Chariot of Doom

Chapter 903 Embarrassment

"Thank you very much!" Ye Hao put away the mark and thanked him with his fist.

The emperor didn't care that Ye Hao didn't call him a master, he smiled and said: "You are a forbidden mage, and the old man also collected a lot of magic spells in the valley, you can go and have a look, it must be helpful to you."

Ye Hao thanks again.

Almost at the same time, the killing of the emperor also gave Mo Tengfei a symbol.

The figures of the five emperors flashed and disappeared at the same time.

At the same time, Qiu Shanlin and Long Yang heard Master's voice and ordered them to go back immediately. They knew that Master must think they had something to hide. But they really got nothing.

Ye Haomo Tengfei also heard the voice. The teacher they just admired ordered them to meet again in three days.

After the five emperors left, all the people dispersed.

Ye Hao returned to the water prison, and both the CEO and the deputy CEO congratulated Ye Hao. They all knew that in a few days, Ye Hao and the others would leave the prison forever. Now, if they have a bad relationship with Ye Hao, they are worried that there will be no chance in the future.

After dealing with several supervisors, Ye Hao wanted to go back to the stone house, but Shi Ji stopped him and said to him, "I want you to help me find a man?"

"Who?" Ye Hao asked, "This is the first time that Zhigui didn't ask him."

"Mo Tengfei!" Shi Ji murmured, "He killed Bai Xiaofei, and I want to avenge him anyway."

"You won't say that I will deal with him." Ye Hao said coldly: "He misses me again and again, how can I keep him?"

"But now he is the disciple who killed the emperor." Zhigui said.


Shiki nodded.

Ye Hao smiled, and the two said a few words before breaking up.

After returning to the water prison where the bitter master was imprisoned, the master was still sleeping and did not wake up. Ye Hao was relieved to see that Fu Huang and others did not intervene to deal with Master.

Back in the stone house, Ye Hao sat on the bed and said with lingering fear: "The medicine given to me by the emperor will test me to see if I have lied." I am embarrassed. "

"I don't know if I can get that ancient book from the emperor. Besides, I don't know if I can become a disciple of the emperor of medicine. Can you know about a stinky girl?" Ye Hao couldn't wait to go to Yao Zhuanggu.

three days later.

Ye Hao left the water prison and rushed to Yaohuang Valley.

Yaohuang Valley is located in the canyon in the center of the Ministry of Medical Affairs. The buildings in the canyon are built according to the mountains, most of which are unique buildings and palaces. Ye Hao took out the Yaodi's order, and the people guarding the Poison Emperor's Valley immediately and respectfully invited Ye Hao to enter the Medicine Emperor's Valley, and personally brought Ye Hao to the place where the Medicine Emperor lived, where the Medicine Emperor lived.

After entering Lao Huang's residence, Lao Huang's drug dealer took Ye Hao to a pharmacy, where a huge pill furnace stood. To the left of the pot are rows of textile elixirs, and to the right are a few dandelions. At this time, the emperor was sitting on a dandelion with his eyes closed.

"The younger generation has seen the predecessor of the Emperor of Medicine." Ye Hao walked up to the emperor and bowed.

The emperor opened his eyes, smiled and said, "Sit down."

Ye Hao sat down.

"You are refining the air, but I heard that you have the ability to practice airflow." Yao Huang smiled.

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