Chariot of Doom

Chapter 960

At this moment, a dozen or so handsome young men were stunned. The click and cluck continued, and the weapons in their hands seemed to begin to crack from inch to inch.

"Let go!"

Under this strange offensive, more than a dozen young heroes did not dare to covet the precious weapons in their hands. Some of them reminded them, and then let go of their palms at the same time, abandoning the commander. In order to survive, they gave up their weapons.

For a while, none of the dozen or so handsome guys who broke free from the sword net remained. They turned quickly and rushed backwards with all their strength, trying to escape in all directions.


Unfortunately, it was too late, Ye Hao who was standing there was moving backwards. Instead of chasing the fleeing man, he stamped his foot on the same spot.


Then, with him as the center, the lights and shadows all over the body that were originally used to defend the sword net suddenly spread like a shock wave of terror, and the shield that was originally condensed into a rainbow of swords exploded from all directions.


At the same time, dozens of weapons that had been chopped off by Jianhong were also extinguished.

From a distance, it looks like Ye Hao is surrounded by a vast ocean, and suddenly a heavy stone falls down, it is no longer a simple air wave, but a sharper rainbow and weapon fragments Mess with the tide.




Without any suspense, under the impact of this terrifying wave, a dozen teenagers who had just passed through the air were all blown into the air, turning into a bloody mist and a bloody storm.

Aftershocks, and even surrounding trees, were moved to level ground.

Looking at that scene, the row of people above Miao Feng's head, the sudden spirit behind him, and then, his eyes were filled with deep shock.

"This, how is it possible?"

Miaofeng himself let out a hoarse scream, the kind of shock that opened his heart, as if he saw Sula's anger.

Not far from the siege, San Weihao, who was originally desperate, was also shocked. Not to mention, it just means, or martial arts?

"Really? The legendary Lingwu State?"

Suddenly, Wei Hao remembered some appalling rumors, his face froze in shock, and his eyes were filled with unspeakable terror.

In the process of practicing, it is said that some powerful people can use great strength to play their martial arts, and they can also perfectly combine martial arts and spiritual strength, so that they can perform every movement of martial arts, Work out the laws of order.

At this point, even the lowest level of weapons can still display terrifying power in the hands of such people, and with their hands, a simple military technology can change forever. It's as if the martial arts in their hands are endowed with the supreme martial arts spirit!

As time goes by, many strong people of the older generation on the land of Kyushu will call it the "Lingwu Kingdom"!

This is the supreme divine power among human monks. Unless it is a divine existence, it can only be found in legends such as true blood, the body of the sun, the body of the sun, the birth of a Taoist fetus, and the innate body of God.

This supernatural pride is so strong that, in a way, it is largely tied to such innate powers that they are often invincible in their ascension!

Even from the perspective of the spiritual realm of all races, only those who are born with the blessing of God can naturally contain the rhythm of the Lord's way. In the art of using treasures, the power of treasures is immeasurable!

But at the moment, the scene in front of him made Wei Hao couldn't help linking that boy with that kind of legendary figure.

In the past few days, many handsome young men in Bawang Mountain have secretly speculated that Her Royal Highness Princess Wanning may be one of the legendary "Ten Holy Physiques", and that the congenital princess has entered the Lingwu Kingdom. In the future growth process, it is destined to become an invincible opponent for a long time.

In Wei Hao's heart, apart from the deep shock, there was also a trace of bitterness.

A divine girl makes the entire generation of Yunzhou geniuses on the earth feel that this road is bleak. If you can stand up and compete with a teenager, perhaps, their generation is destined to live between two giants. in the shadows.

"Spiritual place? How is this possible?"

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