Chariot of Doom

Chapter 887 Application

"As long as the queen gives me enough stones, I will be able to break through the spirits of seven people within ten days." Ye Hao is learning the way, but in fact he needs three days at most.

Then she smiled and shook her head. "You made me laugh again," she said. "You can't even be the best man at the competition."

"Your Majesty, I believe I will do my best!" Ye Hao said.

Seeing Ye Hao's firm expression, the queen couldn't help but refuse, shook her head and smiled, "Well, it's up to you."

Ye Hao blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Give me the clothes." The queen smiled, looking at the big bed wrapped in gauze not far away.

Ye Hao smiled, stood up and walked to the bed. He saw a neatly folded gauze skirt on the bed. The aroma permeates. He couldn't help taking a deep breath. He was absent-minded and picked up the gauze skirt.

Just when he was about to turn around, a warm body hugged him from behind, he looked sideways and saw Queen Sura's gorgeous face.

The queen caresses his arm until she grabs the dress, and she breathes in Ye-ho’s ear. "You're nervous," she laughs.

Ye Hao turned around suddenly, and wrapped his right hand around Queen Shula's silky and delicate waist. The ferocious force made the queen's body close to him, then looked directly at the queen, and said with a smile: "Maybe your majesty is very nervous? "

The queen smiled and kissed Ye Hao's lips, and immediately left Ye Hao's lips. "The king was really nervous, but now he's fine," she said with a laugh.

Ye Hao couldn't help kissing Queen Shula's red lips, and the two immediately entangled on the bed.


Meanwhile, in another bedroom, Pigeon is lying on the bed, hugging Mrs. Sau-lao Wang. The woman leaned in his arms and smiled: "I have so many men who want to come back, but you are the one I am most satisfied with."

Pigeon sighed suddenly.

"What's the matter?" King Shura's daughter asked.

"What I told your sister before was a lie." "If she knew I lied to her, she wouldn't let me go," Dove sighed.

The woman stood up, sneered and said, "Why did you lie to my sister?"

She's Cyrus' second king, but she, like any other king, wouldn't betray her, let alone do anything harmful to her, and if the dove wasn't evil, she'd use her against the queen. She will kill pigeons without mercy.

Pigeon's innocent face remained unchanged, and she sighed lightly: "The truth cannot be hidden, little bear." No, it should be cold and sweet. She actually came from outside. My brother was poisoned to death by her. I have to capture her alive to find the cure so I can't let your sister kill her

"What's the relationship between her and Ye Hao?" the second queen asked.

"Ye Hao is willing to risk his life to save her. What kind of relationship do you think they will have?" Pigeon smiled innocently.

"." The second queen smiled and said, "I can't believe this boy is so affectionate. "

Pigeon sighed innocently: "Now, I can't get cold at all, let alone get the antidote from her."

"Do you want me to help you?" The second queen smiled.

Pigeon nodded innocently.

"It depends on whether you can wait for me." The second queen smiled.

Pigeons are innocent.

The two are entangled again.


Queen's residence.

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