Chariot of Doom

Chapter 884: Hesitation

Ye Hao's face changed slightly.

Wow! Wow!

Two men flew out of the forest in front of him. The one in front was a woman in green clothes about fifteen years old. She had an oval face, a pair of big eyes, a pure appearance, a tall figure, and A graceful figure, although she is not as pretty as Queen Shula. But also a beauty.

The man behind was wearing black clothes, handsome in appearance, extremely pale, giving people a sick feeling.

Seeing Ye Hao and Queen Shula, etc., the woman in green stopped, and the young man in black also stopped behind.

"Grab it!" Queen Shura said softly.

Three absinthe monks rushed out immediately, one was a woman in green and the other two were young men in black.

The woman in green didn't resist at all, letting the strong woman reach out to touch his arm, but the young man in black stood up and tried to run away, but was stopped by two soul monks from the Shura tribe.

Almost at the same time, dozens of female soldiers from the Shula tribe flew over and surrounded the young man in black. This time, the young man in black gave up and made no further attempts to escape.

"Very good." The queen looked at the young man in black and nodded with a smile.

But Ye Hao didn't care what Queen Shula said, he always looked at the woman in green.

"Who are you? What's your name?" Queen Shura asked the young man in black.

The young man in black looked at Long Yang and Qiu Shanlin, and said with a smile: "In the next pigeon, haven't you asked that girl your name?"

"Not good! Is the king's name worth your asking?" A monk from the soul cave of the Shura tribe sipped a cold drink.

The innocent face of the "King" pigeon has changed slightly.

The queen looked at the woman in green again, smiled and said, "Kill this human woman."

"Great! King!"

Grabbing the green woman, the monk's spirit raised its hand and killed the green woman with one hand.

"Wait!" Ye Hao said suddenly.

That man has to stop.

Queen Shula looked at Ye Hao, although she didn't speak, but Leng Binbin's expression showed that she wanted Ye Hao to give her a reason.

The green woman couldn't help looking at Ye Hao in the past, and after taking a closer look at Ye Hao, her face suddenly changed.

"Your Majesty, she is my sister!" Ye Hao said to Queen Shula.

"Your sister?" said the queen, frowning. "Is she really your sister?"

"Yes!" Ye Hao gave a resounding answer.

The queen immediately looked at the woman in green, and asked with a smile, "What's his name?"

"Ye Hao!" The woman in green replied without hesitation.

The queen asked Ye Hao: "What's her name?"

The innocent suddenly smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this woman is called Little Fairy."

Ye Hao nodded almost at the same time: "Your Majesty, he is right."

The queen stretched her hand to Ye Hao's chin, raised her index finger slightly, lifted her chin, and said with a smile: "I hope you don't deceive the king, the only way to deceive the king is to die." No one can save your life. "

Ye Hao boldly grabbed Queen Shula's jade hand, kissed the back of the queen's hand, then looked up at the queen, and said with a smile: "I can't fool anyone, not your majesty."

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