Chariot of Doom

Chapter 950 Monk

This powerful and terrifying spirit treasure immediately turned into such a large stone mill after being taken out. Ye Hao is not worried that Fengshen won't be holding thousands of black stone fish. As expected, under his impulse, the big black man in his hand was thrown into the bronze tripod for a while. The blink of an eye vanished in a chaotic glow.

However, as soon as Ye Hao found that the black stone fish in the sea had eaten most of them, his flesh hurt, and even the king would covet him. This is a rare treasure in the world!

Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief only when he thought of refining so many black stone fish. These days, after tasting the sweetness of flesh and blood, Ye Hao has become almost paranoid and fanatical. He wants to have the supreme blood in this world, just like those who were born!


When Ye Hao quickly took out the handprint, Fengshen began to buzz and tremble. Meanwhile, on the stove tripod, the naked eye can see layers of colorful splendor flowing like water. This is the beginning of the spiritual condensation of this treasure and medicine furnace. came together.

Ye Hao heard that the true essence of blood may be a powerful beast that can only be concentrated from a small jar.

Although black stone fish are not ferocious beasts, they are spiritual creatures in the world, so many black stone fish and a large number of boulders are condensed, Ye Hao is looking forward to the final result "buzzing".


The copper tripod trembles, the dazzling circulation, the liquid full of divinity condenses in the wind, Ye Hao extracts a rare and treasured stove tripod from this simple family virtue.

Not to mention that a monk of his level, who can even meet a prince, and even a behemoth like Luo Yunzong, such a writing style is extremely extravagant.

It is not easy for the king to find the black stone fish, but at present, Ye Hao is actually using thousands of black stone fish to melt the essence of blood. If it is passed to Kyushu Island, I am afraid that all the princes and big families will be shocked and jealous. This is too extravagant!

Gradually, Fengshen's color changed, no longer emitting colorful light, but gradually filled with a layer of soft white light.

The tripod in the fireplace, the circulating spiritual liquid, is also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. At first it was a big furnace, bottomless, but now, it has condensed into the size of a sea bowl, and it looks brighter and brighter, making people unable to open their eyes. open your eyes!

This kind of behavior made Ye Hao's heart feel awe, what kind of horror exists in fear.

Fortunately, after that, he noticed that although there was a bright light from the tripod of the stove, all the afterglow was blocked by an invisible force within a few feet, and it must be said that it was indeed a very powerful spiritual treasure house.

This time the concentration lasted for a long time, and the bright spirit was shrinking, and the color was constantly changing. At present, the golden glow is full of golden glow, like a cluster of golden golden god liquid blooming!

At this time, Ye Hao squandered tens of thousands of Zhu Ling Pills, thousands of black stone fish and several rare panacea, all of which were condensed into a small bowl of spirit wine, which was in the circulation of Guanghua!

"It seems that there is still room for further improvement." Although Ye Hao's eyes were already hot, he was still awake and couldn't help sighing.

He learned from the old spirit's memory that the lower the monk, the more spiritual and divine effects he would lose in the process of refining magic medicine and treasures.

For example, a Western monk in a blood-sucking world can usually refine and transform Zhu Lingdan. Usually, no matter how careful he is, the aura that can be effectively absorbed in the end can only be 50% or 60% of Zhu Lingdan, and the monk in the bone forging environment is slightly better. About 78% of the aura can be effectively absorbed, even if it is a strong environment, it can reach about 90% at most, it is difficult to waste nothing!

This is designed for, if it is some high-quality drugs, the loss will be more.

This is not because the monk is not working hard enough, but in this world, many treasures of genius, although precious, contain spirit, the influence of God, and it is impossible to be 100% pure.

When monks refine it, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of spirituality, which cannot come out through their own strength, and will eventually be wasted!

So, in turn, the purer the holy effect, the more monks can use it. Ye Hao and the others are facing exactly this problem. How precious is the essence extracted from thousands of black stone fish and several precious medicines?

It would be such a waste if you can't baptize him with as much of his blood as possible, especially in this case, such as the tenderness of power!

"No, I must speak more succinctly!"

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