Chariot of Doom

Chapter 898: Cheat Book

Holding incense in one hand and a weapon in the other, Ye Hao threw a bullet at the former queen who was fighting Queen Shula. The weapon went straight through the temple of the former queen.

The ex-queen turned and put the sword against the weapon, but Queen Shula then stabbed her in the throat.

Suddenly, the former queen's eyes regained a bit of clarity, showing a relieved smile: "Thank you."

Before she could speak, she fell into the current.

The queen fell into the lotus and said, "Go!"

Xiaofang and she urged the lotus at the same time, and rushed to the depths of the cave, followed by the six lotus behind.

After several hours, they finally blocked the voice of temptation, and rushed out of the cave under the pursuit of the sarcophagus. After rushing out of the cave, they came to a lake with land in front of it.

"Is it here?" was the question of those who escaped death. "We're here!" Ye Hao said.

Everyone couldn't wait to fly ashore, and Ye Hao and Xian Geer followed closely on the shore. When they came ashore, they all looked at Ye Hao, obviously waiting for Ye Hao to say the next half of his sentence.

Ye Hao said to Queen Cyrus: "Before I say the second half, I would like to ask Your Majesty to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" asked the queen.

If we want to enter the land of inheritance, His Majesty will not prevent us from entering, and if we need it, His Majesty will not refuse. Ye Hao smiled.

The queen smiled. "Why should I stop you from going in?"

"Your Majesty just promise me." Ye Hao smiled.

Queen Shura nodded.

Ye Hao looked at the crowd and said, "The meaning of the flowers on the other side is very simple."

Looking at Queen Shula, he added: "Your Majesty only needs to plant lotus flowers on the shore, let them bloom, and the passage to the land of inheritance will appear."

People look different, and the meaning of flowers is so simple.

Queen Shura dubiously pulled out the lotus seeds and buried them in the ground. The lotus seeds have strong vitality, and they will grow out in a few minutes, and in a few hours, the flower bones will grow out.

"It needs water," said the Queen.

Many people immediately went to the lake to fetch water to water the lotus, and then waited quietly for several hours before the lotus finally bloomed and glistened. After the lotus flower blooms, the light shoots directly into the sky, the wind and clouds reverse, and a light-intensive cave appears.

There's an alien who can't wait to get in, but is blocked by the light.

"If you want to go in, you must have a lotus flower." Ye Hao looked at Queen Shula.

The audience finally understood why Ye Hao said these words to Queen Cyrus.

"I promised to let you in, but I didn't promise to let anyone in," she said with a smile. As she said, she only separated Ye Hao from the fairy by a lotus flower.

The other four royal women did not get the queen's consent, and they dared not give the lotus to others.

When the faces of the strongmen of the alien race darken and come to this place, let them surrender, are they willing to do this?

"Your Majesty, don't go too far. After all, we are all building the battlefield, and we will rely on each other in the future." "If Your Majesty allows us to come in," a powerful alien laughed, "we will be obedient in the future."

The queen smiled and said, "I swear, you all swear in the name of your ancestors. If you obey the king, I will give you a chance to enter."

After a long time, they all gnashed their teeth and cursed in the name of their ancestors.

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