Chariot of Doom

Chapter 900 Disappear

"You're not as stupid as they are, kid."

On the throne, the emperor's figure resurfaced again, and she laughed and said, "It's stupid for them to believe the king's words."

The fairy was surprised, there is nothing inside the eight doors? The emperor even deceived his descendants.

Ye Hao's brief surprise immediately returned to calm. He looked at Luo Huang and smiled: "Older generation, should those eight words have a deeper meaning?"

"What does that mean?" asked the Emperor.

Xiong Geer also looked at Ye Hao curiously.

Ye Hao looked at the murals in the hall and said, "I saw the first meaning of the eight characters "Liberated from the outside", and then I saw the second meaning."

After a pause, he smiled and said: "There is a lotus flower painted on the wall. When the lotus flower blooms, a woman is conceived, and then the woman grows up and becomes a queen. The throne symbolizes reaching the other side. The first half of this sentence means The birth of the older generation." The process of becoming a king. "

"Go on," said the king.

Ye Hao looked at the mural on the left side of the hall again, which showed a stretch of mountains, and a lotus flower blooming on the highest mountain. "The highest mountain also symbolizes the queen's throne," he said. "When the lotus blooms," he said, "the highest mountain also symbolizes the queen's throne." When the queen is born. My elders, you are not dead, are you? "

"You are very smart, much smarter than my descendants." King Cyrus said with a smile for the first time, "Do you know where my emperor is now?"

Ye Hao looked at Emperor Shura's throne.

"Take me out," said Queen Cyrus.

"What's my use?" Ye Hao asked.

"If you help me, you will be at the mercy of millions of Haura's people when the Emperor returns to Sulla," said Queen Cyrus.

"I'm afraid it's not just taking you out?" Ye Hao smiled.

"I need to absorb a large amount of elixirs, the higher the level the better. You just need to continue to provide me with elixirs." Queen Cyrus said.

"Deal!" Ye Hao smiled.

The emperor's voice gradually disappeared, and then, the king's golden masterpiece snapped, and a palm-sized lotus flew out, floating towards Ye Hao.

Ye Hao reached for the lotus flower, and the lotus flower immediately melted into his skin. He opened his sleeve and saw that there was a lotus brand mark on his arm. When the lotus brand appeared on Ye Hao's arm, everyone on the Shula battlefield was immediately kicked out. Of course, Ye Hao and Xiang were sent to the exit of World War II, and thousands of people came out at the same time.

The forbidden mage guarding the gate said in surprise: "It's only four years away from the end of the month, why is Shula's battlefield closed early and sent out?"

Not only the entrance to the World War II area, but also the entrance to the other four war zones, and many people were sent out. They also wondered what happened and why it wasn't sent out earlier.

Lei Dapeng was sent out, frowned and said to himself: "It's so strange."

Even he didn't know what happened.

Within the scope of the bloodline, the five emperors of the heavenly kingdom spread out and spoke freely. Although they are far away from each other, their knowledge of the gods is scattered, covering almost the entire blood domain.

"What happened on the battlefield?"

No one receives the king's inheritance, does he?

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