Chariot of Doom

Chapter 840 Rude

As Zhang Han spoke, he flew out of his hiding place and rushed straight at the man in white.

Ye Hao and others also stood up from their hiding places one after another, surrounded by big men in green clothes.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The big man in Tsing Yi had eyebrows, glanced at Ye Hao and so on.

"The man who killed you!" A butcher sneered, and walked towards the big man in Tsing Yi, and a dozen other people followed his hand, and each of them shot into the air, killing the big man in Tsing Yi from all directions at the same time .

"I don't know!" The green man snorted and offered magic and amulets to the sky, turning into countless feathers, and the feathers splashed into the air like arrows, smashing the blades of the air.

Then, the big man in Tsing Yi chopped off the hands of the three people who killed them, and the two-meter-long wings filled with letters were chopped off.


A scream sounded, and the three were cut off directly by the wings. After landing, the upper body was still struggling.

"He, it's impossible for him to enter the soul hole for the first time!" Everyone else in the killing department was shocked.

Ye Hao was also surprised, he swam around looking for Zhang Han's whereabouts, but saw Zhang Han and the white people fighting all the way to the depths of the mountain forest, where the old trees were broken and amulets were everywhere.

Zhang Han actually fell in the wind, and he might soon lose to the man in white.

At this moment, the big man in Tsing Yi fired another weapon and killed three people, leaving only six people by Ye Hao's side.

The big man in Tsing Yi glanced at Ye Hao and snorted: "Who are you?" Why ambushed us here? "

Ye Hao didn't say anything.

"Since you don't want to say anything, no one is leaving today," the big man in Tsing Yi muttered.

He opened the weapon again, turning the rune into the wings that killed Ye Hao, etc. Ye Hao had no other way except the eight barren roads, and the speed of others was not as fast as him, and they all died under the wings.

Ye Hao was the only one who besieged the big man in Tsing Yi.

The big man did not continue to deal with Ye Hao in Tsing Yi, his face changed slightly: "Eight barren roads are going to be thundered!" Are you a moon worshiper? "When he saw the big man in Tsing Yiran recognized his barren road, but Ye Hao didn't notice him, he turned around and fled into the deep mountains of the forest. The big man hurriedly caught up with him behind Qing Yiran .Although Ye Hao will run to the road, he is not as good as the big man in Tsing Yi. He was caught quickly.

The big man in Tsing Yi jumped in front of Ye Hao, and said coldly: "Say it quickly!" Why did you rush into Lei Ming's path? Don't blame me for being rude to you if you can't give a reason

Ye Hao turned his eyes and smiled: "Except for those who worship the moon, who do you think can rush to the road of thunder?"

"Are you a member of the Moon Worship Sect?" The face of the big man in Tsing Yi changed slightly.

Ye Hao didn't answer.

"Why are you with these people, because you are a moon worshiper. Those people just now cannot be moon worshipers." The big man in Tsing Yi said.

"Why can't they be moon worshipers?" Ye Hao laughed.

"Their skills of controlling air flow are different from those taught by moon worshippers, they are more like practicing monks at the end of the day!" The big man in Tsing Yi said coldly: "Should you also be a person of one world?"

"So what? No, so what?" Ye Hao asked.

"Well! If you are a person in this world, then I will kill you no matter what." The big man in Tsing Yi was cold.

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