Chariot of Doom

Chapter 811 Empty

"Do outsiders want to die?" There was a clamor in the void, but the energy wave of the void was more powerful, and they would never think of making their hands wide, or lightening the enemy's light because of it. These empty aliens have all grown up on countless robberies and struggles for survival with no good chances.

But Ye Hao felt the power of the empty energy wave, but she sneered in his heart. The energy of the space energy wave is not perfect. These empty aliens are wary of each other, and their own burst power will not exceed 90%. This is also the reason why the empty energy wave does not make Ye Hao afraid. At this time, the entire starry sky disappeared. This is not a sign of surrender.

"9 trillion, the stars disappeared," a silent force spread unknowingly, the void in the sky seemed to have lost the power of death, and grinned in the energy wave of the void.

It is true that the empty energy wave is like a spear, but more like a simple cone, its base is a huge vortex with a diameter of 100, and the tip is a single point with a sharp front and a burst of air force. Tearing apart time and space around, overwhelming force compresses, but at a certain point, meets interception,

"What a powerful force," restless in nothingness, the power of death, a dangerous force second only to the power of destruction, which resists the tide of energy of the void with the power of destruction, and the previous 100,000 stars Death is over, in fact, it already has a shield.

However, the shield was quickly broken, and the hollow energy waves of the destructive power were still grinding. Ye Hao seemed to hear the laughter of these empty aliens mocking Ye Hao, but Ye Hao turned to a more sarcastic smile.

If all these empty aliens work together, then the threat of a blow can only reach 37 god powers, or even 38 god powers.

But at this time, there are only 36 kinds of God's power, and at this time, these two swords have been displayed in Ye Haokong's hands, which are the power of the death hand of the former 9 trillion stars, used to fight against the power of procrastination,

"Dual Divinity Severing", quite simply erupted their most intense technical terror, at this time a momentum that shook the world, two sacred swords combined, a destructive force surged into the sky,

The power of the holy sword is close to 37.

When the two holy swords are combined, the power can directly reach 37 to become a god's power, and nearly 38 degrees to become a god's power,

But that consumption is too much, Ye Hao will not be so desperate. At this time, a knife merged into the eyes of countless empty aliens, and swept through the gap in the terrible split.

"Bang", the knife is on the opposite side of the weapon. There is no doubt that the empty weapon composed of empty energy waves is smashed at this time. At this time, the ethereal aliens and empty monsters are frightened and want to inject more power. Of course, at this time, there is no chance.

"Bang", a knife slashed across the sky, and the virtual air of countless monsters and other people was surrounded by its disappearance. A knife came out and killed countless enemies. This pair of incomparable holy gods finally appeared at this time Out of the horror of killing, the combination of the void and the void is enough to dominate this chaotic realm, but at this moment, the aliens of the void and even the monsters of the void are showing a kind of extreme fear and dread. " is an instinctive fear of the dignity and dignity of one's own mighty power, an indelible fear of death and destruction,

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