Chariot of Doom

Chapter 907

In fact, the practitioners of the other two practice schools are actually the same, practicing monks. They engrave the method of the divine power on their bodies, and the practitioners engrave the lines of the divine power on the pure Yang soul.

At this time, Ye Hao Zhang's six-gold body needs to absorb metallic spirit stones, fuse them with mana, condense out magic law lines, and then engrave them on the soul hole in order to practice successfully. When you encounter an enemy, you only need to use mana to stimulate the law of magic, and the power of the six golden bodies can be displayed.

Although Ye Hao already knows how to practice the six golden bodies, after all he doesn't have a soul cave, so he can only temporarily imprint the method of the appearance man, so that he can practice after entering the soul cave in the future.

After the "Appearance Human Law" was printed on the scroll, Ye Hao walked up to the old guard on the third floor and said with a smile, "Old man, we have already picked it up."

The old man smiled and said, "Come with me." He went upstairs first.

Ye Hao followed closely behind.

They reached the tenth floor of the Shentong Pavilion, which was already the highest.

The strange thing is that the walls on the tenth floor are short and empty, and there is only a purple old man sitting on the floor.

Ye Hao looked at the old man in purple clothes. Although the old man in purple clothes heaved a sigh of relief, it gave Ye Hao the feeling that it was like facing the Emperor of Medicine. The darkness in Ye Hao's heart was worthy of the horizon of the sky. It was a crouching tiger. hidden dragon.

The old man on the third floor explained his intentions to the purple old man, and he looked at Ye Hao and said, "How much money can you see, look at your own craftsmanship? If you can't continue, don't force yourself."

After finishing speaking, he waved his big sleeves, and immediately worked in all directions, and countless golden patterns emerged, densely packed, flowing slowly, swimming like fish.

Ye Hao's eyes were fixed on the front of the wall. After a while, he felt dizzy and nervous, and his whole body seemed to explode.

He finally understood why the purple old man said just now that the wandering scroll must be a strong person, there must be mana on the wall, and if there is not enough strength to repair it, it is impossible to see the wandering ancient scroll.

"After all, this son is a disciple of Fu Huang, insisting on breathing fifty times." The old man in purple said to himself, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at Ye Hao.

The gatekeeper on the third floor didn't dare to look at the pattern on the wall, he sat in his seat, closed his eyes, and waited for Ye Hao.

Soon, fifty breaths passed, but Ye Hao persisted.

The old man in purple and the gatekeeper on the third floor opened their eyes in surprise.

"Let's see how long he can last." The old man in purple said to himself.

After another fifty breaths, Ye Hao was dripping with sweat, but still clenched his teeth.

The old man Zi's face finally changed. A seven-day-old boy can last for a hundred breaths. He has never heard of it, and even the theme of many soul holes is difficult to achieve.

One hundred and thirty breaths.

One hundred and forty breaths.

One hundred and fifty breaths.


Both the purple man and the warden on the third floor were shocked.

In the end, when he took the first two hundred breaths, Ye Hao couldn't hold on, he staggered and coughed up blood.

The old man in purple waved his big sleeves, and the walls on the dharma lines merged.

"The emperor received a good apprentice." The old man in purple sighed in his heart.

The janitor on the third floor said secretly, "Perhaps this boy can be made into six feet of gold."

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