Chariot of Doom

Chapter 827 Understanding

After all this, Ye Hao was out of breath and pale.

"You are." Shi Si was surprised to hear Ye Hao's real voice.


Ye Hao didn't explain, he managed to stand up, walked staggeringly deep into the mountain forest, he used a bone weapon, he was weak.

Shi Ji ran up to Ye Hao and shouted, "Get on my back!"

Ye Hao was a rock chicken that went straight to the back, and Shi Ji immediately took Ye Hao deep into the forest.

At the same time, in the valley, the four "soul holes" behind Lao Xu gradually disappeared, his chest heaved for a while, and then suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood on the ground, the whole person seemed to be a young man, very haggard.

Old Xu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked up at the valley, his eyes were red, his face was full of anger, and he gritted his teeth: "Destroy the old man's soul hole, I'm afraid the old man's restoration will stop here forever." If the old man doesn't kill you, he is not people! "

The aura of the cave spirit exploded completely, and he turned into a rainbow and flew out of the valley.

Ye Hao didn't know, but his blow directly destroyed the soul cave of a monk in the Soul Cave Temple. If the boundary monk of a soul cave was broken, it would be difficult to reopen one and destroy the foundation.

Old Xu was hit into a soul hole by Ye Hao and suffered a heavy blow. He's worried that he's not half of what he was in his prime, but that's not what makes Lao Xu most angry. What made Lao Xu most angry was that he worried that it would be difficult for him to go further.

If you don't kill Ye Hao, Lao Xu will never give up. Shi Ji hugged Ye Hao in the forest, and Ye Hao was trying to compress the Yuan Dynasty liquid. The blow just now had completely exhausted his Yuanyang strength, and he needed to replenish his Yuanqi as soon as possible.

At a later moment, Old Xu sneered and said, "You can't escape."

His voice was heard clearly from a distance, and the forest was full of echoes, deafening.

Shi Ji's face is heavy, just now there are five soul holes behind Lao Xu, that is, Lao Xu opened five soul holes, it is the fifth soul hole, so powerful, she can't compete.

Although Shiji's practice is the pinnacle of the second realm, and only one line away from the third realm, her strength is still very different from the practitioners of the third realm, especially the world's fifth largest cultivator, Lao Xu, etc. Compared with practitioners, her strength is still very different.

Although Old Xu has been destroyed by Ye Hao, and a soul hole has been greatly reduced, Shi Ji is still unlikely to be Old Xu's opponent.

As for Ye Hao. At that time, he didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone Lao Xu's opponent. If they were chased by Xu, their chances of surviving were slim.

"Damn it, Mo Tengfei, this old guy's repair is actually a soul hole!" Zhigui couldn't help cursing.

"Mo Tengfei's identity is certainly not simple." Ye Hao said.

Hearing Ye Hao's speech, Shi Ji relaxed a little, and said not too angry: "You kid hides very deeply!"

"If I don't hide deeper, you are afraid that they are still in your hands." Ye Hao smiled.

"Well, for your son to save my life, I will forgive you." Shiki snorted.

Suddenly, Old Xu's cold laughter came from behind: "The old man saw you, don't you think you can escape from the old man's eyes?"

"The old man is catching up!" Shiki's face was heavy.

Ye Hao turned his eyes and said in his heart: "That weapon of mine just now has definitely hurt him, otherwise with his strength, it is impossible for him not to catch up with us so far..." But this old Piff is a soul hole after all, Even if he is injured, Shiki and I cannot be his opponents. "

Considering this, he said to Shi Ji: "We must leave Calabash Qishan immediately and go to the water prison."

"What are you doing in the water dungeon? Don't you think the old man wouldn't dare fight us when we got to the water dungeon? Don't you forget that people in the water dungeon fight with each other, and neither the warden nor the deputy administrator cares." Shiki shook his head.

"No, we are going to the Water Prison. As long as we return to the Water Prison, we will be safe." Ye Hao said that as long as he showed his air-conditioning Qi Daxiu, the deputy general manager would of course be willing to help him deal with Lao Xu.

Shi Ji didn't understand why Ye Hao was so sure. She just wanted to ask why Ye Hao suddenly blew out a strong breath from behind them, and Lao Xu's spirit followed stealthily: "The old man said you can't run away!"

There was a loud noise, and waves of pressure rolled in from behind the two of them. Ye Hao turned his head, and a big khaki-colored palm rushed towards him, and Shi Si slapped it.

Shi Ji also saw the big khaki hands behind her. She dodged quickly, but she and Ye Hao were still slapped by khaki hands. The two were thrown up like kites and fell from a dozen feet.

The two tried to sit up, coughing up their blood.

Old Xu walked towards the two of them slowly, looked at Ye Hao, and said with a sneer, "The old man said, you can't run away either!"

Ye Hao looked up at Lao Xu, rolled his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I didn't expect you to take that bone weapon from the young master." Old Xu smiled and said, "Young master and I were deceived by you."

He has a bone weapon in his heart? Was it the weapon that broke the old guy's soul hole?

"Hand over the bone weapon!" Old Xu said coldly.

Ye Hao sneered: "If I give you something, will you let us go?"

"Hey, if you hand over that bone weapon yourself, the old man may consider letting you all die. Otherwise, the old man will make your life worse." Old Xu smiled strangely.

Ye Hao smiles

and said, "If you want a bone weapon, get it yourself."

Not long ago, Lao Xu still had a lingering fear of the hero's camera. He walked towards Ye Hao slowly. He is very alert. As long as Ye Hao suddenly sacrificed a bone weapon, he was sure that he could attack and kill Ye Hao on the spot.

Seeing Lao Xu walking slowly, Ye Hao suddenly smiled and said: "Since you know Bone Weapon, you must know that Bone Weapon was chosen by me from the very beginning, not by your young master, do you know why? ?”

"Why?" Old Xu smiled.

"Because that bone weapon originally belonged to my family, and only my family can use it." Ye Hao said, of course he would brag, he didn't know where the bone weapon came from.

Lao Xu heard what Mo Tengfei said. He knew that the bone weapon flew towards Ye Hao on its own initiative, so he had no doubts about what Ye Hao said, because he knew that many big treasures would automatically recognize their owners.

The five swords of the Kingdom of South Manchuria are such treasures, and no one among ten thousand people can make these five swords recognize the Lord. If the bone weapon is really such a treasure, then even if the bone weapon is snatched, it probably won't be used.

Ye Hao laughed again, and said, "If you promise me one condition, I will tell you how to get the bone weapon to admit to the master."

"Do you want me to spare you?"

Ye Hao shook his head. "of course not."

Old Xu was surprised. "How are you doing?"

"I want to taste a woman before I die." Ye Hao said looking at Zhigui.

Both Shi Ji and Lao Xu were dizzy. After a while, Shi Ji blushed, and Lao Xu smiled.

"As you can see, we are all injured now. With your persuasion, is it impossible for us to escape?" Ye Hao said.

"Don't let me know you're lying, kid," Old Xu said with a smile. "If you can't tell me how to accept your master, the old man will let you die!"

Ye Hao smiled, stood up and walked towards the stone chicken. His steps were a little frivolous, and he looked weak.

Seeing that Ye Hao was really coming, Shi Ji couldn't help but panic and said: "You." Are you really coming? "

Ye Hao didn't answer her words, he turned his head to look at Lao Xu, smiled and said, "Do you want to appreciate it?"

"Hey, you're a crafty boy. I can't leave you two here alone." Old Xu smiled.

Ye Hao said helplessly: "In that case, you will help us find a quiet cave, and then you can stay outside the cave all the time."

Old Xu's eyes were shining, and he said with a smile, "Yes."

At present, Ye Haoshiji and Lao Xu are indeed looking for the cave.

Soon, they found a cave, but Ye Hao shook his head and said, "It's too dirty and smelly, change it."

"Hmm! Do you have a choice?" Old Xu snorted coldly.

But Ye Hao insisted, and said: "Anyway, I'm going to die, and I can't treat myself badly before I die. To be honest, the bone weapon is now in my Danhai. If you forcibly rob me, I will blow up the Danhai, and the bone weapon will also be destroyed." will be ruined." How can you go back to your young master? "

Old Xu's eyes flashed, and he said coldly, "Let's go!" He turned around and took the lead, and started looking for the cave again.

Ye Hao followed Lao Xu without delay, very calmly.

Shi Ji also had to admire Ye Hao for being so calm under such circumstances, and she couldn't help thinking: "Didn't he have some plans?"

Lao Xu then found several caves, but Ye Hao refused for various reasons and refused to go in.

Finally, at the entrance of the ninth mountain, Ye Hao nodded with satisfaction, "This is the place, the tired old gentleman is watching the wind for us outside."

Old Xu's mouth twitched, and he sneered, "Son, what kind of trick do you most want to play, otherwise the old man will definitely let you die!"

"If this old man is ten times stronger than me, I'll try to tease him. You can't do that, can you?" Ye Hao smiled and winked at Shi Ji, he took the lead into the cave, Shi Ji hurried away come over.

"The old man gave you half an hour!" Old Xu snorted coldly, and sat down at the mountain pass.

In the cave, after walking a few steps, Shi Ji couldn't help asking: "Is there anything you can't do?"

Ye Hao shook his head. "What can I do?" If I had a choice, I would have run away. "

Shiki looked dead gray.

Ye Hao said with a smile: "Anyway, we are dying, let's take this opportunity to have fun."

Shi Ji sighed and walked deep into the cave without saying a word.

Ye Hao blinked and followed him.

Outside the cave, Old Xu said to himself: "Hey, this boy looks really desperate." After going deep into the cave and coming to an empty place in the cave, Shi Ji stopped. She turned around and said to Ye Hao, "Is this okay?"

Ye Hao looked around and said, "Well, he shouldn't hear us anymore."

Shi Shi Yurong blushed slightly, not knowing what to think.

"I was afraid he would hear us, so I said there was no way to escape." "Now he can't hear us," Ye Hao said.

Shi Ji was both happy and ashamed. Fortunately, she doesn't think Ye Hao really has a way to get rid of Lao Xu. To her shame, she immediately regained her composure and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Pay attention to the difference between this cave and some caves we have been to before." Ye Hao said.

Shiki looked around carefully and found nothing different.

"Wind!" Ye Hao said: "In the cave we went to before, there was no wind blowing out of the cave, only this cave has it, which means that even if we enter this cave, we can find other exits."

Shi Ji's color changed, and at this time she wanted to know everything about Ye Hao, and she couldn't help admiring Ye Hao's wit.

Seeing the hole in front, Ye Hao said: "Let's keep going, we will find the exit, but we don't have much time, only half an hour, and then the old man will catch up."

"let's go"

Ye Hao took the lead to enter the entrance, and Shi Ji hurried over.

As they went deeper into the cave, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and there seemed to be a vent in front of them. However, when they came to the end of the cave, they found that there was a stone door at the end of the cave, which blocked the way, and the wind blew out from the cave.

"Try and see if you can open it!"

Ye Hao held the door with his hands and moved the Shimen. The other half of the Shimen was the Shimen, but the Shimen didn't move, and the two of them were already injured. After a few hard pulls, they both sat limp on the ground, looking at each other with bitter smiles.

"Looks like we can't get out," Shiki laughed.

Ye Hao looked up at Shimen, frowned and said, "What is this place?"

"Wait a minute when the old man arrives, we're all going to die. What are we still thinking about?" Shiki sighed.

"After all, we are not dead." Ye Hao smiled.

"You son of a bitch can still laugh." Shi Ji shook his head and suddenly asked, "Is what you said true?"

"What do you think?" Ye Hao was taken aback.

Shi Jiyurong blushed slightly, lowered her head and said, "You just told that guy..."

"Of course it's not true. Although my Ye Hao is not a good person, he won't take advantage of people's danger."

Shi Ji immediately raised her face and snorted: "Is this girl so unbeautiful?"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Sister Shi Ji was born beautiful."

"Stop!" Shi Ji waved his hand. "Women in this family are born beautiful, and this girl has nothing to do with that."

Without waiting for Ye Hao to speak, she said, "Anyway, we are going to die."

Before she finished speaking, the sound of footsteps would come from the dark cave. At the same time as Ye Hao, she saw a person walking out of the darkness, and said with a smile, "It seems that God doesn't want you to escape from the old man alive."

It was Lao Xu.

"The old man said, if you play tricks again, the old man will kill you!"

Xu Qi laughed, and the whole person suddenly turned into the afterimage of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao also sacrificed the bone weapon almost at the same time, the bone weapon appeared, the light was so bright that the whole cave was shaken by it, woo, the bone weapon directly stabbed Lao Xu.

Old Xu rushed back, trying to avoid the attack of the bone weapon, but slowly, the bone weapon was pierced into his chest. At the critical moment, he opened four soul holes, and all four soul holes were in front of him, forming a four-fold defense.

With a loud bang, the bone weapon pierced the soul hole and was blocked, Ye Hao, who was resistant to the impact, flew straight up and hit the back of the stone gate.

This time, Lao Xu's four soul holes were used to resist the bone weapon at the same time, and the bone weapon failed to hurt Lao Xu.

"Hey, where's your magic? How many times can you manipulate him?" Xu Qi smiled and strode towards Ye Hao.

Shi Ji hit the air blade and chopped it up to Lao Xu, just as Lao Xu waved his hand, the powerful mana swept out and shattered the air blade. Therefore, old Xu Linggong pointed to the historical records, and he condensed into one finger, covering the "Historical Records".

Seeing the fingerprints approaching, Shi Ji rushed out, suddenly formed an air wave, and was impacted by the fingerprints. With a light sound, the air dissipated, and the fingerprints poked the grouse's forehead.


"Hey, fight to the end!"

Old Xu Xinbu walked up to Ye Hao, bent down, and grabbed Ye Hao's head.


Suddenly, the Shimen shook violently, Lao Xu stopped his hands, and looked up at the Shimen.


The vibration of Shimen became stronger, and the vibration of the entire cave was also stronger.

"What's going on?" Old Xu's face changed a little.

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from behind the stone gate: "Haha, the sky can't stop me!" God forbid me! "

The laughter was like thunder, and the three Ye Hao were dizzy.

With a loud noise, the stone door opened, air flow gushed out, and three Ye Hao's clothes were shot and hunted. A figure flashed out, rushed to Lao Xu, and retreated hastily, but that person was too fast. Old Xu just took a step back, and the man patted the sky.

Click, Lao Xu's head was shattered, turned into flesh and blood, and died on the spot.

Both Ye Hao and Shi Ji were taken aback.

The man threw his hand into the air, and the bone weapon fell into his hand. Then he grabbed Ye Hao's back and flew back to Shimen, which closed with a roar.

Only Shiki is left in Shimen.

Shi Ji rushed to the stone gate, knocked hard on the door, and shouted: "Xiaofan!" Xiaofan! "

But there was no movement behind the stone gate. She knocked for a long time before stopping, sat weakly on the ground, and murmured: "Were you killed by that person?"


Behind the stone gate.

Ye Hao was thrown heavily on the ground by that person, he yelled without pain, he looked up at the people who brought him in, they were like mummies. The whole person is only bones and skin,

The hair is shaggy and lifeless.

If it wasn't for the person who caught him in front of him, Ye Hao would have thought he saw a dead body.

Ye Hao looked from the side and found that behind the stone gate was a stone room with only one layer of futon inside.

"What a strange weapon" At this moment, the corpse suddenly opened, with a hoarse and ancient voice.

Ye Hao looked at the mummy's body, which was looking at his bone weapon.

After a while, the corpse threw the bone weapon to Ye Hao and said, "Put it away, this thing is not easy for others to see, otherwise you will be killed."

Ye Hao thought of moving, the bone weapon flashed, and walked into his pill sea, then he managed to stand up, clenched his fists and said: "Thank you for saving your life."

"Hehe, if you don't look at you, you can use weapons. Repairing is the eighth level of condensation. Do you think I will save you?" The corpse laughed.

"After all, my elders saved my life." Ye Hao smiled.

"Don't be too busy thanking me because I'll kill you anyway if you don't do what I want." Mummy. Hey, laugh.

Ye Hao flashed his eyes and asked, "I don't know what the older generation wants the younger generation to do."

The corpse didn't speak, he went to the wall of the stone room, knocked on the wall, with a click, the wall fell down, there was an entrance, and a strong wind blew from the entrance.

"It turns out that the wind I felt before came from here." Ye Hao's heart was moving.

The "follow me" mummy was the first to enter the entrance.

Ye Hao must follow.

Crossing the sidewalk, Ye Hao and the mummy came to an open-air platform surrounded by mountains at the bottom of the valley.

There is a silver-white weapon on the platform, shining silver, and the bottom of the valley is almost full of silverware.

"Pull it out!" The mummies looked at Ye Hao.

"Elder, can I ask you a question?" Ye Hao said.

"If you want to ask me why I made you pull it out, you don't have to ask." "Unless you can pull it out," said the corpse. Ye Hao stepped onto the podium, and the silver weapon covered him. He walked slowly to the weapon, took a deep breath, and grasped the handle, the weapon trembling.

The mummy under the platform saw the shaking of the silver weapon, and the ordinary eyes suddenly flashed, full of anticipation.

Ye Hao grabbed the silver weapon. After exerting force, he thought that the membership fee was very strong, but to his surprise, the silver weapon was easily pulled out. He used too much force, and the whole person involuntarily took a few steps back.

Look at that silver weapon, it is now a large work of a weapon, dazzling.

Ha ha. The mummies laughed and said, "It's true that the sky didn't give me a pulse!"

Ye Hao looked at the corpse and asked, "What should I do next, my elders?"

"Do you know the name of the weapon in your hand?" the corpse asked with a smile.

If Ye Hao shook his head, he wouldn't know.

"This is called a wandering weapon!" said the corpse. "This is the missionary treasure house of my holy religion. There are five prohibitions that limit its power. If you want to use its true power, you must untie it yourself."

"Tianyan? Wandering weapon?" Ye Hao had never heard of Wandering.

"Langji disappeared a thousand years ago, so it's not surprising that I haven't heard of Langji." The corpse said, "I'm the last patriarch of Langji, Zhang Xian!"

He stopped and said: "Since you have been approved by Wandering Weapon, you are the eighteenth patriarch of my Celestial Clan."

Ye Hao seems to have changed a little bit, and it may be difficult to become the master of Yanzong this day.

Sure enough, Zhang Xian went on to say: "In the future, you will have a chance to succeed, rush out of the sky together, and avenge me today!"

"One day!" Ye Hao was very surprised. Isn't that day the day when Yanzong was extinct?

The first religion in the Isle of Man is not easy to deal with. Ye Hao said: "With my own strength, do you think you can fight against heaven?"

"With your talent, as time goes by, you may not be able to cope with the sky." Zhang Xian laughed: "I won't let you be with the sky now, anyway, I have been waiting for thousands of years, and I won't wait any longer Hundreds of years."

Hundreds of years later, it is acceptable for Ye Hao to find a day to settle the bill. At this moment, he bowed and said: "The younger generation is willing to be the master of the emperor."

Zhang Xian said with a smile: "Whether you can become the master of my wandering sect also depends on whether you can understand the great Yan weapon."

He looked around the mountains and said, "Do you know how this world came about?"

The hero shook his head.

"Exploring how the world came to be is the goal we have pursued for generations." Zhang Xianxian said: "Through exploring the world, my ancestors discovered great things. There are more than fifty great things, and nine of them are wandering weapons. general rule!"

Ye Hao looked at Zhang Xian blankly, and asked, "How many great generalizations are there?"

Heaven, earth, five days, earth, seven, eight, nine, ten, five days of abandonment, fifty days of festivals, a total of fifty days. Zhang Xian said.

Ye Hao was even more confused.

Zhang Xian also said: "One single in the sky; two pairs in the earth; three pairs in the sky: one single pair; four pairs in the earth; one single pair in the fifth day; six and three pairs in the earth; one single and three pairs in the seventh day; eight and four pairs in the earth." Right; nine days, one single and four pairs; earth ten: five pairs." The first day, the third day, the fifth day, the seventh day and the ninth day are five days, one day, ten days or five days. Two, four, six, eight and ten are fifteen pairs, or thirty pairs. Every day there are ten pairs hidden and dozens of pairs on the ground, and there are also fifty pairs. "

Ye Hao frowned, seeming to understand.

Zhang Xianxian explained in different ways: "Tai Chi has two children, the sun and the moon are born at 04:00, the five elements are born, the five elements are December, December is 24 years old, and 50 years old is because of the large number."

"What does nine out of forty mean?" Ye Hao asked again.

"Tai Chi was one of those who left!" Zhang Xian explained.

"What is Tai Chi?" Ye Hao asked again.

Zhang Xian explained patiently: "You can understand it as the way of heaven."

Suddenly, Ye Hao said: "Can I understand? If 50 people stand in the prescribed order, there is only one way to stand, but if one person is taken away, but there are still 50 places, there will be endless changes." The ones who are taken away are the ones who escape. "

Zhang Xian's pupils flinched, and he sighed secretly: "What a miraculous understanding!"

For someone first introduced to such a simple metaphor, it would be impossible to describe the "massive generalization".

"Elder, one of them should be the key to controlling the evolution of the entire world, this is what you call the way of heaven." Ye Hao said with a smile: "That's why I said that the great all-rounder is 50 people, 9 out of 40 people, Am I right?"

Zhang Xian took a deep look at Ye Hao, nodded, "You're right."

"Can I start learning how to shoot now?" Ye Hao asked.

Zhang Xian nodded and said: "The Wild Goose Artillery has a total of 49 basic weapon methods, but it can be derived from endless changes, as long as you understand the overall situation of the 49 types of weapons, and then learn more about its future. changes, the weapons law must not lose those primary weapons."

As he said that, Zhang Xian waved his sleeves, and Ye Hao immediately shone on the light screen on the terrace, and the one-way pattern suddenly surfaced.

"In order to understand these styles, we studied 49 styles of this great weapon." Zhang Xian said.

Instead of following these patterns, Ye Hao said: "Older generation, my friends are still outside, you..."

Before Zhang Xian finished speaking, he became cold: "After I die, you can do whatever you want, but not now, you must start to understand this great weapon immediately."

Ye Hao raised eyebrows, why did Zhang Xian say such a thing, look at his appearance. Is he really dying?

Zhang Xian seemed to know what Ye Hao was thinking, and said: "Actually, I died a thousand years ago. You see me now, but I am a living dead."

"The living dead?" Ye Hao was surprised.

"Since you're in this place, there's an injunction preventing the passage of life." "I'm a dying man," Zhang said. "Without these bans, I would be a dead bone."

Ye Hao has changed, and it is definitely not easy to leave behind the bans of these forbidden mages.

"After so many years, the ban here has begun to disintegrate. The ban will disappear completely for up to 7 days." Zhang Xian said: "Finally, in the past seven days, you have learned to shoot. Otherwise, if the ban fails, you will definitely Attract strongmen nearby." You'll eventually leave before the ban completely collapses, but even if someone does come, they can't do anything to you, hey, because when the ban starts to collapse, once it's close to the limits of the ban, it's There will be a strong suppressive force. It will be repressed to the four levels of the spiritual realm. "

After a pause, he said: "When I asked that old man to put down the suppression ban, it was to prevent someone from forcibly breaking the ban and stealing the inheritance of my holy sect, hehe, once their dynasty change is suppressed." Before the collapse, they didn't have enough strength to dig out the law inheritance of Shitai. When the ban was completed, the stone platforms had been destroyed and they could not obtain a legal inheritance. "

Ye Hao secretly thought, carefully arranged.

"Your practice is not advanced enough, the most important thing now is to understand these methods first, and then keep them firmly in your heart." Zhang Xian said.

Ye Hao nodded and sat on the floor. Presently he was completely silent in the contemplation of the Gauls.

With the experience of the law, coupled with Ye Hao's understanding, and a high degree of consistency in the law, he believes that he will learn to develop the weapon law within seven days.

In a flash, after five days, Ye Hao has learned most of the patterns, only a few people have not yet understood, and it is also very fast.

In fact, bans began to collapse en masse. The already withered body of Zhang Xian became even more withered. He sat on the ground, looked up at Ye Hao, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth: "The sky can't stop me."

His breath was completely gone, and he had sat down.

Almost at the same time, a voice came from outside the valley: "Will that demon fox be at the bottom of the valley?"

"Go down and have a look."

In his speech, a dozen characters fly out of a valley, fall to the bottom, and the bottom falls to the bottom very quickly.

Ye Hao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at that person. He also saw Ye Hao sitting on the platform. The people who suddenly came to the bottom of the valley were actually Jiang Chuan and eight spiritual monks, all of whom were subordinates of Mo Tengfei.

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