Chariot of Doom

Chapter 934 Fear

However, many people around are proud of the Lord, and many people are extremely conceited, and they don't take Ye Hao's endless threats to heart.

"Son, you should know my master's name, you must remember it, ha..." Lu Wenhao from Shenwu Houwu was the first to stand up and make fun of the other party, and looked at Ye Hao provocatively.

"This son is not as famous as Lu Shaohou, but you just need to remember the Miao peak of the Miao nationality in Luxia City. If you don't know, you can ask someone to find out!" On the side of the crowd, the young Miao Feng also smelled it, showing no blood color at all. The eyes of the sixfold child.

"Haha, in Luoxia City, He Beishan and Heying, please also remember Mr. Shen, waiting for you to welcome you at any time." The man with a sick face didn't bother to smile faintly.

And this one was just a self-reported home, and immediately, there was a commotion all around.

"Is he the peacemaker at Rorschach Blossom Grange? It's not as famous as the Conference."

"It is said that He Hua Villa is very close to the famous Shenbing Museum on the land of Kyushu. Of course, this He Ying does not lack precious weapons, right?"

"Oh, your news is too old-fashioned. As early as two years ago, Mr. He Yingying was accepted as a disciple by the master choreographer of Shenbingguan. Now He Yingying is worried that he has also reached the level of refinement. In these mountains, His attractiveness can be said to exceed the imagination of many people, and many people still look forward to seeking a spiritual weapon from him."

He Ying's identity quickly spread like wildfire among the surrounding crowd. When people knew his identity as a refiner, many people's eyes showed a fiery color.

He Ying's face was pale and sickly, with a smug arc appearing in the friendly eyes of the people around him.

"It turns out that he is the elder of Gao Tuying in Beiting of Shenzhou who has heard so many!" Even Lu Wenhao, who was not in Shenwuhou Palace, politely said three sentences to this person, and there was no lack of familiarity between the two sentences.

Wherever refineries go, they are certainly the subject of much attention. Although they are in the fierce competition of Bahuangshan, many people still have the intention of appeasement while knowing He Ying's identity and background.

After all, on the road of practice, being able to be a good refiner is immeasurable.


At this time, two monster apes screamed and came out again. Gradually, the ground began to tremble.

"Oh, here comes the beast!"

He Ying was enjoying the enthusiastic gazes of the crowd, when his eyes suddenly focused together, and his sickly face appeared with a trace of panic.

The monster used to kill in another direction, but now the two blood basins are full of blood and gurgling. It is obvious that the person in that direction has "solved" it!

At this point, they have become the next batch of targets!

He was an alchemist who had worshiped under a high elder of the temple. He was destined to be respected and respected by many monks, and he naturally didn't want to die here in vain.

Full of fear, a green wooden card was secretly hidden by Ke Lanying in her sleeve.

Although such a move was very secretive, it still fell into Lu Wenhao's eyes. The latter's pupils clearly passed by. He obviously didn't expect that a guy who is still complacent at this moment should be so timid.

However, Lu Wenhao didn't put his contempt on his face. On the contrary, he made a good cover for his past. Immediately, his face changed, and he looked at him with a smile. "Crane, son, that ferocious beast cannot force the enemy," he said. However, we have a clever plan to lure it away so we can get away easily. "

"Oh, it's not fast enough to put it into action," He Ying said, glad to hear the words. He picked up the green card from his sleeve without leaving a trace. He said: "If the Lord can help him through this difficult time, I promise to make a spiritual instrument for him in the future." This agreement is valid for ten years! "

"Oh well, I won't let you down. Just wait and see."

Lu Wenhao smiled, pointed at a bullet, and a jade pearl appeared in his hand. Then, with malicious eyes, he quietly aimed at the boy in charge of the delay of the Dantai Wanning team.

Not far away, Ye Hao felt a feeling in his heart, and suddenly returned from the cold.


But it was too late, and by the time he turned to the guard, the green light had

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