Chariot of Doom

Chapter 838 Trouble

Soon, he came to Shiji's hut and told her what happened to him.

Shi Ji looked at Ye Hao and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's not as good as you." Ye Hao smiled.

"You are the deputy warden of our water prison," Shi Ji said in a bad mood. "This girl dare not hurt you."

"It's okay, you can do your best." Ye Hao smiled.

"Yes!" Shi Jimei flashed past, smiled and said, "Where are we going?"

"Outside" Ye Hao said.

The two left the sink immediately. Shi Ji came to the dense forest outside the water prison and said with a smile: "What the hell are you doing?" If you only have four days to be in a state of intimacy, if I try my best, will you suffer a huge loss ? "

Ye Hao smiled and said, "You just think I'm a fourth layer of air."

"Okay then! I will use the same method to deal with you!"

When she flew towards Ye Hao with a black knife in her hand, Shi Ji suddenly pounced on Ye Hao, like an arrow far away from the rope.

Ye Hao thought of a movement, Dan Hai's Yan weapon in the sky immediately appeared in his hand, the big weapon buzzed towards Shiji, and the weapon swallowed. Shi Ji slashed the knife on the tip of the weapon, and the needle tip splashed sparks in Mamang.

Even though Shi Ji is a chained monk, she's still agitated by the stray weapon. She's secretly appalled. No wonder the kid can practice aerial skills.

"Don't be distracted when playing with me." Ye Hao smiled all over his face, Tianyan's weapon trembled, his weapon glow swallowed, and he went away to cover Shi Ji.

Shi Ji wielded the black sword, dispelled the face of the weapon, and immediately killed Ye Hao by stomping on the ground, pointing the knife directly at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao held a weapon in his hand, hit several weapons like lightning, and collided with a small black knife while the noise was endless.

Suddenly, two people killed on the spot. Deep in the dense forest, there are signs everywhere in the past, and the leaves are fluttering.

Suddenly, I heard Seji yelling: "No way!" It's impossible to be like you, I'm not your match! "

"You can speed it up and rebuild it."


Then they met again, until at last half an hour they stopped and came out of the forest.

Shi Ji looked a little tired, but looked at Ye Hao affectionately, and didn't like to say: "Don't ask me to practice with you in the future, I can't afford the trouble."

"No, don't forget that I am now a deputy executive." Ye Hao smiled and took the lead into the water prison.

Shi Ji looked at Ye Hao vigorously, and walked into the water prison.

In the next few days, apart from consolidating his position, Ye Hao went to Shiji every day to "exchange opinions". Although Shi Ji didn't try her best, she was almost comparable to the fifth-level spiritual realm, but he couldn't help but become Ye Hao.

If the stone tools only use the spiritual realm comparable to Ye Hao's quadruple practice, then only one copy will be lost.

On the sixth day, the people who killed the department found Ye Hao and asked Ye Hao to carry out the mission with them tomorrow. Although the person who killed the department didn't say what the mission was, Ye Hao knew that most of the so-called missions were the five emperors' own tests.

In this mission, someone may come to test his identity, and if his identity is revealed, others will surely go to brutally kill him.

Although the intention of the five kings has been roughly guessed, Ye Hao still has to leave.

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