Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 161: Sakura's Truth (8)

  Chapter 161 Sakura's Truth (8)

"Damn! I have fed her for so many years for nothing?" Qiu Xiangniang spat and threw away the toothpick, "It's fine if she doesn't respect me, but she doesn't respect you? When I want to sell her to a brothel, you rescued her." Her? Her life is yours! The money is yours too! You ask her for it!"

  Qiuxiang lowered her head: "...Okay, I hope she wants it, but I can't guarantee whether she will come or not. Return the hairpin to me first."

  Qiu Xiangniang said: "Are you stupid, wouldn't you say that someone robbed you on the road, and someone robbed your hairpin? Your master thinks highly of you and won't blame you!"

"Miss San is kind to me, I can't lie to her..." Qiuxiang said, kneeling down for her mother, "Mother, please give me back the hairpin! This is not the kind of reward that can be used at will. It is the same as The clothes I wear every day are the same, if I am shabby, people will say that the master is mean, and we wear gold and silver, which is also respectable for the master!"

  Qiu Xiangniang doesn't believe what can happen if you lose a hairpin? Life or death will not be given.

  Qiuxiang reached out to grab her, but was slapped several times by her mother, and when she wanted to slap her again, she found that her hand was being held.

   "My mother disciplines her daughter, who the **** doesn't have eyes..." His voice choked up when he saw that majestic handsome face.

  Qiuxiang saluted in a daze: "Fourth young master?"

Ma Jinyan threw Qiu Xiangniang away, Qiu Xiangniang staggered and fell on her husband, Ma Jinyan said in a cold voice: "Who gave you the courage to touch the servants of our Ma family? Since she has been sold into the Ma family, you will It has nothing to do with you anymore, her knees can kneel down to the master and the mother in charge, but they can't kneel to you! Who are you? She didn't think of treating her well when she sold her. She has developed, but she wants to support you! Did our Ma family not give you money to sell your daughter, or did you not sign a slave contract that her life and death have nothing to do with you?"

  Qiu Xiangniang was so bullied that she couldn't speak a word. Her husband took the hairpin from her hand and returned it to Qiu Xiang.

  Ma Jinyan flicked his sleeves and walked out of the courtyard and the alley.

   "Father, Auntie, I...I will come to see you some other day." After Qiu Xiang finished speaking, she caught up with Ma Jingyan, "Fourth Young Master! Fourth Young Master, please wait!"

  Ma Jinyan didn't intend to stop, and said as he walked, "I didn't help you, but I don't want the servants of the Ma family to be bullied everywhere."

  Qiuxiang smiled innocently: "Anyway, thank you. I will tell Miss San that you are also a good person!"

   Ma stopped carefully, and shot her sharp eyes: "If you are really good for me, don't mention me in front of her!"

  In the carriage not far away, Cui'e asked in bewilderment: "Isn't that Qiuxiang? Why did you come out of her house with Fourth Young Master?"

   "Her house?" Ning Wan frowned.

   "Yes, she asks someone to bring back the monthly money every month. I have been with that person once, and I will not admit my mistake." Cui'e said, "Shall we tell Miss San?"

  Ning Wan slowly lowered the curtain: "You didn't see anything today."


  Ning Yue came to Baolinxuan by car. The entire building of Baolinxuan was demolished, and Loulan Pavilion was gone. Ning Yue sighed in disappointment: "Go home."

   "Yes." The coachman waved his horsewhip, and the carriage started driving on the wide street. Halfway through, it suddenly stopped.

  Ning Yue pressed the center of her eyebrows, as if she was extremely tired, she asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

  The coachman said: "Princess Zhongshan is shopping in the front, the whole road is blocked, and it is impossible to turn around, and the back is also blocked."

  When she heard that it was Xuan Yu's mother, Ning Yue's gloomy expression softened a bit: "Then just wait, it's okay."

  (end of this chapter)

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