Chariot of Doom

Chapter 844 Inheritance

Only practitioners in the first territory of the four poles can enter. In World War II, III, IV, etc., the Fifth can only be accessed by practitioners of the mysteries beyond the four poles. "

In other words, if I go to repair the battlefield, I can only enter the first battle zone? Ye Hao suddenly.

"Hey, you'd better seize the time to break through your mentality and enter the first district, most of the benefits are not there." The master smiled and said: "The emperor's legacy is most likely in the fifth district, and the emperor is in several other districts The chances of succession are also getting smaller and smaller.”

"Has no one ever found Su La's legacy?" Ye Hao asked.

The master shook his head. "No one has ever found the emperor's legacy."

"Aren't there any clues about Emperor Shula's succession?" Ye Hao asked.

"Yes!" Master Ku said, "Everyone who has the unity of man and nature has a stone tablet. It is said that there is a lot of information on the stone tablet. It is said that whoever can get this information will be able to find the emperor's legacy."

"What information?" Ye Hao asked again.

"The flowers bloom on the other side, and the flowers are on the other side." The master said bitterly.

"Is this the only word?" Ye Hao asked.

The master nodded bitterly, "There are only these eight characters. So far, no one has touched the mystery of these eight characters."

"What do you think these eight characters mean, senior?" Ye Hao asked.

"Haha, if the old man knew, he would have taken away the inheritance of Emperor Shula." Master smiled wryly.

Ye Hao smiled wryly, with only these eight characters as clues, no wonder no one could find the legacy of Emperor Xiuluo.

"Okay, let's get on with the business. The old man is now telling you that you can neither live nor die." Master Ku said, "The prohibition on life and death is divided into the prohibition on life and death and the prohibition on death. The old man is learning the prohibition on death. "

"Old man, why don't you learn life and death?" Ye Hao was a little confused.

The master smiled and scolded him: "Life and death are opposites. If you still want to prohibit life and death, a careless person will be attacked. I have a life and death prohibition. Many people die because they have learned life and death. At the same time."

Ye Hao swallowed his saliva, and at the same time knew that the life and death ban had such a huge risk.

"When the old man first started, he only studied the problem of prohibiting death. But later, the old man couldn't help but learned to prohibit life. Hey, but the old man is still young, where can he do so much?" Master Ku said: "At first, the old man did balance the ban on life and death, he was not unexpected, but later..."

At this time, the bitter master's face was very painful, and he said again: "Later, the life and death prohibition in my body was out of balance, which made me lose my mind and even go crazy."

So, he didn't say, he just sighed, and then said to Ye Hao: "You must promise your husband, unless one day your practice becomes the highest state of Nanman, or you will never learn life and death at the same time."

Ye Hao nodded.

Master Ku didn't say anything, he raised his right hand at the same time, pulled out the vast mana from him, and suddenly he was rolling around on the water.

There are only bitter palms, left and right palms, and each time there is a stack of spells, I don't know how many.

"Left lives, right dies. I passed it on to you. Remember what I just said, you can only learn one of them for the time being." The master pushed and pushed the two spells at the same time to Ye Hao. Come on, fly away.

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