Chariot of Doom

Chapter 60 Discovering Rare Metals

On this day, all major news newspapers published a piece of information.

[In an accidental expedition, Cheng Fei Group discovered a meteorite that landed from outside the sky not long ago, and extracted a precious metal formed by an element outside the periodic table.

According to experts, this metal is related to space, and Kyushu may become the first country to study folding space!

[Major discovery, Cheng Fei Group found extraterrestrial meteorites and successfully extracted some rare metal among them. According to experts, the discovery of this rare metal will likely revolutionize the field of drones, and Kyushu Technology may be able to take advantage of this. Beyond America!

[According to rumors, Chengfei Group will make a big move, and an enlarged shareholder meeting may be held in the near future, and it is suspected that it is contacting the largest mysterious shareholder!

The news related to Cheng Fei Group spread out everywhere, and this also set off another thing.

Chengfei Group, which has been at the limit for more than a month, has undergone a shocking reversal since the day before yesterday. It has risen by the limit for several consecutive days, and the stock market value has rebounded rapidly.

Now it has risen from more than one yuan per share to more than two yuan per share, which means that the market value has doubled from before!

Especially when these related reports came out, countless Kyushu stockholders went crazy.

"Fuck, Mahle Gobi, labor and management have long said that Cheng Fei Group can't collapse, it can't collapse, there is no need to sell the stock in your hand, now it's better, you can't even buy it!"

"Labor and capital started to buy from the daily limit of Tianchengfei Group, and there is no transaction today!"

"Mom's contact in front of me fell to the limit for more than a month. There must be someone behind the scenes. It's not those bastards in the private alliance, or some big consortium that has a son without an asshole!"

"It seems like last week, a big guy directly smashed one billion to buy Chengfei Group, I would just follow up at that time!"

"It's really stupid, people dare to spend a billion dollars, why don't I dare to follow up?

Crap, I'll play the stock market in the future, I'll be quick to sell the 10,000 shares I bought from Chengfei Group yesterday, grass! "

The entire stock exchange was full of quarrels, and the eyes of countless investors were red.

Especially those old worms who have been around for many years, all blew their lungs one by one.

After playing stocks all my life, I was blinded by a chick.

As soon as these reports of Cheng Fei Group came out, they understood what happened, but it was too late. Now Cheng Fei Group's daily daily limit, they couldn't buy it at all.

At the same time, Li Rushuang, the CEO of a group far away in Wanwan, also looked ugly.

"How can you get back such a small share after investing one million in?"

Zhou Jinxin, general manager of the Economics and Finance Department, was sweating coldly, standing in the huge office, his whole body trembling.

Before, Ye Hao suddenly spent one billion to buy the shares of Chengfei Group, and he was once the largest shareholder of Chengfei Group, completely breaking their plan.

Originally, they planned to acquire Cheng Fei Group directly, but Ye Hao crossed them, not only adding a large amount of funds, but now they have only recovered a part of the shares. The total amount of shares ranked third in Cheng Fei Group. to a decisive role.

According to the plan, and with the shares in Ye Hao's hands that should have belonged to them, they were completely able to directly acquire Chengfei Group.

But now they only own a part of the shares, and even the total shares are only ranked third. For them, it has no substantive effect at all.

This means that their previous investment was basically a complete failure, and Ye Hao directly stole the fruits of their victory.

Now that the results have been confirmed, Cheng Fei Group has been reported to have discovered that rare metal, and the stock is trading at the daily limit.

In this case, they have no other way to change the outcome.

Zhou Jinxin held back for a long time, but couldn't say a whole sentence. He was sweating constantly, and his clothes were all wet.

He knew very well how much money the group had lost this time, tens of billions. Even if he bought him, it would not be worth the money even if he bought it thousands of times!

Li Rushuang snorted coldly, her eyebrows were twisted into a ball, Zhou Jinxin was unlucky for sure, but she was also responsible for this beforehand.

Moreover, she has been staring at this project for a long time, and has invested a huge amount of money, and now it has ended in a fiasco, which has a great impact on her status in the consortium.

"Hasn't that person named Ye Hao been found out yet? With such a big hand, he still dares to oppose us. Isn't there only those old undead families in Kyushu? Why does it take so long?" Li Rushuang said coldly.

A pair of icy eyes looked at the other person standing in the office, and the cold light in his eyes was very attractive, as if he could freeze people directly.

The person she was watching was the person in charge of the intelligence department exclusively for her, named Zhao He. There were people in black and white, and he was best at inquiring about news.

Being watched by Li Rushuang's icy eyes, Zhao He really felt as if he had entered an ice cellar, and he couldn't help shivering.

This time, he lost his hand while inquiring about Ye Hao's news, and until now, he has not found out the specific identity background of Ye Hao.

I had sent a text message to Li Rushuang before, telling her that the person whose name was Ye Hao who bought 550 million shares of Chengfei Group was him.

But after that time, the commercial spy he had planted in the bank was discovered, and he was fired by the board of directors in the afternoon.

so that he only found Ye

Hao's name, no other sexual interest was found.

Then, they successively checked the families in the Kyushu Kingdom that had the strength to do this. As a result, they did not find the results they wanted.

"Li... President Li, the person who shot this is not a member of the big families in the Kyushu Kingdom.

In addition, through special means, it was found that the one billion yuan was smashed into the stock market from the F City Securities, and now it is under investigation! "Zhao He said tremblingly.

Although Li Rushuang was a young woman, her aura of superiors was extremely strong. Rao was Zhao He, a person who was familiar with both black and white, and had to bow down in front of her.

Of course, this is also because he really didn't do it well this time, it took too much time, and it was difficult to communicate.

"City F? I remember it was a small city. There are not many people with this kind of writing. I will give you three days to find him for me, otherwise..."

Li Rushuang didn't say the following words, but everyone knew what it meant, otherwise...death!

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