Chariot of Doom

Chapter 820: Rules

Super magic device, so that two world-class geniuses - Longcheng and Lu Chenyu - will be torn apart? Although this can delay time, the effect is too bad. Between Ye Hao and Flexido, I am worried that the Green Sword Emperor and the Bloody Emperor will smash the barriers.

Is it true that this self-destructive Flesidian once had a cup of blood to destroy the Sporro family fortune, and at this time he wants to destroy the bloody city?

However, Fracido didn't really give up on the bloody city, and just before the next attack of rain and dragons came, the gate of the bloody castle opened.

Suddenly, a terrifying wave of destruction flashed through the open door. The destructive power was so ferocious that Qingcheng Yu and Long became two world-class geniuses, and several blue swords were suddenly pulled out. With absolute power, the wave of destruction has been cut off, but Long and Qingchen's rain can hardly suppress the attack of this terrorist force, and the power of destruction flew out. Two world-class talents looked at the gate with unbelievable eyes, and three young men in bloody clothes came out. His appearance was exactly the same as Flesildo's, but he had a little different taste. Much weaker, but this is really Fracido, this is his anti-celestial fighting skills, taboo four demons,

The three crazy demons who were haunting, sneering, and wryly smiling were suddenly killed from the Red City at this time, and each of them rushed into the rain with a black magic sword, and the dragon turned into a killing, and the most terrifying power came from them Emerged and literally destroyed the whole world, these three separate bodies are the most powerful geniuses in the world, one after the other unleashed amazing power," he said. "They all have the greatest power of twenty gods . Although they are much worse than themselves, they are much stronger than Rain and Dragon.

"Broken," the dragon changed into one color, and at this moment, the terrible power of Frasildo's fiery power was still on top of it, making it difficult for them to play their role, and the three men were also afraid to have The power of Flacido. Not just twenty gods, not enough to challenge, Longcheng even felt that it was difficult for him to go one-on-one with this body, let alone two enemies and three enemies.

"Fight with all our might, that's the only thing we can do," said Halal Raine, a scion of the emperor with a sharp sword in his eye. In the face of fate, he also seems to be unfolding, brandishing his sword. But blocked by the madman's sneer and wry smile, and the laughing Francirudo directly killed the dragon with a piercing smile,

Ye Hao sensed the changes in the situation below, and his eyes sparkled: "You must use one enemy, three enemies,"

Without waiting for Frascilo to answer, a fierce killing erupted violently, a knife suddenly split into a gap, and the living ones would fly out, and the cold voice belonging to the leaves sounded: "I will let you give up," bang ! "There was a terrible explosion in the sky, the star god was so powerful, he opened everything with a knife and flew out of the sky. This is not a double holy god, cut off in the sky. This is Ye Hao's pure anger but such a knife is unstoppable. Francido, who carried the blood plague, was struck by an earthquake, and a crack was opened by the black magic sword, pointing at the primordial particle. Francido was shot out alive, With some evil blood in his mouth, his law of power is fluctuating at this time, but he seems unable to contend with Ye Hao's power, and is crushed by it. There is anger in everyone around you, because of the outbreak of terror Volatility, this is the pinnacle of anger law!

"How strong! Your power. Ordinary." Franchidor's eyes flowed with a happy mood. He didn't feel fear or surprise, only joy and excitement. At this time, he was shocked to fly, but finally in the distance Stand firm in virtual space. "But Ye Hao was also killed, and there was a fire burning on the knife, burning this powerful world-class genius alive.

At this time, Ye Hao broke out suddenly, and the reason is very simple, that is, Frasilodo refused to fight alone, and unexpectedly used Taboo Four unconsciously on his body from the very beginning. In a powerful state, at this time, he will bring the three major bodies to Fu Qingchen Yu and Long, as if in the past to Fu Xingyan's armed department, this is contempt for Ye Hao, and he doesn't think Ye Hao has the ability to let it play!

At this time, Ye Hao will use his absolute power to make Framsido realize that he has enough power, and that Star God has become a powerful world-class genius who can match him. If he doesn't respond to this, only one person dies!

"It's better to block it with your four bodies!" Ye Hao's eyes were burning with anger. At this moment, the astonishing knife passed through the gap and landed directly on his body. At this moment, the collision of the divine sword and the magic sword, a kind of toothache, made the sound of the collision frighten the empty sky. But at this moment, Ye Hao felt that the terrifying evil magic was collapsing. Frando in front of him smiled at himself. It was indeed a very innocent smile, which matched his image when he was a teenager. Gradually disappeared, and a figure in Ye Hao's sky suddenly disappeared. chapter

"Remnant shadow!" At this moment, Ye Hao felt the pressure and disappeared unexpectedly, faster than Ye Hao imagined. At this time, Ye Hao seemed to hear saying: Although you are very strong, in terms of speed, I A hundred times worse than me!

Although Frasildo didn't say anything, judging from the people in front of him, he seemed to mean it. Then, Ye Hao turned into a helicopter, and the burning sword collided with the bloody disaster again. The impact force on the blade was so amazing that Ye Hao's arm was numb, and his blood was attacked strangely. This is really scary, obviously its own strength is not as strong as Ye Hao, but with such an advantage in attack speed, it is enough to catch Ye Hao by surprise!

It's reasonable to say that it's nice to take a step back once you've touched this one. However, at this moment, Flacido smiled and swung his sword at Ye Hao again.

The horror of the magic sword seemed to carry the power to oppress the entire void, and a sword was knocked down. The pure power has the extreme power of 32 gods, Ye Hao snorted coldly, and swung his sword fiercely, this was a collision of swords, a shock that strongly impacted Ye Hao's blood, but Flesildo itself was a bit tragic, Ye Haoyi once again Flying up, it seemed he was asking for trouble.

But Ye knew that Frasildo had never been able to put a punch in his face. At this time, Ye Hao exploded around him, the power of destruction was revealed in the virtual air, and the power of the law of destruction finally broke out. The unstoppable leaf flashed out, as if turning into a huge ball of fire, approaching the sacred waterfall that had just escaped from the seal. This is also a terrible shock wave, the sacred waterfall is cut off again, and the terrifying mana explodes. The holy breath was chaotic. There seems to be a kind of chill in the air of the faint leaves Hao, not Ye Hao's own cowardice, but the cold air from above the sacred waterfall, not even a sacred waterfall, such a noble existence, such a noble existence, daunting Is the breath of the divine, dreading a battle for world-class talent?

At this time, a wild and crazy laughter also sounded in Ye Hao's heart, the blood in the shadow suddenly appeared in front of Killing, the tip of the blood was a black spot, and Ye Hao knew that it was Fry Sildo, at this moment, he was shocked by Ye Hao's speed, and no one could help but pull out the inflamed sword. However, he was suppressed by overwhelming force. After a while, Ye Hao bit the tiger's mouth, hurting the spirit and bone. The extremely terrifying power almost made this inflamed sword betrayed, and killed Fracilo who appeared in front of Ye Hao at an extremely fast speed, splitting the sword without hesitation.

"Strong!" However, at this time, the flaming sword made a comeback at an extremely fast speed, its starlight burning power surged to resist this extremely fast pursuit, followed by a rush of quite ferocious force burst out, but it was the bloom of stars surrounding Ye Hao's body. The force of the big bang in the starry sky temporarily escaped the edge, at which point it turned into a blood boom and disappeared very quickly.

"Ten tenths of the speed of light." Ye Hao trembled in his heart at this point. Before, it was the tenth speed of light, but this torch actually reached the tenth speed of light! It's incredible. His speed law should also be at the level of the peak law, but its own speed has already reached one-tenth of the speed of light. Even the emperor of Wulin, who has a speed limit, and even the law of space, is only the eleventh speed of light. His speed is comparable to that of the Thunder King of Nine Heavens, and he broke through the metaphysical gods. Imagine, if at his peak level, he will only be able to reach the limit of world level. The tenth speed of light, is also a formidable enemy!

Once again, a magical force appeared. Ye Ri's pupils narrowed, but they could see a red mist unfolding in front of them. The hazy phantom appeared in the red mist, making Ye Hao far away from the mass perception of the outside world, causing Ye Hao a headache. The powerful world-class genius Francie Ludo is too strong, and it is obviously a killing at this time. Although he does not have the terror skills against natural enemies, is this tactic also suspected to be extremely dangerous?

"Oh!" Ye Hao shouldn't have heard this voice, but Ye Hao imagined that all the phantoms appeared, but they were all fake shadows of Fracido, which is better than Ye Hao's inability to see the truth. However, in the hazy red mist, Frasildo has an extraordinary beauty, which does not mean that the country has gone to the city, but a neutral beauty, such as starry sky, fire, running water, And phantoms in the red mist. Ye Hao trembled in his heart, but at this time Ye Hao or his hand, in both hands, each had a huge cosmic manifestation.

The universe of the starry sky, the universe of fire, and the two great universes belonging to the god of fire were born at this time. At this time, the Weiman of the two universes burst into a red mist. But at this time, many phantoms directly attacked the sky of the leaves through the incomplete red fog, a very dangerous breath approached, and a magical sword pierced, each one seemed to be real, which made Ye Hao feel great pressure. "

This is one of the most powerful fighting skills, which is as powerful as Ye Hao's Xinghuo Universe, but the difference is that this is a strange ghost, an attack from a phantom, while Ye Hao's Xinghuo Universe has always been aggressive and directly broke through. At this time, the sky has not yet used the starlight to inflame the universe and Franciledo can't wait to make this move. I don't know whether to find the heart of victory, or really feel the threat from Ye Hao?

The dark golden sword flickered frantically, facing the shadow of this indestructible sword at this moment, Ye could only wave the inflamed sword in his hand, and use the blue dust knife to resist Navran Sirudo's terrorist attack. The collision between the knife shadow and the phantom destroyed it, but Ye Hao clearly felt the power of the strength field. Although this was not enough to shake Ye Hao, it also confused Lan Chen's swordsmanship a bit.

"Hush!" At this moment, a magical sword thought of the potential to destroy terror, and walked straight towards Ye Hao's body. This sword is like this, it's unbelievable!

The tenth speed of light shows that this is beyond Ye Hao's limit speed. Although the difference between the ninth speed of light and the tenth speed of light is one word, Ye Hao knows that the speed difference between him and Flesido is already tens of millions of times. With such a terrifying speed difference, Ye Hao can only resist it with extreme feeling and skills. However, skills from this period were also broken. As soon as the sword came, it pointed directly at the center of Ye Hao's forehead. The golden pupils in the darkness swell extremely rapidly in the magic sword, as if to destroy the sky, the days of the leaves are very clear, no matter how you use your own speed theory, you can't avoid this sword.

Francildo's real body reappears, smiling as if his sword hadn't been killed, but was just joking.

At this time, the black golden blood splashed like a meteor, and a powerful sword burst out at this time, piercing the head of the burning star god, but at this time, the dark golden sword also passed by. At this time, the bloody clothes were torn off, and then the bright red blood spilled out.

Come on, a falling heart was suddenly killed at this moment, and a strong sense of pain spread directly to this crazy demon.

The pierced leaf on the forehead stared at the flood that looked a little dizzy, then laughed with a thick stream of blood, and then a pair of black wings suddenly opened, and Frasildo burst into the sky, burst out. The light of blood burst out suddenly, and at this moment, Flessildo showed an extraordinary speed, a pair of black evil wings spread out, and the leafy sky clearly felt that the speed on the other side was accelerating. A belligerent war ended with knife and sword, at which point Frasildo was again hidden in an endless red mist, and the blood of God spilled from the center of Leaf Sky's brow, as if to show a The origin of the starry sky. The severe pain was not the reason for Ye Hao's frown. However, this time, although Ye Hao gave an eye for an eye, in the final analysis, Ye Hao still fell into the tailwind.

At this time, the speed of Fracido, who suddenly opened the wings of the demon spirit behind him, increased again, and the gap with Ye Haokong further expanded. The dark golden flame in Ye Haotang's eyes seemed to be beating reluctantly, and then Ye Hao suddenly shook The wind behind him shook the raging waves around him, but he rushed forward like lightning. The knife couldn't find the target, but it slashed with the knife, wiping away a piece of red mist.

As a result, dark golden flames raged, as if countless fire dragons were dancing, Ye Hao's black golden dragon was burning wantonly in the blood mist, and a bloody force poured into Ye Hao's body, Ye Hao's power was still violent at this time. This is the effect of the previous blood drink. It's also a spur of the moment to the great significance of the deaths of two of the world's most powerful world-class talents, since the nightmare faded away. Ye Hao's potential has never been so great. At this moment, every knife seems to have the determination to fight against heaven. Dark golden flames raged throughout the red mist, and finally a blood shadow appeared in front of Ye Hao's eyes. But instead of being repulsed back to its original form, with a smile, the sword was suddenly stabbed by Ye Hao again,

"Dayan Qiankun has been hacked," Ye Hao's eyes were shining brightly, he was motionless at this time, the sky was burning with flames, at this time the top of the war technology, Francido didn't seem to care about it, he used a magical With one blow of the sword, all kinds of magical powers were inflated. It is so strong, the essence of blood is numerous, and the color of blood has broken through the void at this time, the black sword and Ye Hao's great Yan Qiankun cut off, impacting the surrounding void, the collision is also particularly fierce,

Ye Hao's eyebrows were still full of blood, and the rest of the Emperor's Holy Leaf was also constantly using its vitality to heal it. However, Ye Hao was not happy, because the leaf before the collision was after all the falling wind. And the collision at this time made Ye Hao's eyebrows more painful, and disappeared again, as if playing with the sky of leaves.

"Hush", but Ye Hao was not powerless at this time. An astonishing force centered on Ye Hao fluctuates around it. It is a force that stirs up the void. At this time, the red mist was blown away, and a piece of blood was splashed out, but the figure of its owner was not seen, but it was obvious that Flesildo suffered a very violent blow under Ye Hao's omnidirectional knife He could use the blood disaster to resist the attack, but in order to hide quickly, he gave up resistance and collision.

"Bang", but at this time a magic sword fell from the sky, Ye Hao looked down from the top of his head, Frazirudo, raised the burning sword to resist fiercely, another collision happened, this time, Fry Xiduo's black wings spread too fast, and the impact was unimaginable. When it cracked on the edge of the torch, the stinging pain affected the leaves in the sky. With a groan, Ye Hao's eyes broke free from the dark golden god Mande , There was no panic in the eyes. There was a mouthful of blood spitting out of his mouth, it was not his own, but a patch of colorful blood. There seems to be a sacred aura in this blood, a desolate aura, a hegemonic aura, the aura of various races, the aura of various strong men, the aura that blends together at this moment inspires a very powerful force,

Ye Hao knew that this was a trick created by Flacido's endless blood, it seemed to be the fusion of the blood of the Wan tribe, and it burst out with extraordinary power. The law of the true bloodshed forced the battle with Yatian's divine eye to be shattered. This time, it turned out that Frasildo had the upper hand, the terrible blood turned into blood arrows, and the leaves' throats were directly taken away. It was too late to resist this inflamed sword, Ye Hao could use his speed to the extreme with only one blow at this time, and the dangerous thing was to avoid this blow.

"Wow," but Flanido would never pass up the opportunity. The black wave sword was pierced again, and the fear around it seemed to be the wail of beings within. Ye Hao trembled slightly, brandished a flaming sword, and pulled it out. The extreme impact made his arms bleed, but Ye knew that once he retreated, the spirit of the star would disappear. But it was a tooth biting the void, and a more powerful terrifying force erupted, shaking the magic sword to swing back, and the dark golden starlight flashed, but it left a mark on Flanivirdo's face Shallow bloodstains, with a pair of black wings to avoid more terrorist attacks by violent elements in the eyes, more exciting, at this time, the disaster of blood is suddenly relieved, but there are signs of terror on both hands, Like two bloody blobs and two bloody universes,

As soon as Ye Hao saw the situation, he knew how bad the situation was. At this time, he did not kill her. He threw away the knife and put his hand on it with the same dim golden light, and countless fires went out. At the same time, the dark and golden starlight appeared so bright, Ye Hao's hand turned into a chaotic line, but there was more than one chaotic pattern. On Ye Hao's left hand, three complete chaos star lines appeared, and three identical chaos and fire lines appeared on the right. These two hands are full of six books of jumbled writing.

At this time, the two blood-stained corrugated balls in the hand bloomed directly, as if they had turned into blood-stained hibiscus flowers, and there were so many blood flowers blooming around. dark gold

Stars of color burn in flowers of blood, Hibiscus weeps and tears before the fire of unstoppable aggression, these tears hit Ye Haokong's heart, the flame flickers, Francildo holds the sword in his hand, and from the blood out of the flowers,

"Come and get it," Frasildo said with a smile, a sword sweeping unimaginably straight across the sky of foliage. The sword obviously swept like this, but Ye Hao clearly saw the dark shadow in the sky. "... In front of this force, everything is broken. One after another, the double shadow is so terrible. Ye Hao is shining in his eyes, the flaming sword reaches the unprecedented limit speed, and the blue dust knife dances crazily on."

The torches of the "Qiang people" collided with the blood disaster continuously, and each collision aroused an extremely strong glare, and waves of shock waves were rippling. The surrounding water is being cut sharply, so the seemingly beautiful sacred waterfall cannot maintain its original state at all. The constant collisions made the arms of Ye Hao and Fu Rong more bloodstained. Ye Hao was not passively defending in front of countless amazing double shadows, but was moving forward step by step with his inflamed sword. Every time he took a step forward, the power of the star god would suddenly increase, and Fracido seemed to feel something. The shadows became faster and faster, and the flesh and blood of the leaves were cut without mercy. Even the vitality of the Emperor Sacred Leaf couldn't recover so quickly, as if it had suffered a reincarnation, and Ye Hao's entire body had long since disappeared from its good flesh.

But every blow on the leaves was like a hammer blow, hitting Frasildo's magical heart. Clearly a vampire manipulating the blood. At this time, Frasildo found it difficult for him to control his blood. The blood trembled and boiled, the result of the step by step of the god who burned the stars. After countless collisions, Rao You had a sweet throat, and suddenly a rush of hot red blood gushed out. But the color in its eyes finally changed in a subtle way, though it only blew a trace.

"Wow", at this moment, Ye Hao suddenly turned into an afterimage and flashed out. Flessildo glanced at the speed of the dark golden shadow with incredible eyes, and directly pierced himself. The severe pain of being pierced in the body did not come, but saw the dark golden light passing through again, as if in reincarnation, the days of leaves shuttled back and forth on it, although each blow did not explode into a very powerful lethal force . But Ye Hao could feel the accumulation of damage, and Ye Hao's momentum was even higher.

The highest fighting skill, thousands of dipole kills, this is not commonly used, but this time it is used again, one's afterimage dances to the towering Franciludo into hell, but at this time the black wing Suddenly opened, Ye Hao could see the white fangs on the mouth, it didn't seem to be stained with a drop of blood, so holy,

"Wow", but at that moment, Fracido moved by himself, Ye Haotian was holding an inflamed sword, and suddenly felt the harshest breath coming from the front, his hands were sore, bleeding, and naked. Intertwined with the front of the leaf, the red of the blood intersects with the dark gold of the fire, the body of the flame is burning with intense heat, and the blood of fear sweeps across the entire leaf.

"Hush," then, there was blood, I don't know if it was on Ye Hao's body or on Flesildo's body, there was a distance of thousands of hours on both sides, standing back to back, and then the two sides suddenly turned back. Staggered again, the obvious speed and strength are completely inconsistent, but the rosy and brilliant sparks, the intense pain spread on the two world-class geniuses, but whether it is Xing Vulcan or the crazy demon, at this time all eyes are excited,

"Hush" again, the sword tore through time and space, blood and fire collided again and again in the void, Ye Hao and Flessido collided again and again, leaving countless scars on both sides. Every blow contained extremely terrifying power and magic power, so Ye Hao and Francido's bodies were covered with scars, and they looked very restless and desolate. But the flesh and blood of Ye Hao and Fresildo have been greatly nourished, and under their own healing power, they are recovering themselves. Ye Hao clearly felt the blood dancing in Flacido's body. It was as if the full vitality of the creature that caught his blood was captured, and his recovery was supplied, and, although Ye Hao had mastered the holy tools and the rest of the emperor's holy leaves, the speed of recovery was also very fast of.

However, it was clear to both parties that while these skin and physical injuries looked painful, they were not the focus of the issue. At present, neither side has used anti-celestial body combat skills. Both world geniuses can create their own anti-celestial body combat skills, and do not use anti-celestial body combat skills, which obviously means that this battle is still in the warm-up stage. These skin and flesh wounds, while horrific to look at, can still be thousands of times bigger. Power and magic cannot be squandered recklessly, Ye Hao and Flesildo have a momentum of scrambling during the battle during this period,

But on the other side, at the bottom of the sacred waterfall, the blood-red castle stands, countless mist covers the original sacred deep pool, and three bloody figures dance wildly, each with a cold smile and a sneer. Smile. The wry smile of the madman split the body and the morning rain, and the dragon turned into a fierce battle. Here, the battle also reached a white-hot state,

"You called it the 'Blood God,' you should have told you last time, remove that word," said the mad daemon, laughing and dancing with the magic sword, as he brutally held the weapon of judgment against the dragon's ravages , the dragon gritted his teeth, feeling the opponent's fear at this time, only strength is meaningless, but the opponent's speed was too fast, one after another black light flashed, so Jiu Cheng had to go all out to fight with his weapon, Obviously only facing a single body, the blood from the sky keeps coming back, the body of the Ice Crystal God Armor has been torn open, looking at the next step is a complete collapse,.

"Whether it's blood in the sky, you have no right to comment," said Long Cheng's eyes

Although it was suppressed, there was still a ray of light, and a bloody evil spirit rushed towards the body, but the law of the blood peak, the blood of the dragon's evil spirit, seemed to have little effect on the laughing evil spirit, but it seemed to directly Engulfed by him, the red mist was even more intense.

"Your attack has no effect at all, and this bloody sentence is not worth the blood," grinned grimly, with a ferocious smile on his face, when there was another blow, shaking the dragon's arm. Then, there were two bloody blows in a row, which was to pull the dragon directly into his body, and then a chain was suddenly shot out, nailing one of the body's wings. He didn't watch it, but he killed himself in front of him, causing the wings to be ripped off. "An even more terrifying blood energy bombarded the dragon's body in its original form and fell on it, but the armor of the Ice Crystal God didn't seem to be broken, it existed tenaciously, for such a long time, so hard to resist from the ugly repeated attacks of smiling faces."

In the early morning rain, alone against the separated bodies of two crazy demons, at this moment, a towering temple suppressed the deep pool with an ancient sacred aura, a sacred aura rippling in the magical gas, Qing Chenyu, holding the A green cloud sword, facing one left, one right, two crazy demons, their fighting position is in the shadow of the original temple, facing such a terrible

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