Chariot of Doom

Chapter 825 Robbery

This is the majesty of the kingdom of the saints, even a strong man at the end of God can't compete with this power, at this time the hysteria of the evil ghost, looking at the leaves with a wild smile, eyes full of joy, At this time, Ye Hao felt the shackles being released. Tonight, the miraculous inflammation was an unbridled eruption of his own true power, which changed the sky of the leaves into a sacred flame. In this moment, is it really free in this moment? ! In this case, how to stop,

In fact, this is a void of nightmares, perhaps no longer within the scope of the cosmic battlefield, that is to say, this ordeal of twilight can truly burst out its own killing power,

"Say to me," at this time, the evil horror descended, the vortex of the flame became clear, the golden light was so dazzling, but with the most evil horror, layers of golden flames, even Ye Hao tried his best Doesn't seem to destroy one of those ripples either. Ye Hao gritted his teeth. At this moment, in the face of endless pressure, he cultivated a dynamic force. An insurmountable power was displayed, an ultimate holy sword appeared in Ye Hao's hands, and the aura continued to explode. This is an unparalleled holy sword,

"This little power also wants to resist me," Dusk smiled fiercely and evilly, without the power of the two holy gods, even if Ye Hao stimulated his potential infinitely at this time, without the power of the two holy gods, he would become a god at 41 Unbelievable power,. But his ability is beyond the scope of God's ability, perhaps more than a hundred times the power of God,

The power of the holy fire appeared, and even if there was a slight ripple in the twilight, the daemon still believed that this leaf could be completely wiped from the world. However, at this time, a force suddenly appeared.

Out of sight, a blank ripple appeared, and if nothing suddenly appeared, then a golden ripple of darkness at this time, an invincible fire, like a slammed fire, in the twilight, the demon felt his destruction Sex killing is being weakened and angry, and Ye Hao is a big blow in his heart. What's in the virtual air? He's been watching it all. Its power is not as powerful as the master of the cosmic battlefield, but on top of the inflammation of the demon spirit at night,

"Hold me," murmured the daemon in the twilight, heard by the foliage of the sky, and heard even by countless beings far from the sky, whose ghastly shadows were being struck by such a holy fire that it was Indelible terror.

"Rules must be followed here, too," said a voice in the gap, which had entered the heart of the Dusk Demon, and no one waited for it to continue roaring. "At least, I don't want to be bothered by the C'tan," he said. "

However, at this time, the dark golden sword and awn cut everything down, completely bombarding the golden circle of fire, the dark golden sword, and a war, at this time they collided with the terrifying circle with divine will, a wave The unbelievable pressure caused the sword of the holy sword to snap, and the leaves were enveloped in a wave of heat. Even the burning divine power of the starlight couldn't get rid of it, but at this moment in the night, the incomparably wild smile of the demon spirit's inflammation finally came together, because according to his original intention, the burning power of the fire should have killed Ye Hao completely, But it backfired. At this time, the limiting power finally appeared, confining the power of the flame to the realm of God. It's limited to the level at which it can be summoned, which again leaves the "Twilight" demons in a position of powerlessness.

But even in this case, there is still the unimaginable threat of the twilight, a sacred fire, too powerful even if it is so powerful, before astrology, those who struggled to die Astrology, in the middle of the life of God, comes in for only a brief moment in order to thwart the twilight charms that Francido summons. Now with the power of 22 gods, how powerful will be the power of summoning and blasting. Doomed to explode in vain,

"Burn", with an extremely terrible will to destroy in the eyes of the evening, at this time its attack was stopped, but still inspired by a more ferocious fire, it seemed to become a fiery snake, It appeared to transform into a fiery snake as it circled towards the sky of foliage. Too numb in the eyes of the fire snake, one punch could push Ye Hao into the deepest part of purgatory. Before fighting against the ring of fire, Ye Hao's angels were forced to cut off this incomparable holy god. At this time, there was still a trace of power in the holy sword, Ye Hao gritted his teeth, and threw the holy sword out. The impacting fire snake was wiped out immediately, while Ye Hao brandished the knife and shouted. Countless dark gold knives were directly intertwined and entangled into a terrifying knife disc, so the knife disc kept rotating, walking towards the night of the fire snake. Go, whoever felt the breath of Tian Zhan's self-immolation could only sneer, and the fire snake opened its mouth. At this time, it is fearless to bite the sharpest blade and cut flesh. The knife burned the fire, but what was even more terrifying was that the knife marks were burned directly, which made them burnt to ashes and suffered a heavy blow. In the blink of an eye, the power and sword dance of self-creation and fighting against the sky is almost lost.

"Give me a burst," roared, at this time Ye Hao's hand was as terrifying as a shooting star, but at dusk, the demon saw the law that contained the power of the stars and the power of the gods. The universe is so bombarded, the power of terror is so hard to crush, at this moment it suddenly explodes into the mouth of the fire snake. The sharp edge of the knife plate naturally seized this opportunity, and the sudden suicide vortex completely tore the huge snake head, breaking the latter form immediately.

"Well," Twilight said, "as usual, at this moment, the headless snake turned it into a body like a knife shield, and that's when it ran straight into the striped plate. "The force of the direct collision was so strong that the knife formation shattered.

"Bang", the sword shield is still coming, and the gap around it has been crushed by the impact. Ye Hao looked at Dao Shield, his eyes jumped. Lin Ming's sky is controlled by Ye Hao. Before it was crushed, the sky of leaves had a feeling. Knife

The shield is obviously made of fire, but no matter how strong it is, it is an active element of fire. But before that, Ye Hao even felt that the hardness of the shield was as dense as the holy armor. Under the irresistible force, this is a shocking phenomenon, and the sky pattern of the blade has been shattered. He has too much experience as a powerful holy fire, although he has not been able to build up his supreme mind as a powerful holy fire. In order to control the effect of this fire element to the limit,

The inflammation of the night devil is ultimately caused by the , its power is not stronger than that, even weaker than the leaf itself, but it is this power that is controlled by the night devil's divine will. He deciphered Ye Hao's tactics in the sky.

"A hundred thousand stars fell into the dust", with a dazzling look in his eyes, Ye Haobo was triggered by countless stars and turned into countless stars, when the sword and shield slammed, he was shocked by the first starry sky in front of him Broken, its impulse ceased. The entire starry sky was shaking violently, but Ye Hao rushed over immediately. There was an ancient desolate breath in his hand, and then Ye Hao killed the edge of a hundred thousand stars, facing the golden knife shield with a fire structure, clapped his hands, and the power of shocking heaven poured out.

Every grain of grain is intertwined, and the breath of chaos emerges, which is the word of chaos. Suddenly, one of them is incandescent heat, boundless, a dazzling light, a fierce sharpness, and a majestic domineering, which is chaos The fire food, the chaotic star grains, the chaotic dao grains, and the chaotic bursts. At this time, the four chaotic characters were excited together, and they lived on the shield of the golden knife, and on the gap, and the evil and fierce voices at night also appeared. coming,

"Quadruple chaos, do you think this is useful, I can easily crush you," a terrifying voice sounded, a wave of holy aura, in the twilight, on the inflamed sword shield of the demon spirit, there is a more terrifying The jumble of words, it's hot and scary like a font. These words are "incandescent lamp", "fire", "flame", "burn" and other disorganized characters, with extremely terrifying elements of fire, and hundreds of them are closely arranged. At this time, they even turned into a mystical formation. Although the power of this formation can only be seen as ordinary, once superimposed, it is terrifying, far surpassing Ye Hao's four times chaotic text.

Ye Hao seemed to see the night demon's eyes again, and happily killed the world-class genius. Although he was limited and couldn't get the real power of the divine level, he could only rely on this limited power to make people outrageous. It's not something you can compete with.

"Rumble", but on Ye Hao's blade, there is a new force rushing out, and the terrible killing may surge, as if this force shows an angry face with the power of collapse. This is the power of the law of anger, which was concealed by Dao Wei. Hundreds of chaotic "Night Demons" collided with the "law of anger", the font was directly destroyed, and the evil face became dangerous. Ye Hao's anger didn't surprise him, but Ye's counterattack increased his anger.

"There is but one way of death before you," said the night-ghost. In the center of the knife and shield, fiery waves sway, the heart of the leaf trembles, and the total amount of flames in front of you is actually not as much as the flames of your own black gold dragon. But there is an incomparable power that devours the void around it, making its fire more ferocious and terrifying, everything falls in the twilight, everything is over, this is the power of the night devil, the power of the holy flame, but even in the face of With this power, Ye Hao still gritted his teeth and never surrendered.

"It's useless to struggle again," said the cold voice, and the fiery twilight of the daemon came again, rolling itself into a ball of terrific fire toward the leafy sky. A tornado has more than one layer, but layers upon layers. Ten thousand floors, at this time of the night, one word represents a demon spirit, and each word contains a huge majesty. Anger seems to flow out of this majesty, making Ye Hao clearly understand that he used his own Power, unable to stop this extremely powerful pressure, God's body, unable to directly control, began to collapse, the heat of the golden sun and the hot tide could not be stopped, so it completely covered the entire starry sky. Hundreds of thousands of stars were burned by the fire, the stars continued to fall, time and space were distorted, and the bridges between 100,000 stars were cut off. This makes the situation even more tense.

"Dragon City is in chaos," another roar came from the golden starry sky, the blazing sun crazily shone in all directions, and dark golden flames gushed out to fight against the inflamed golden waves. This is a battle of fire. In contrast, the dark golden flame is as crazy as a dead man. The golden flame seems to be leisurely and proud. At this time, it is difficult to break the charge of the dark golden flame again and again. In Ye Hao's Move back and forth around the body. More flames kept approaching, as if to make the dark golden dragon's inflammatory burning factor disappear. Ye Hao felt that the flames of the dark golden dragon seemed to be extinguished, and the fire in front of him was too terrifying to be resisted by God's fire.

"Last time you ran away, you didn't really see the power of our planet. Today you should know what's the difference between cloud and mud, what's under the sage, all things are ants, what you call the world Super geniuses are just tough ants who can never reach the clouds or shake the world's trees. It doesn't help much, but he likes to say that he wants to twist the confidence of the world genius and torture the proudest pride of the day.

Dare to enter the battlefield of the universe with the body of the holy fire, the night demon inflammation is also a kind, but with great courage, but in fact he is so depressed on the battlefield of the universe that there is no invincible power to vent, violent heart Already hungry and thirsty, at this time, it is rare to be able to vent it. Once again, in the face of the Starfire God, he once said that he wanted to kill his world-class genius, and he naturally planned to severely humiliate this so-called world-class genius at this time. In order to show their invincibility and divine power,

"I said, I will kill you," Ye Hao's eyes were still blank, and at this time the burning sword came back again.

It was cut out, a brilliant arc cut through countless golden barriers, and a surging force reappeared, this is the force that pours down a leaf, a force that cuts down, in the magical inflammation of the night, in fact Is the gold that splits the inflamed wave, cuts into its core,

"Bang", a loud sound of destruction, the emptiness, a knife, so bright, so dazzling, like everything, a knife bursting with the glory of God, over the golden flame, so fast, so powerful So much so that it can completely see the path of the sword at this time, beyond the expectations of the night of Demonitis. However, his power is limited, and he has come up with countless plans, but he has not tried his best to stop them.

With a knife, he finally cut through the tide of inflammation and bombarded the center of the tide, as if turning into a giant sleeping golden strong rock. The dark gold knife is so fierce, so invincible, and a strong swallow, like a giant swallow The beast, cut down, the fire on it was so concentrated and frenzied that it suddenly went out. This happened in a very short period of time, but Ye Hao was also clearly aware of it. At this time, the entire wave of inflammation was unexpectedly eclipsed, and Ye Hao clearly felt that at this time, the continuous and terrifying artillery fire of the evil inflammation that night had weakened a little.

"Damn it, boys," said the damned voice of the Twilight Demon, controlling the tide and rushing toward the leaves with more ferocity than before, when he knew his case. Ye Hao's chopping seems to only make its core tremble, but in fact its effect is huge.

That sleeping giant, it was actually the source of Ye Xie's inflammation, at this moment he had to take action to reveal the original source, and Ye Hao directly hit his original source, although the incomparable power of the Holy Spirit just scratched it. It is impossible to really hurt him, but at this time he is in the state of being summoned, and once he is hit, his outgoing body will also be greatly disturbed, thus greatly reducing his fighting ability. Before, he still had nearly 20% God's power, but at this time, it suddenly dropped to 19, and it was still vulnerable.

This is unforgivable, the evil of the night is frightened, and the God of Starlight Burning really attacks his source, and even grabs his weakness, which is a great shame to the flame, and more powerful fire naturally pours out Go, didn't let Ye Hao burn to death vow not to stop,

Ye Hao looked at the terrifying golden tide, but the body around him also had the inflammation of the dark golden dragon, but at this time there was a kind of anger appearing in the inflammation of the dark golden dragon, which is the law of interference of anger. In the case of this force erupting, the dark golden dragon Yanyan resisted the approach of the evil inflammation of the night with the will of death. Although the golden fire snake sometimes swallowed or shredded the dragon's inflammation, more dragon's inflammation still came out. Vowed to fight the powerful enemy to the end, at this time of the night, being brought to the demon spirit by this momentum, although there is no slightest fear and wavering, but more and more irritable, the attack continues to run, causing the inflammation of the black gold dragon Constantly being devoured, just as a healthy man is flayed and cut, and the flesh is devoured by wild beasts. And the inflammation of the Dark Gold Dragon felt a strong pain, but it was put on hold at this time.

"Oh, there is a bone in the wind," he said with a smile in the evening, when he noticed that Ye Hao had a steady life, nourishing Ye Hao's body. At this time, the holy leaf of the resting emperor had also exhausted his ability to support Ye Hao under the attack of the holy fire, instead of falling down, his strength was affected by the impact of that damned night, but it had no effect , and became more and more violent.

"Strong", during this time, there was a sudden sound of a sword, and the green sword pierced through the void, but it directly passed through the head of the crazy demon who was originally smiling wryly. At this time, the painful smile is very strange. "It turned out that my eyes were a little dull. I would eventually be killed in the invincible sword. After killing the wry smile of Emperor Qingjian, I raised my head directly. With the sacred aura of the original temple and even Qingyun's sword, I stared at that Boundless golden fire, at dusk, the emperor stared at the evil spirit of the green sword, but somehow he felt as if he was on his back, a tingling sensation rolled around his body. It still lingering,

At this night, the demon became more and more anxious, and a huge wave continued to hit, but there was no real killer Ye Hao at the end of the 100,000 stars, knife array, etc. He knew that this attack would also cause Ye Hao It consumes a lot of energy, but his power is also limited, although it can be extracted by burning space, but this kind of squandering is bigger than Ye Hao's, and he really wants to keep fighting. It's hard to kill this star god,

Here, at last, in the direction of Frasildo's snarl, there was a snarl of rage that had froze from the very beginning of the call of the Evil of the Night.

"Don't you dare to do this, son of a mad genie," said the growl of the night devil, the strongest of which finally shook Fracido's body. Seeing Twilight was even more angry and roared: "You are afraid of this kind of waste, you dare not fight, if you loosen my seal at that time, run away by yourself."

But at this time, Frasildo still didn't answer, but a drop of blood finally appeared,

"Hush," Ye Hao took a breath of cold air at this time, his whole cold hair stood upright, the evil heat at night burned him into flesh and blood, he didn't feel that kind of horror, but at the moment when the light appeared, he just thought His star inflammation pattern and body are about to collapse directly.

Twilight didn't seem to notice this, and was still roaring, hitting the sky with a wave of golden inflammation on the one hand, but wrapping Frasiludo in golden gold on the other, actually trying to ignite Frasiludo Ludo, to seize the power of the mad genie and turn it towards the star god,

"Hush," at this moment, a force suddenly appeared, and Ye Hao only felt a chill in his heart. This cold feeling does not know how many times the cold has been compared to a cold iceberg. At this time, Ye Hao could clearly see that the

The golden sun on Duo's body suddenly dispersed, followed by a terrifying lethal force gushing out from the golden sun. The golden color suddenly disappeared, and Ye Hao seemed to hear a howl, but from the inflammation of the demon at night, at this moment he seemed to be in pain, as if he saw an extremely unbelievable horror, but in Ye Hao's eyes, there was a Seed blood, fulfill the emptiness and come,

This is how a blood-colored light strikes, its diameter is only a few hundred miles, but it looks so deep, strange, even terrifying, a blood-colored light seems invincible, tearing apart time and emptiness around it. This beam of light seemed to extend infinitely, penetrating the other side of the void. At this time, its target was obvious, and that was the leaves.

A similar feeling appeared in Ye Hao. He has experienced many battles, and he has the feeling of being killed and locked up a lot. However, such killings are very rare. Ye Hao could tell that the blood-colored beam of light was the light of the eyes, the ultimate killer of Fraxilo's eyes.

"Open," a roar, the leaf sky seems to have tried its best to split the knife in front, the dark golden light, the blood-red beam of light stayed in the void for a while, but with a more ferocious and terrifying momentum Tore up the dark golden sword and directly attacked Ye Hao. At this time, no matter how hard Ye Hao tried, he couldn't escape, and the blood also flashed out. But he tore a piece of black gold from the sky of leaves,

That is the wind dome Yanliao, the super artifact sent by Feng Gang Yuansheng broke open at this time, Ye Hao's divine wing turned into a broken feather at this time, the broken feeling was revealed in Ye Hao, the blood red light finally passed, But it's not over yet.

In front of his eyes, a crazy demon in bloody clothes stood there, holding two bloody disasters in his hand at the same time. These two gory scourges are no longer in the form of black magic swords, but they are both bent and twisted. It looked like a serpentine plate, ignited with a terrible flame of crimson gold in gold, and by this time the dreadful sword had expanded to a full length. There is nothing discordant in the hands of Franciludo, but with such terrible destruction, such a family possesses two magic swords, but a sprawl of an unusually evil realm, obviously without any red and black colors, but Such a void is distorted and broken, and even the surrounding golden flames, the power of night magic are squeezed out, and even destroyed,. Francildo had a huge smile on her face, but it was so creepy,

At this moment, the voice of the voice rose, the voice was very sweet, and there was a little childishness in it, and the magical magic was pouring out at that time. At this time, Ye Hao vaguely saw a magical shadow behind Francido, bigger than any shadow Ye Hao had ever seen. It was the real soul in his life, but it wasn't like this, because the breath was too violent and terrible. Ye Hao could only see this ferocious face, which seemed to be full of hatred and destruction of everything in the world,

"Five hundred years, kill ~ become empty~" It seems that the laughter with terrifying magic at this time hit Ye Hao's idol hard, as if the pure and innocent voice contained an unbelievably strong emotion The concept of destruction, at this time the leaves have changed their appearance, and the power of the tree is obviously stronger than before.

The "law of the highest peak destruction" has no time to frighten, but Ye Hao can only use all his strength to fully release the terrifying power, and once again cut out the incomparable holy spirit. At this moment, there is no power at all. But at this moment, a destructive storm is approaching, and the terrifying destructive power is unfolding. Before Ye's eyes, the destructive power is infinite, and this power is invisible and without any nature. But you can clearly see that the time and space around them are chaotic, and then they are smashed, and Ye Hao's god can't be detected at all, because once it is discovered, it will be destroyed by such a terrifying destructive force. Even though the light and other powers are gone, Ye Hao's eyes are just a hazy vanity, but Ye Hao can still vaguely see Frasildo's smiling face, that laughter is not a natural sound, but like the death of a bell ,

"500 years. Killing is empty," Ye Hao gritted his teeth, feeling the huge destructive force. I can't believe this time, breaking the law of destruction at the peak. Once the most dreadful decree of our age has been enacted, the influence of progress is too great. "Now, Fracido's power must have reached 23, maybe even 24, into the power of God.

Faced with such a thing, how did Ye Hao face him? You must know that before Ye Hao painted Ping, ah, the one or two greatest powers of God did not seem to be many. But even in such a pinnacle battle, a dime difference can turn the tide.

At this time, the pressure from here is coming, and the so-called 500-year killing is even more terrifying. This force is clearly a self-invented battle of the sky. Indeed, this one still has a card. It was at this time that he invented the skills of creating and fighting against the sky.

500 years of carnage and emptiness almost as shattered as the sky. They are purely destructive forces. But as the storm of destruction approached, Ye Hao felt even more terrifying pressure, a force that distorts time. A terrifying law of killing was emerging, and so many phantoms appeared in front of Ye Hao that a young man in a bloody suit walked on the field, bleeding with a magic sword, surrounded by countless corpses. The blood of the sky. The young man who was walking kept waving a magic sword. Creatures and demons kept appearing in front of his eyes. The number seemed endless, but the creatures were afraid, faced death, took up the sword, and fell on them. hands. The randomly swept world is empty, he just kills like this, keeps killing, there is no tiredness in his eyes, there is only the joy and joy of killing, the power of the curse is appearing, the sky is coming to rob and punish, but all this is ignored . In the end, after five hundred years of killing, the young man stood on the top of the dead mountain blood, smiling with his back turned, and with a magic fist

The dharma sword buzzed, releasing broken rays of light, waving all light and life,

This is the power of 500 years of killing. This is the experience. Ye Hao doesn't know when he experienced it, but it is obvious that he wants to kill. It is to keep pouring your own life into time and space, and let them continue to kill, but the time is as long as 500 years. 500 years of continuous killing, at any time, the lives of billions of people are destroyed, that is too serious a crime But it turned into the power of a crazy demon, and at this moment, five hundred years of killing seemed empty, enough to distort the timeline, split it, and possess incredible destructive power.

So Flanido gripped the sword, which was severely disturbed by the forces that distort space-time, and seemed to howl. It's already Destroyer, the Scourge of Blood, and like, it's a disaster and a disaster indeed. The more and more distorted form seems to reveal its ugliness, that terrible sword that truly has great destructive power, at this moment, it uses not only one handle, but two, as if it is a pile of time and space, at this moment The sea of ​​blood in Time Death Mountain seems to be reversing time and space as well. The surrounding force field is the truest will to destroy and the ultimate form of killing,

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