Chariot of Doom

Chapter 910 Weakness

Knowing that he could no longer refuse, Ye Hao could only smile and nod: "Thank you very much."

"Xiao Shijian was joking." The vice president smiled and said, "I don't know where brother Xiao is going now?"

"I'll find out when I find the deputy executive." Ye Hao smiled, and didn't say any more. When he walked forward, he followed.

The vice-principal smiled, and followed closely behind Ye Hao.

In front, Xiang'er passed his voice to Ye Hao, and said coldly: "Brother Xiaofan, what should we do now?" The pigeon may be coming soon. "

Ye Hao frowned. He originally wanted to leave the blood field, pretend to be Xiangel's subordinate, and assassinate the innocent pigeons, but now his plan failed. It must have been very difficult to kill these pigeons in a fair and innocent way. Don't you have a master around you?


Just when Ye Hao came up with a countermeasure, the pigeon really brought him out of Shula's blood field. This time he brought twenty people out, among them fifteen people, three people, plus himself, there are six practitioners in the third world.

Seeing the four masters of the third kingdom, the pigeon said: "The little girl is not far away. Each of you will bring a few people with you. Let's go separately to find her whereabouts."

"Yes, master!" The four third world masters all nodded.

At present, the two masters from the third world and the four practitioners from the second world have left separately to look for incense. The remaining seven second-world practitioners, as well as the four-day middle-aged man's soul hole, together with these people, also began to search for the whereabouts of Xiangel.


These three Ye Hao don't know all this, now they are in a primitive mountain forest, the sky is gradually falling snowflakes.

"It's snowing." Ye Hao looked up at the goose feather snowflakes, and couldn't help but think of the snow in Tianlong Mountain. It was there that Ye Hao met Xiang'er, two brothers and sisters who had been abandoned by cold days, and also met a girl in black.


"Why?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"If it was bigger, the followers might not follow us," the fairy murmured.

Although Xiong Geer's voice is very smiling, but what is the repair of the deputy executive executive, who can't hear the child's words, the deputy executive executive smiled, not angry.

Soon, the words of Fang Fang's son were true, the snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the mountains and forests instantly turned into white snow, making the snow worse. Although it was snowing heavily, none of the three Ye Hao were affected. They ran with mana, and the snowflakes melted as soon as they fell beside them.

Ye Hao and Xia Ge were walking slowly back and forth in the snow, the assistant director thought, "Where are they going?"

Suddenly, he cursed secretly: "I didn't expect that they would come out secretly!" It seemed that the emperor was too worried, and Ye Hao couldn't escape. "

"Brother Xiaofan, aren't we walking here aimlessly?" Xiongge suddenly heard Ye Hao's voice. "We must find a way to escape from behind." Ye Hao conveyed a message to Xiong Geer.

"This guy's too dark, we can't get rid of him." The gas drum beats.

Ye Hao just wanted to talk, but suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he looked at the depths of the mountain forest on his left hand. Both Xiong Ge and the deputy general manager were taken aback. They didn't understand why Ye Hao's expression suddenly changed like this.

Without explaining to Xiong Geer, Ye Hao walked to his left, Xiong Ge and his assistant director had to follow him.

Soon, Ye Hao stopped, and Xiong Ge and the deputy general manager also stopped.

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