Chariot of Doom

Chapter 870 Curious


Half a month later, Ye Hao and the others arrived at their destination. They went down a hill, turned left and right, and came to a clearing where there was indeed a teleportation array.

"That's it!" Cyd Shane

Ye Hao looked at the crowd and said, "Ten people follow me, and the rest stay here."

People don't understand.

"If there are too many people, they will beat snakes." Ye Hao said.

People thought, yeah, people would be surprised if they went more.

Ye Hao immediately ordered the lives of ten people including Mo Tengfei and Ghost Mage, but there was no "Historical Records".

"Why not me?" Shiki asked hastily.

"If we can't go out tomorrow, you will get people out." Ye Hao was very honest.

Shi Ji wanted to refuse, but Ye Hao preached: "Even if I meet King Xiula, I have the ability to protect myself, you can rest assured."

Hearing this, Shi Ji took a deep breath, and Su Ran said, "Be careful!"

Ye Hao nodded with a smile, looked at Mo Tengfei, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

Mo Tengfei sneered in his heart, and took the first step to enter the transmission of the Gallic Array, Ye Hao and others immediately followed, the light of the light, Ye Hao and others were transmitted away.

next moment.

Ye Hao and others appeared in the water, and the other end was actually underwater. Ye Hao immediately swam to the surface of the water, and soon flew out of the water.

"Where should I go now?" Ye Hao asked.

"Come with me," said Tu Zhen. He should fly forward.

Ye Hao followed closely behind.

On the way to fly, Ye Hao looked at Mo Tengfei and said, "Say, Shula people can find the secret about these eight characters."

"Do you know where Cyrus was born?" Mo Tengfei smiled.

Ye Hao frowned. "Aren't the people of the Shula tribe all born to their mothers?"

"Of course not." "They were born from lotus flowers," Mo Tengfei said with a smile.

The main characters change.

"I don't know what's going on." Mo Tengfei said: "I only know that the meaning of these eight characters should be related to the lotus. My grandfather once said that if we can find the lotus created by the people of Huludao, we will The meaning of these eight characters can be guessed."

Of course, Ye Hao would not completely believe what Mo Tengfei said. He thought for a while and said, "You said before that if you can get the ancient books or classical literature of the Zola tribe, you may be able to understand the meaning of these eight characters." .”

Mo Tengfei nodded. "It's all my grandfather's speculation and I don't know if it's true."

"I want to know, who is your grandfather?" Ye Hao smiled.

"My grandpa" Mo Tengfei said with a smile: "I'm also curious, you are not a moon worshiper."

During the conversation between the two, Tu Zhen suddenly stopped and preached, "We're here."

Ye Hao and others looked forward to the future, and there was a small island in front of them, covered with vegetation, and a building stood on the island, like pumice stones, all made of huge stones, carved on the grain of Gaul.

"My people are locked up on the third floor." Cyd Shane


Ye Hao flew towards the island first, followed by the others.

People quietly fell into the island, followed Tuzhen to the third tower prison, and arrived at the prison near the tower. Ye Hao and others saw that the tower prison was full of patrolling Xiulao people.

Cyrus was ugly, with huge ears, a skyward nose, fangs, and a steel fork.

"They change the guard every three hours, that's when we escape." Tu Zhen preached. Ye Hao didn't wait too long, the people under the tower really walked a lot, and the people in the east were all empty, taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Hao waited to fly out from the mountain forest, lightning swept to the tower prison, and got in through the window.

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