Chariot of Doom

Chapter 817 Scope

A bit unacceptable to Ye Hao's respect, began to say: "Also, to my surprise, I can't imagine an era where the two most powerful geniuses in the world appear. I'm afraid I'm far from your opponent."

The chess player smiled slightly, as if feeling that Ye Hao's strength was not discouraged at all. In fact, he has already confirmed this, simply by seeing the power of the twin spirits. He couldn't stop the pointed knife.

As soon as Ye Hao heard this sentence, his heart moved. The king of chess soldiers lived in seclusion for 30 years. During this period, he did not encounter other strong men from the divine universe. That is, messages from the six major universes are unknown. He also doesn't know about world-class geniuses, such as the most famous star god in the world-the Green Sword Emperor, and he just lived out "there are two most powerful world-class geniuses in an era", which is enough to explain many things.

"The older generation met that crazy demon spirit," the nerves of these four world-class geniuses tensed. Crazy, Francido, the greatest world-class genius of this era, and the greatest traitor within the sacred scope of the sacred universe. Having entered the first step of the nightmare falling into the empty space, the Chess King knew that there were two of the most powerful world-class geniuses at this time, thinking that he had encountered a terrifying and unimaginable evil clan,

"Crazy, that's his title," he said, with a rather surprised look in his eyes, perhaps an odd feeling that such a powerful world-class talent has been given such an easy title.

Then he nodded and shook his head again: "I have met, but not directly; in the void of this nightmare, I have all kinds of feelings, just twelve generations ago, I felt A breath smothered me at the edge of my perception, a ghastly glow of blood was enough to destroy this void of magical light, and I saw the figure of the young man whose mere glimpse in time and space made me shudder. Just jumped out of that area and destroyed the entire void with the momentum of destruction. He should feel my presence. But I don't know where I am, didn't attack me, but I don't think there is any chance, if I do meet He as an opponent."

Hearing these words, except for Ye Hao, the three world-class geniuses are all air-conditioned. The chess king who was once a world-class genius has 22 powers to become a god, and even mastered the law of ultimate thinking. But he felt that facing Francildo he had no chance of escape. Although he has no luck in this world, he has grasped the laws of multiple extreme levels, and mastered more laws of the pinnacle. He also has a wealth of experience, far surpassing contemporary world-class talents, and even some unique cards belong to him. He's also an extremely fearsome Skyhorn, but says he couldn't escape his encounter with Fredo. One can imagine where it grew during this time.

"Although I want to ask about his situation, there is one thing in my heart," Longcheng said with the respect of the younger generation when facing the chess king.

"What is the intention of the older generation to save these empty creatures?"

The eyes of these three world-class geniuses also set their sights on the existence of virtual creatures. Although the king of chess has spent a long time in the virtual space of nightmares, the virtual creatures are different from the six cosmic creatures. never so

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