Chariot of Doom

Chapter 966 Hair

At this moment, Ye Hao seemed to have noticed the bitterness on Wei Hao's face, patted Wei Hao on the shoulder in front of everyone, comforted him and said, "Well, don't be sad, from now on, everything is yours, who You can't grab it either!"

For this sentence, Wei Hao and his two companions have red eyes and warm hearts, and can hear the youthful green shirt and other people's ears, but this is another flavor.

Is this guy trying to piss them off?

"Child, you look like a burden!" The young face in the green shirt was ugly, looking into Ye Hao's eyes, there was a cold feeling pervading.

Sensing the bad eyes of these people, Ye Hao's eyes also slowly dropped. Since Na Ling was arrested in spring, in this life, what he hates the most is a person looking at him with that kind of hostile eyes.


Suddenly, the young man moved, perhaps because he sensed a dangerous smell from Ye Hao. Before there was any sign, he drank a cup loudly, and a dozen darts gave off a faint light, and suddenly fired a shot at Ye Hao. arms.

More than a dozen darts are not a psychic device, emitting a faint light, but a kind of blood-sealed throat, and at this time all the psychic shots are run out by the young green shirt, in tone, like a group of poisonous snakes coming out of the hole.

"woo woo"

The speed of the poison dart is so fast that the naked eye can't catch it. There are mental fluctuations and ghostly attacks in it. These despicable methods are easy to be attacked by ordinary monks who are in the ninth or even tenth level of the blood fusion environment.

But this time, when the young man in green shirt kicked the iron plate, Ye Hao saw a little cold star about to shoot, he snorted coldly, and immediately waved his sleeve, taking it all in his hand.

"Ha! My God, that poison dart is the venom of the giant magnolia python, you admit it is planted!"

Seeing more than a dozen poison darts full of cameras, the pupils of the young man under the green shirt narrowed slightly, but soon he laughed complacently.


Ye Hao smiled coldly, and glanced at the poison dart in his hand. The venom from the blade did eat into his palm, but no one noticed that the venom didn't seep into the flesh, and it was immediately in the red light of the skin of the palm. More than a dozen blades of the Magnolia Python, which had disappeared cleanly, poisoned the dart to death. Although Tsing Yi's youth ran full of energy, Ye Hao put it down in the end.

This kind of writing, even if there are a lot of youths in green shirts, they still have corners of their eyes, knowing that they have encountered a lot of stubble, and the three of Wei Hao are relatively calm, after all, they have seen Ye Hao's previous terrifying methods!

However, as startling as Ye Hao's actions are, even the poison darts secretly fired by the monks in the bloody world can keep him in check. But at this time, the young man in the green shirt and others were not worried at all, the boy was growing up. Even if it is contaminated with the poison of the giant magnolia python, they dare not reach out to pick it up. It is a dead end, and they cannot be blamed.

When Lian Weihao and the three of them heard the words "Mulan python venom" with laughter, their hearts were also tense, their faces changed, and they sweated for Ye Hao.

"Brother Shen, quickly throw away the poison dart, the poison of the magnolia python is hard to dissolve even a man, immediately seal the meridian on the arm!" Wei Hao reminded loudly nervously, he didn't know well, what those people meant It was an evil intention to extinguish the poisonous arrow on the giant poison of that powerful elf beast. Ye Hao didn't notice it at the moment, and it is very likely that he will suffer a lot of losses.

"Ha! Recently, the poison of the giant magnolia python can penetrate the blood in one breath. The boy is still holding the poison dart. Even if he cut off his arm mercilessly by cutting off his hair immediately, it will not save him. This is your ungratefulness." How dare you provoke me to wait!"

There was a joke in the eyes of the young man in the green shirt. His previous worries had disappeared, and it was difficult for him to collect the venom of the magnolia python.

He was supposed to deal with some genius in the mountains, but now, he sensed the dangerous smell on the boy, so he didn't hide it anymore.

Now that boy was contaminated by venom, although he felt a little desolate and pitiful, the big stone that was pressing on his chest finally relaxed.

"Magnolia python venom"

Ye Hao still holds the poison dart in his hand, and still has some subtle thrillers in his heart, and he is also very grateful that he has reached the point of flesh and blood. Otherwise, the mistake he just made, at least one of his arms, must be annulled.

What I want to say is that the young man in the green shirt with short hair is not only meticulous in his heart, but also malicious in his heart. He could actually sense the threat he posed, and the attack was so simple and cold that if the average monk in the world encountered it in a pool of blood, he was determined to do a big somersault!

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