Chariot of Doom

Chapter 815 Emptiness

"Chess, soldier, king." Halal Rain looked at the young man in the sky, paused, and said, "God, the first chess player in the world disappeared for thirty weeks, thinking that you live in a hidden place of God , but I can't believe you're here." Nightmares fall into the void,"

Ye Hao also looked at this young man known as the "Chess King Warrior" with some shock in his eyes. The Chess King is a human being who has a pure breath of the divine universe, showing that he is not an enemy like a fallen one. The will in his eyes is calm, and he has no hostility towards these four world-class geniuses, but at this moment his voice is full of attraction and contradictory fluency, and his voice calms down.

This chess king who was 60 years earlier than Ye Hao was also a world-class genius at that time, although he had lost all the good luck in the world. But it is still possible to find that this is somewhat different from the temperament of ordinary strongmen. At the age of 22, he apparently turned into a god-force, and in a world of nothingness and emptiness, several of these hollow monsters were stronger than he was. But at this point, there's a slight reverence for these hollow creatures, though most of them are seeing it for the first time.

"I didn't say a word when I left, but I don't think the teacher will be worried, just like when I was living in seclusion." The chess king said while listening to Qing Zhenyu's words, and sighed slightly. There was a special smell in the words. At this moment, he stretched out one hand and started to play with the bamboo flute. He didn't need to play it, the flute made a sound naturally. A song as precious as it is,

In this voice, there is a power that can shake the soul. Ye Hao felt that this feeling was familiar, like the devil Cui Zun had mastered the law of voice. This sound is very special and can bring shock to the soul. The Chess King is clearly superior to the Demon King Kui Zong. This kind of shock was really strong, and Ye Hao, the invincible power of this pair of incomparable holy gods, even slowed down a little.

At this time, it seemed that only the empty creatures woke up like a dream, retreated one by one, and then dispersed. Ye Hao's eyes were surprised. These empty beings are completely separate from the destruction of the double divinity. That is to say, the king of chess finally got rid of it, saving the empty creatures in the whole sky.

But this empty creature didn't immediately attack the four world-class geniuses like Ye Hao, but seemed to be listening to Xiao Se's voice, and seemed to be fascinated by it. Even Ye Hao heard this unconscious sound, infected and moved by a kind of emotion, with all kinds of emotions, this is the real sound of nature, even if the music develops in the divine universe Rarely has such wonderful joy come up, let alone in a nightmare of nothingness,

Listening to this whisper, Ye Hao felt vaguely missing. At this time, he suddenly thought of the sacred universe, also thought of the world of war, and also thought of friends and old friends. At this time, exoticism does exist. But there are, not only these, listening to this small voice, Ye Hao seems to have stepped into the beacon firework of the battlefield, and started a fierce battle with a powerful enemy, Xiao Sheng suddenly became agitated, like gold and iron, full of killing breath. Ye Hao also seems to visit the wonders of the universe alone, watch the most beautiful mountains and seas, and feel the beauty of nature.

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