Chariot of Doom

Chapter 929: The Moon

All eyes can see that the surrounding area now seems to be the most complete, they are not stupid, knowing that the team can be so good, there must be some poker.

It is because of this kind of thinking that many people regard Ye Hao's team as the survival of the ark, and want to follow them out of this magical land.

"Damn it!" In the team, he found more and more strangers coming, Jiang Tao scolded angrily.

At the back of the team, Ye Hao and Jiang Nian also looked very depressed.

They are not fools, they know that with so many people together, not only will the situation not be "stronger", even, it will just push their team into the fire pit.

Undoubtedly, the more people gathered, the more conspicuous the target, not only the beast behind will be killed, but also the big things will be killed in the future, this must be the first time to see fierce eyes here!

In contrast, because the benefits of too many people are too small and unpredictable, even if they have hundreds of people above them, the horror of the hind legs is irresistible.

Moreover, the stomach of the heart, it is really a critical moment, except for these people in their team, other people may not encounter enemies with them, they will only run away for the first time!

"Who dares to approach us, kill people, don't let go!"

At this time, the simple euphemism of Riyue Island in front of the team also heard the sound of Leng Binbin drinking.

Girls use wind and spirit boosts to increase their running speed. As hundreds of people approached, it was obviously greatly affected, which was not good news for Ye Hao.

"Stay away from me, don't follow us, dare to approach us, and kill people mercilessly!"

Jiang Nian also drank loudly, threatening the handsome young men around him. He is a direct descendant of Beifeng Harem. Although he is not qualified to practice the spirit of the wind, he is also vaguely aware of this powerful skill.

At this moment, the people here are not only strangers, but also competitors. They don't need it, and they can't be dragged down!

"Jiang Tao, you bring someone to prepare an arrow, dare to approach us within the three, no matter if it is a beast or a man, give me a weapon!" Later, Jiang Nian drank another glass to do Jiang Tao's way.

"Hmm! How majestic!"

Around, there was a cynicism.

Although their actions have clearly dragged down the team, no one here who is not a proud master will admit that Dan Riyue Dao Ning and Jiang Nian's threat instead makes many people secretly unhappy, which is only natural .

"Give me the bow and arrows."

Ye Hao didn't say anything, and under Jiang Tao's surprised eyes, he took over the big purple bow and arrow with both hands.

At this time, he didn't have any extra actions, the symbolic arrow was on the string, and the huge blood between the arms was surging, and the arrow shot would have a huge bow and arrow covering his whole body, showing the shape of the moon.

"woo woo"

Then, Ye Hao pointed the arrow at a corner on the right.

"Hush!" In less than a breath, the stream of light flowed through the crowd, and it would be shot out from the throat of a young man with a ghost, and a drop of blood burst out.

Then, with a pupil full of incredible bodies, the flying pace stopped suddenly and fell into the forest.

It was that person who secretly mocked him just now, but at that time he died under Ye Hao's arrow, and he didn't understand how he was found until the moment of his death.

This scene was so amazing, not only the pupils of the young and handsome team around them shrank, even Jiang Nian, Jiang Tao and others were also full of tremors!

Compared with why this guy was able to shoot such a powerful arrow, Jiang Nian and others were most shocked that this young man who looked only about 15 years old killed this young man. Even this cold!

"Okay! Let those people see,"

After being astonished, Jiang Tao smiled and took the purple bow that Ye Hao handed back. Just now, this scene was obvious, but he felt very resentful!

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