Chariot of Doom

Chapter 889 Platform

Then, Ye Hao started to compress the fourth pollution-free platform.

If there were not enough stones, he continued to walk deeper into the valley.


Meanwhile, Queen Shula had arrived in the living room.

There are ten old people in the living room, some with red hair, some with flames, some with lion heads, and some with tiger heads. These people are not human, they are all aliens.

When they saw Queen Shura come in, their faces remained unchanged until she sat down. One of them laughed and said, "If you don't give us an answer, we won't be leaving today."

"Well! The king said that I don't know what these eight characters mean." Queen Shula was very cold.

Do you think we'll take your word for it, Queen, when other strong men show their sarcasm? One of them laughed and said, "Queen, do you always delay us with such words?"

Another person sneered: "Who would believe this sentence when his direct descendants don't know the meaning of these eight characters?"

The queen glanced at the crowd and said coldly: "If you don't believe it, what does this king have to do with it?"

Hmm! The others snorted at the same time, and the whole living room was immediately filled with a tense atmosphere.

The queen suddenly laughed. "You all come together," she said. "It looks like it's going to happen today."

"Your Majesty better tell us the meaning of these eight characters." Strong laughter.

"Before our ancestors sat down, we said that if we couldn't understand the eight characters she left behind, we should not get what she left behind." Sister Wang said with a smile: "All her words are in God's words." It is written in the edict, if you don’t believe me, I can show you the hand of the ancestor.”

"Is the king's oracle in the hands of the king?" asked an alien strongman.

"Such an important matter, this king cannot carry it with him." "The oracle is in the treasury, and you know that to open it, you need at least three keys," Queen Shura laughed.

The queen has four sisters and five keys to the treasury, one for each.

"In this case, Your Majesty, please inform the rest of your Highnesses as soon as possible." The strongmen of other races couldn't wait to see the king's oracle.

"What are you in a hurry for?" "Don't you know it takes many days to open a treasure house?" Queen Shula smiled.

"Then we'll wait here for three days." The heterosexual strongmen spoke almost simultaneously.


my valley.

Ye Hao is still condensing the pollution-free channel platform, every time he condenses the dirt-free channel platform, he feels that his strength has increased several times.

Three days later, he finally condensed the seventh uncontaminated road platform and realized the realization of the seven spirits. He believed that this power would not be weaker than the Absinthe Monk, although he did not cooperate with the Soul Cave Monk.

He took some stones and left the mine.

Soon, he came to Xionger's house, but found that Xionger had disappeared, and his face could not be changed.

"Xian Geer can't leave here alone!" Ye Hao blinked, and immediately went to find the maid in charge of Xian Geer's daily life.

After finding the maid, the maid hesitated for a moment, not daring to tell Ye Hao the whereabouts of Xian Geer. Ye Hao sneered, and under coercion and temptation, he finally asked about Xiangzi's whereabouts, but Xiang'er fell into the hands of the second queen.

"The second queen, the pigeon is innocent!" As soon as Ye Hao's face turned black, he rushed to where the second queen was.

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