Chariot of Doom

Chapter 919 Annoyed

Although Longyi has pointed out the location of the eye arrangement, it doesn't mean that Chen Qingzhi can find it immediately. The spirit of heaven and earth in the sea of ​​fire is not only chaotic, but also extremely violent. It uses the aura of heaven and earth to enter it as a means of finding. It would be severely disturbed by itself, and Chen Qingzhi's modifications and means, no matter how fast, were bound to be limited.

As time went by, Chen Song's complexion became a little gloomy. Obviously, he doesn't want to spend more time on the fourth magic array, because the last one is definitely the main force for him to lift the ban. There is so little time. The less space he left for himself, the less he expected Song Mian and Chen Qingzhi to play any roles. He agreed to the alliance of the two, and besides using them to pass the second hurdle, he also had a more insidious purpose.

Of course, in Chen Song's heart, only he knew that even though Song Mian had a delicate mind, he could vaguely discover some abnormalities in Chen Song, and he couldn't make any precise inferences.

Song Mian looked at Chen Qingzhi silently, but actually felt a little anxious. Because Chen Qingzhi's method is really not smart. He used the spirit of heaven and earth to search the front line of Gaul. His own speed was relatively slow, but Chen Qingzhi's sensing ability was also a little slow. half an hour.

As for Song Mian, Song Mian was absent-minded, because he saw Chen Qingzhi suddenly opened his eyes with an excited expression, obviously, Chen Qingzhi's eyes had gone somewhere.

Sure enough, Chen Qingzhi quickly turned his hand and took the fog out of the fire. Then he laughed at the two people and said, "I found it!" I found a broken eye! "

Hearing this sentence, Chen Song looked irritated, but just nodded slightly, while Long Yi smiled and said to Chen Qingzhi: "Brother Chen is really talented, ha ha!"

Chen Qingzhi was in a good mood and nodded his head, but he did not forget to be humble. "Where is it?" he said. "If it wasn't for the Dragon Brothers to find the abnormality around their eyes, how could I lock on to this area to look for it?"

"Brother Chen is very humble," he said. "I'm just guessing. I'm not sure if he doesn't believe me, if he's willing to open arms, I can't find anything."

Chen Song frowned, and said: "Don't forget, we still have a dream to pass, hurry up and leave here!"

Chen Qingzhi nodded hastily after hearing what he said, and said, "Yes, yes!" There was no time. I will lead the way. follow me! "

With Chen Qingxiang's words, his hands quickly formed the pattern of handprints, and the spirit of that day and earth also entered the sea of ​​fire. Long Yi and Chen Song released their spiritual defense shields at the same time, and walked into the sea of ​​fire. !

In the furnace, even though it was very hot, no three people were injured. Therefore, the three entered without any threat, but not too fast. Fortunately, the halo cloud, after sinking dozens of feet, stopped him.

The spiritual mist guiding the way sank into the sea of ​​flames, and after sinking dozens of feet, he stopped under the shield of spiritual defense, resisting the impact of the surrounding fire, and at the same time ceased his form.

Chen Qingzhi's face was full of joy, and his eyes were even more full of excitement. Neither Song Mian nor Chen Song knew that ten years ago, at the Qianxing Mountain Forbidden Exchange Conference, he was eliminated from the fourth phantom after a lot of hard work. Of course, at the time

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