Chariot of Doom

Chapter 927

The farthest front women's dress fluttered, the blue silk thread moved, the speed of the thread's advance suddenly accelerated, and after ten years of rest, it bypassed the tide of beasts in the west and continued to walk deep into the mountain ahead.

However, the temporary security work lasted less than a quarter of an hour, and soon a large number of beasts appeared behind them, and even more shockingly, the two previously encountered beasts merged into one. Form a larger armed division!

The way of pulling people at high speed obviously cannot be used continuously for a long time. At present, powerful gods such as fire bulls, unicorns, and lions are chasing them with a large number of ferocious beasts, and a trace of sadness appears on the beautiful face of the girl.

"woo woo"

It is impossible for the few Ye Hao who landed on the last side to just continue to release the attractive arrows and shoot at the approaching beasts. The tide of beasts advancing is unbalanced, and of course there are also blood wolves and wind leopards. very fast animals.

As soon as those ferocious ones see a living person, they will suddenly speed up and rush out of the herd, killing and biting them to death. Ye Hao and others can only kill them as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they are dragged down, they are likely to be overwhelmed by a large pack of animals that follow for a few short periods.

Under such a fierce fight, Ye Hao's powerful physical body was surrounded, and the whole body was pulled out with some penetrating gullies, which were gurgling blood.

"Kill!" Ye Hao is running out, this team, not only one person bleeding, even a group of forwards, will continue to rotate behind to help them defend the enemy.

Compared with those temporary alliances, although the number of these people is not large, they are united enough. They all take the Dantai euphemism as the core, and they are fighting hard at this time, just to break a bloody road.



However, even so, the cup was unavoidable, a careless wolf, dozens of blood wolves rushed into the back of the team, scuffled, two offspring of Houfu bit their necks, and made two screams.

Bumblebee, Lee! These two dead, apparently Jiang Tao's friends, they knew each other in the past. The latter screamed, his eyes were broken, and his voice was full of sorrow.

But death cannot be reborn, the current situation is so cruel, in the blink of an eye, two young corpses were submerged in the wave of giant beasts, bitten and trampled by dense wild beasts!

"Calm down! Even if we decide to go to these eight barren mountains for experiments, we must always have a sense of death in battle. What are we afraid of?" Jiang Nian patted him and said in a cold voice.

At this time, they were in poor health, hunted by many wild animals, and there was no reason for mourning at all.

Otherwise, you can only die in vain, and there will be no second chance!

"Kill!" Ye Hao was more straightforward. If there is no extra words, the terrorist forces will come and go, and he will be beaten to death by several blood wolves.

He wanted to sacrifice a black cloud sword to kill, but now this kind of team needs his strong body as a backing, otherwise once the team is washed away, most people will die on the spot.

Mo Yunjian is a masterpiece of advanced spirit. Although it has not been used yet, Ye Hao is well aware of the consumption of mental power.

At present, he only needs to re-establish the sixth merged blood to open less than nine meridians, he can't push away the "spiritual vein map" at all, his body, he can't run the spirit. This means that if he wants to use the Moyun Sword, he will use a lot of blood to stimulate it.

In such a crisis, more than 20 people are still pointing at him from behind, Ye Hao dare not take the risk!

"Kill!" After drinking and waking up his younger brother Jiang Tao, Jiang Nian was also very fierce. The long bust in his hands is also a powerful weapon. At this moment, rattling, trembling, sending out thick fog, killing several blood wolves!

"Oh~ Roar~"

Suddenly, deep in the forest, a terrible roar sounded, and the trembling man's ears hurt, and his head sank, as if his soul had been struck by the evil sound.

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