Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1022: Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (3)

  Chapter 1022 Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (3)

  Rong Lin's eyes sharpened, he gritted his teeth, supported the boulder on his back with both hands, and stood up with all his strength!

   Then, he moved to the side, and the boulder hit the ground, shaking the whole ground.

  Rong Lin walked to Rong Qing profusely, took off his coat, and put it on Rong Qing: "Is it cold?"

  Rong Qing shook his head.

   Not cold, just don't say so, you can't stand up.

  Rong Lin sat down with his back against the wall, panting heavily: "What the **** is this place? It's so hot!"

  Rong Qing said quietly: "Underground, one hundred and fifty meters."

   "So deep! How do you know?"

   "Temperature." His sense of temperature is almost innate.

  Rong Lin nodded, looking around, he has excellent eyesight, even in the dark, he can prepare to refute many things: "This seems to be a secret room, there is a door over there, go and have a look."


  Rong Lin stood up and asked as he walked, "I don't know what's wrong with Yue'er."

   "She's fine for the time being." If something happened, he would feel uncomfortable, but he didn't have such a feeling at this time. It's just that this place is underground after all, and the air, food and water are very scarce. After staying for a long time, nothing will turn into something. "We must find her as soon as possible."

   As for others, it has nothing to do with him.

  Rong Lin pushed open the iron door: "It's a passage, I don't know where it leads, go and see?"

"it is good."

Rong Lin walked back with a step, carrying Rong Qing on his back and walked out of the secret room. He had excellent night vision, and it was like walking in daylight without lighting a lamp. Rong Qing couldn't do it, the whole world was dark, and he couldn't even see the glazed lamp on the wall. invisible.

   "Sleep for a while, I'll call you when I find Yue'er." Rong Lin said suddenly.

  Rong Qing didn't try to be brave, put his cheek against the crest of his neck, and slowly closed his eyes, but he couldn't fall asleep.

   "Why aren't you sleeping? Are you worried that we won't be able to get out?" Rong Lin asked, listening to his uneven breathing.

   "Rong Lin, if we are really trapped here to death, are you afraid?"

   "Are you afraid?" Rong Lin asked back, curling the corners of his lips indifferently.

  Rong Qing shook his head first, then nodded: "I haven't handed you over to your parents yet, so I'm not reconciled."

   "I don't want to look for them." Rong Lin said without thinking, "They have nothing to do with me."

   "Blood is thicker than water." He once didn't want to find his family back, but the moment he really met, he regretted that he had missed ten years in vain.

  Rong Lin said stubbornly: "Rong Qing, I just want to find you, don't drive me away."

  Rong Qing sighed deeply.


  The channel seems to have no end.

  Ning Yue hugged Xuan Xiaoying around for nearly an hour, making people almost faint, but was disappointed to find that they had returned to the original point. Looking at the glass lamp that fell on the ground, Ning Yue couldn't believe it for a moment.

  Huangfuxin and Geng Linger also recognized the glazed lamp.

  Geng Ling'er said angrily: "Huh? Isn't this the lamp you left behind? Why is it lying here? Who moved it?"

   "No one moved." Huangfu Xin said solemnly, "This is where we just woke up."

   "Ah? After walking for a long time, are you still here?" Geng Ling'er's face was ugly, and she looked at Ning Yue sadly, "Hey! How did you lead the way?"

"I said Princess Ling, thick-skinned is not like this. I have already said that you go your way and we go ours. If you like to follow or not, if you follow the wrong way, you are unlucky. Don't rely on me!" Ning Yue said indifferently.

  The corner of Geng Ling'er's mouth twitched!

  (end of this chapter)

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