small piece of iron hidden in his hand. Once Ali got close enough to threaten him, it would be Ali's death!

Fortunately, Ali didn't do this, let Ye Hao go and saved himself.

At the end of the day, Ye Hao had developed a character that would never truly believe in someone, and his paranoia had reached an outrageous level.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to survive for five years in the cruel apocalypse!

Ali walked together, and after Ye Hao rested for a while, he turned over and returned to the gathering place where the children were.

At this time, most of the children had already woken up, and the physical damage caused by fighting for food before had all recovered as before, and even had some improvement in their strength.

At this moment, some daring people turned their attention to Ali, because as long as he defeated him, he could become the leader, and he could enjoy the medicinal bath that was more than three times stronger.

At the moment, many children quietly approached the wooden barrel where Ali was.

Since they woke up late, they didn't know that Ali had come out of the barrel.

When they got close to the barrel where Ali was, it happened that Ali came back from the waterfall.

"Are you looking for me?" Ali glanced coldly, and the children surrounding his wooden barrel said coldly.

"Ali? Why are you there? You're not..."

Seeing Ali appear from behind, a group of children were all taken aback.

However, when they saw the scars on Ali's body that could not be covered by the clothes, a malicious smile suddenly appeared on their faces again.

"Go, as long as we defeat him, we can become the leader!!!"

A child in the crowd suddenly roared, and then a large group of children rushed towards Ali like crazy.

When some cunning children rushed over, they picked up some stones on the ground and held them in their hands, ready to greet Ali's head at any time.

Ali looked at this with contempt.

The group rushed to their children, their eyes instantly turned blood red, one person to more than 20 people, without the slightest concession, directly greeted them.

Those children will be afraid of Ali who is alone, and they have just improved their strength, just when they want to show their strength.

At one time, more than 20 children rushed towards Ali like a wolf like a tiger.

Both sides are unwilling to back down, can we still have a good time when we rush together?

Immediately, the sound of shouting and killing came out.

Twenty people surrounded Ali and kicked him hard.

They are already young, and after the baptism of the law of dooms all day today, their actions are even less serious, and they are all attacking where they are going to die.

However, Ali, who was originally a black man, has undergone an unprecedented transformation after today's baptism.

Especially when he saw Ye Hao, who was already so powerful, training himself so frantically just now, it touched him a lot.

Although he didn't know why Ye Hao did this, he understood that working hard to become stronger was the most important thing at the moment.

So he was even crazier than the twenty children. As soon as he got close, he directly killed a child who was rushing towards him! ! !

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