Chariot of Doom

Chapter 963 Expectations

Mr. Shen, let us go, we don't want to do this either! "

"Mr. Shen forgave his life."

Seeing the shards in Qingmu's hand, Yang Zhisan's face was ashen, full of fear, begging for mercy loudly.

"Kill it, Baiyanlang has nothing to say." Ye Hao ignored the three people at all. In the light words, there is a creepy feeling.

These three people, Wei Hao and Yan Kuan, were already furious, and they were also a little scared after hearing this. The young man in front of him looked only fifteen or six years old, but his means and nature were chilling. It would be a great sorrow if anyone should be his enemy.

However, Wei Hao and others were by no means kind-hearted people. They fell down with a knife in their hands. Under Yang Zhi's three-eyed despair, it turned out to be them.

"Mr. Shen, don't thank me, this is a sign!"

There were only four people left in the open space. Wei Hao's eyes flickered for a few breaths, and finally he gritted his teeth, took out the piece of white jade, and handed it to Ye Hao in front of him.

"White" Ye Hao glanced at the jade in Wei Hao's hand, and shook his head calmly: "I don't need this, you keep it for yourself!"

Wei Haowen said, Zhang wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it back.

The white badge is the proof of becoming a registered disciple of Luo Yunzong, and it is regarded as a treasure in their eyes, but in front of this young man, it seems that it is really the same thing.

"That night, I was really unmoved. How could a person who is so close to His Highness be an ordinary person?" Seeing the young man turn around to pack his spoils, Wei Hao's eyes showed a complex color, and he was baffled sighed.

The strength of this former Ye Hao gave him the illusion that he could only look up. It felt as if he had heard about the miracle of the princess a few days ago.

"If you need, you can go with me to meet that little girl." Ye Hao murmured softly before leaving.

Although these three people are out of danger now, with such a hot potato, the next one must be a fierce and ordinary young hero, he may not care, but since Wei Hao is the son of Weicheng, some Ye Hao is very Hard to ignore.

As for General Wei Lingxiao, who has made great contributions all his life, Ye Hao vaguely heard his father mention that there seemed to be some friendship between the two in the desert.

Therefore, even though there was some unpleasantness between the houses in Yecheng that night, Ye Hao didn't want to worry, he is not the kind of person who likes to play corners.

For his speech like that, the three of Wei Hao were not only taken by surprise, but also full of ecstasy.

In fact, the three of them had similar thoughts as early as when Ye Hao showed terrifying power.

Today, the battle of the Eight Barren Mountains is particularly cruel, and symbolic things emerge in endlessly. Many people fight for this kind of thing. No matter how vain Wei Hao is, he won't have enough confidence to keep his trust.

In this case, the most sensible thing to do is to climb a large tree and get protection. Although Ye Hao is currently alone, in the eight sacred mountains, there are almost no rivals among young and handsome men. For the three of them, that determination was a talisman of intimacy.

However, thinking of their attitude towards the former that night, the three Wei Hao couldn't help being overjoyed. They've already missed an opportunity, and they don't report expecting too much from the event, fearing rejection and ridicule.

The cynical intentions, however, did not come out of the mouths of the young people, who knew them well, fearing that they would not be able to face it, and took the initiative to bring it up.

"Mr. Shen, I" was open-minded and magnanimous, which made Wei Hao red-eyed and speechless.

"Okay, let the past go. Many things should happen these days. I need a guide deep in the mountains. Let's go!" Ye Hao laughed softly, turned and left lightly, not at all Too much entanglement in this matter.

Wei Hao saw the situation and hurriedly followed up, filled with guilt and gratitude.

Not long after Ye Hao and his team left, a circle of ripples unfolded in the open space near the clearing. Immediately, the figures of several old people slowly emerged from the ripples.

"That boy was so ruthless that he killed dozens of handsome young men and women with clean hands."

Looking at the mess in front of him, which was the fixed strength of Elder Moji, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

At this time, in front of them, the ground was covered with dead bodies, and many young and handsome people still had fearful and resentful eyes poisoning them before they died.

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