Chariot of Doom

Chapter 921 The Entire Hall

Direct access: [Wanben Station]

Of course he didn't drink the slushy wine. Since my eyelids have been twitching since I woke up in the morning, this could be a really big deal.

A group of people were laughing, but seeing the door of the bar open slowly, and a handsome young man in a gorgeous dress walked in, the party immediately fell silent, looking at the young man with a different face, who obviously lived with them different world.

Besides finding the young man handsome as a fairy, she was keenly aware of his gold-encrusted jade belt and the valuable ornaments of his garments. Of course, her eyesight is much better than the brash men next to her. She knew that there were usually two situations where such people appeared in Black Mist Town. One is that some noble children experience life and experience life with their elders. In another case, the male brother looked at a slave here and came to buy it himself.

Living here all year round completely ruled out the possibility of him coming here to cause trouble. This place is not as simple as it seems. Not to mention that ordinary people dare not go crazy here, and even the Holy See cannot take any action against them. Even a big man in the Holy See is one of the biggest bosses here. Of course, at the owner level, there is no connection to that level.

Needless to say, the man was born to be me, but he was well-dressed. He's met in this place before, but he's not stupid enough to show his true colors. After landing, he asked a passerby to inquire about the place.

A group of people just stared at him dumbfounded. After a while, they saw the master stroking her hair and walking over. "I don't know where this grown man comes from." There was no teasing in that tone.

I look at her, I look at the crowd. I reached for the stench in front of the fan. "You don't have to care where you come from, as long as you know what to do."

When the boss saw her, she guessed his situation. In this place, let alone a noble brother, that is, the Earl Marquis, no one dared to be so big. There may be only one person in front of her, and the person in front of her must be an amazing novice, so he may be a young boy who came out to study with an older person.

So the boss was not so nervous before, and some playful people looked up and down at him, "Then what is this lord here for, as I said beforehand, our business is very tight, if you want to play, you should be in There's a good lady's shop in the East that should cater for grown-ups.

As soon as the boss said this, the bar suddenly became lively, and people with faces all looked at me and laughed.

I laughed too. "Who says there's no fun here? It's nice to see the boss. You can have a late drink if you don't mind."

As soon as this sentence was said, the boss's heart was broken, and she obviously couldn't see it. This is not something a novice dares to say. It doesn't look like a fake to see him rest assured. Such a person is either a playboy who often hangs around Women are either scary or not easy to deal with.

"Adults are joking, how can this kind of thing get into the eyes of adults? If you are really interested, you will go out and find some good ones for you in the future."

Seeing her suddenly use honorifics at the party, one after another fell silent, everyone was thinking about the way of the young.

I walked slowly to an empty table next to me and sat down. "There's no need to look for it. I'm here today to discuss business. I don't care what you have in your hand."

"Huh?" The needle can be sniffed in the hall.

Jack said, putting the tomato in his mouth and chewing slowly, "This is no place for jokes. Look at those round-eyed guys around here. They're all wolves who've been hungry for weeks. Can you feed them?" Are they?"

I smiled and said: "It's okay, the meat is chewy." Just like that, I took out a piece of palace jade and poured two cups.

"Whoever wants to talk about business, come over and drink this glass of wine."

Everyone and the master were stunned and looked at him one by one, but no one dared to move.

I picked up a glass of wine and drank it. "I don't think I'm hungry enough." A voice that sounded natural to the crowd's eyes began as he reached out, pulled out a large bag, and dumped it on the table. A large amount of gold coins quickly piled up on a small mountain on the table. A few loose pieces rolled to the edge of the table, but did not fall off, dripping onto the edge of the table one by one.

Suddenly there was the sound of swallowing and drooling, and even an old man like Jack could straighten his eyes.

"Well, does anyone happen to have what they need?"



"As much as you want!"

The whole hall suddenly boiled up, one pair after another green eyes desperately squeezed towards my table, afraid of being robbed by others for a second, there are rules, but the biggest rule is whoever has money will control.

"Yes, you can have whatever you want!"

"All the purchased goods are new and of good quality."

"Come on, your cargo is so hungry, they only have half their lives left, and these are the best!"

"Don't listen to his nonsense. There's some good stuff out there. They're a selection of beauties, and the caretakers are happy."

"He's got a troll in his hands, that body, boobs, hips, grown-ups are going to love it."

"My lord, do you think such a noble lord can see that kind of thick thing? He holds a few rabbit beauties in his hand, each rabbit is very cute and beautiful, of course it suits an adult's taste."

"Go, your rabbit

Like one dwarf after another. They don't have cat beauty in their hands. "

A group of people immediately surrounded me, spitting and recommending their own products to me, which made me feel sick and angry.

She frowned and walked quietly to the bar's back door before the nearest lady squeezed to the outside.

Here, I got tired of hearing the sound of broken wine, and the crowd immediately fell silent.

Jack stood up slowly. "You've got some good stuff if you really want it."

The crowd fell silent when they saw him talk, and it was evident that he had nothing more in his hands than he had.

I turned to look at him. "I said, no matter how much money you have, no matter what it is, they want it!"

Jack smiled. "Young man, if you only brought these, I'm afraid you are not qualified to say that."

I said, "How much do you think it will cost?"

Jack dropped the last tomato into his mouth and leaned back on the table. "Let's put it this way, the most you can buy is the pile of stuff in front of you!"

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