Chariot of Doom

Chapter 981 Technology

After the sacrifice of "Divine Martial Sacred Weapon", Lu Wenhao couldn't help showing a fierce sense of pride.

Then, in his body, there was also a faint light and the transpiration of the mist. A considerable part of Ye Hao was triggered by the strange smell in the essence of his body, but the brilliance was much darker, and the momentum was not as good as Ye Hao's. God of red flames around.

"That's at the prefectural level!" Soon, someone realized what it meant, and Lu Wenhao ran up and shouted.

That kind of pseudo-different stage is obviously not Lu Wenhao's own internal information, but a powerful force to stimulate it to come out, which is easier to confuse people, but it is also true that prefecture-level power can be used!

Usually, because it is relatively scarce, the value of practicing skills of the same level is infinitely higher than that of martial arts of the same level. For example, the original Ye Hao was in the Xiyun Sect, martial arts, no less than a few thousand units, and practicing martial arts, the entire sect's sect. But less than two hands, the preciousness of practice, you can see!

At present, Lu Wenhao even used prefecture-level functions, which shocked all the people present. At the same time, his heart is full of jealousy, worthy of being sons and daughters of princes and princes who practice their skills on these levels. The strength and determination that the land of Yunzhou can bear is one of the few.

In fact, from the perspective of Kyushu, even the vast majority of second-rate sects do not have prefecture-level skills to practice. After Lu Wenhao held the Shenwusheng weapon, he also took a series of measures to defend against the enemy. The series of measures are really amazing.

"This should be the "Qingyang Zhenjing". This is the family function of the Lujia family in the Shenwu Harem. No wonder it appeared on this little waiting master!" Soon, someone solved the mystery.

When everyone heard these words, they all nodded secretly. Then, they began to worry about Ye Hao. This is not to brag that earth-level skills are so valuable. This level of technology not only greatly improves the training speed, but also improves the training speed, and when dealing with people, it also improves the operation speed by several steps.

Under such circumstances, anyone who is not capable of carrying out tasks at the county level will undoubtedly suffer huge losses. In addition, there is a treasure in the hands of this waiting little master. In this way, it is difficult to predict the outcome or failure. After all, as to whether Ye Hao really has spiritual power, many people are still just guessing, which may be open to debate.

Feeling that Lu Wenhao's breath suddenly increased his body, Ye Hao was also a little afraid. This royal-level influence comes from the younger generation. It does not lack powerful means. If it was a few days ago, he might be really difficult to defeat This one waits less for the Lord.

However, the current Ye Hao is the same as in the past, using his current inside information and those methods may not bring him much benefit.

And after careful investigation, Ye Hao also discovered the unusualness of the "Divine Martial Holy Weapon" before long, and immediately passed his mouth, ruthlessly sneering: "If it is true, you may still be able to show it off, but... "It's just a forgery, do you dare to show the power of a fox and a fake tiger? "

There is no doubt that Shenwu Zhenwu is an extremely powerful spiritual treasure. Ye Hao had vaguely heard before that in this cloud state, the most powerful weapon to attack Varvis might really be the holy weapon in the temple of Qingyang City.

But from Lu Wenhao's hand, with the long weapon, Ye Hao couldn't feel the legendary ferocity and anger, and there seemed to be no spiritual embryo to conceive, which showed that the thing would not be a real divine weapon! .

Hearing Ye Hao's words, Lu Wenhao's face was revealed and slowly froze, apparently he did not expect the former to be able to see through the authenticity of Shenwu weapons.

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