Chariot of Doom

Chapter 931 Awe

Now there are not many evil beasts on the land of Kyushu. These handsome young men here have a chance to see the evil power of this being. This is both luck and great misfortune!

Not only were the people around them running for their lives, but Ye Hao and their party also saw the moment when the two demon apes appeared, and also saw the person who had already escaped.

In their kingdom of monstrous beings, that one cannot be shaken at all, and there is no suspense when confronted with it, and even with all the young and handsome men who go into the mountains gathered together, it is only a matter of falling .

"Damn, these guys are still around us!"

At the front of the line, her face was angry, like an angry young lioness, with a cold light in her eyes.

The appearance of ferocious beasts made her not dare to worry about the consumption of her spiritual power. She has already begun to fully manage the family's most precious Fengshen, and wants to lead the team out of this dangerous place as soon as possible.

But after all, she is still young, and Fengshenshu's attainment is far inferior to that of Shi Lao, her father and those elders. At present, she can only do Fengshen's traction to a wide range of effects, and cannot target specific individuals one by one.

Today, many young and handsome men around them, with their team as the core, have mixed into the fleeing crowd, which can be said to have seriously affected the effect of Fengshen's technique, and even greatly weakened their strength. This group of them may have emerged from the wave of beasts behind them by now.

This made the little girl full of righteous indignation, if she didn't let go, she would have sacrificed the amethyst sword to kill people a long time ago!

In fact, from the very beginning, hundreds of handsome young men from all over the world in Yunzhou have realized that they are following this group of people, and the pace of action is even "fast".

Such "welfare" has always surrounded many handsome young men, and of course it is also convenient.

Although they don't know what kind of "secret treasure" they have, they can actually move faster, but for them, these are no longer important. important. You can enjoy the journey and get on this ride.

Relatively speaking, the girl's indignation and whether these practices are very unfriendly, these people have no heart at all, because some people are brazen, so they simply follow the brazenness, escaping the importance of life.

"Hmmm! These guys seem determined to slow us down, it looks like they'll have to give them some color to see…."

The young girl was not only unhappy about it, but even the river was unhappy. He picked up the purple wooden bow and the amulet arrow, and shot an arrow like Ye Hao, hoping to stop and disperse this brutal guy.


But the arrow didn't work, and though powerful and lightning fast, was shunned by the risks and risks of the teenagers.

The one person shot before, and the hundreds of people around, obviously all have a rear guard. They follow behind the team like candy, and they have to be careful of the opponent's arrows at all times.

"Okay, it looks like it's our turn. Don't leave my hand, put the arrows together for me!" Jiang Tao saw the Charm Arrow falling down, his eyes turned red suddenly, and he called out to the purple in the team Wooden bow mates put arrows together.

"woo woo"

More than a dozen arrows, dragging the light that shot out quickly, like a meteor shower in the night sky.

Yet this round of shock and awe still had little effect. These guys are so well prepared, they're all geniuses of the same generation. More than a dozen amulet arrows have been shot, and only one or two of them have injured two handsome young men who are relatively close to the team.

As a result, these people have a better understanding of the power of this arrow, and in the blink of an eye, this arrow is silently placed in a position where they can enjoy "benefits", and they will definitely fight with the dodged arrow fight. More and more people follow their teams with impunity.


Jiang Tao was reluctant, burning with anger, and wanted to shoot arrows with a group of companions.

"Come on, it's useless. Don't waste your arrows on idiots." Ye Hao stretched out his hand to stop Jiang Tao and others while running.

He showed no mercy to those around him who deliberately dragged their feet, and was even killed, but Ye Hao was very sober, facing the young top management of his generation, the deterrent effect of the Charm Arrow had no effect. It is futile and wasteful to continue.

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