Chariot of Doom

Chapter 946: Crush

"Oh my God, show me face. Don't let my master throw me on a stone. Death is not good for you." The moment he approached the cliff, Ye Hao prayed silently.

Immediately, he roared, blood rushing, covering every vulnerable part of the body, and at the same time pushing the body of the armor to the limit.

"It's done!" Then, Ye Hao gritted his teeth and crushed the last god.

After experiencing the first two feelings, Ye Hao roughly realized the power emitted by this precious escaped baby. Although it was not very accurate, the people who could be pulled out from the direction were generally in the front.

Holding the charm of God, he faced the vast valley, and the moment he escaped from a blue light mentally, he appeared in the valley above the clouds in an instant, far away from the cliff, and began to fall rapidly!

At this time, the valley was filled with thick fog, Ye Hao could only feel the whereabouts of his body, and the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, but he couldn't see anything with his naked eyes.

Soon, the sound of the beast disappeared from his ears, and Ye Hao's heart was filled with joy for the rest of his life.

Coupled with the height of the valley, the musk of his soul was far from being tracked by the tide, and the only concern now was how deep the valley was.

"How to do it"

As time passed, Ye Hao accelerated the speed of his fall, his ears whistling through the cold wind, and some pain in his beard began to blow.

After about ten years of interest, Ye Hao began to feel a little afraid of how deep the valley was, and if it was a thousand feet high, it should have reached the bottom.

"No, you can't wait like this. At this speed, even the bronze tripod will collapse!"

Ye Hao thought at full speed, and quickly came up with a good idea. He had a carp in mid-air, and instead of letting his backside fall to the ground, he turned around.

In doing so, he is not preparing to make intimate contact with the earth with his chest and face, but posing, pulling his arms back, crazy, and besides, his mind is intensely focused. His eyes were lifeless on the clouds that continued to roar below.

Suddenly, under the clouds, spots of the earth and green spots began to appear, and the pupils of Ye Hao's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he knew that he was about to fall to the bottom of the valley.


Ye Hao drank a big cup, and was ready to spread his arms. At this moment, he suddenly broke out. Between the two fists, two sets of powerful fist forces broke out.


When the arm suddenly exploded, two large holes were blasted into the ground at the bottom of the valley. With the help of this wave of reflection, Ye Hao has already approached his unbelievable figure. Finally, he stops some downward momentum, and the shape relies on this recoil. One more turn, back off!

It can fall from thousands of feet, surrounded by the powerful blows of Ye Hao's fists, and it is just a drop in the bucket at this time.

The momentum of his fall was still close at hand, and the lightning between the stone and fire had already been severely smashed onto the rubble at the bottom of the valley.


A loud noise shook the ground and echoed for a long time. Ye Hao landed by the river, there was a big hole, and in the deep pit, there was a human-shaped mold.

The whole Ye Hao is deeply stuck in that mold at the moment, it's tragic!

"Okay" But Ye Hao didn't fall down and died. After a while, he coughed a few times, and his mouth was full of blood.

Every inch of skin and flesh in the body, the severe pain drilled in the body and every joint seemed to be disintegrating equally.

In the past, Ye Hao didn't do anything to the various smashes and collisions of Stonescale Tiger, but now, his injuries are very serious.


The moment Ye Hao climbed up from the humanoid mold, his chest was stuffy, and finally he couldn't help but spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The terrible impact just now was like a fall from the sky. Even though Ye Hao's flesh and blood reached the limit of this realm, he almost fainted at the last moment.

But fortunately, at the critical moment of knowing the ancient mirror in the sea, there was a glimmer of white light that kept him awake and did not faint. This is the crisis of the endless barren mountains, if it faints. It doesn't take long to become a snack for the beast.

Fortunately, he finally escaped the wave of beasts and managed to regain a small amount of life. Ye Hao was seriously injured, and the impact of this level far exceeded his original expectations, and he couldn't practice it as a field at all.

If Ye Hao hadn't acted at the critical moment, he might have died, gently buffering him with a punch.

"Lu Wenhao, young master, I was not killed by you, don't worry, I will return to you..."

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