Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 403: Xuan Yin's Choice (9)

  Chapter 403 Xuan Yin's Choice (9)

  He will bring someone to the door tomorrow and bring the Qinglong Gang to him!

It's just that the fate is not as good as people's calculations. Tonight, all the members of the Qinglong Gang are eating wine on the street to celebrate the birthday of the old gang leader. When they saw their young gang leader being beaten, they immediately **** the guy and killed Xuanyin and the other two. come over.

   Those are more than a hundred ferocious strong men...

   Xuanyin himself is not afraid of being defeated, but the sword has no eyes, in case Ning Yue is hurt—

   "You go first, I'll stop you..."

   Before finishing the word "they", Ning Yue grabbed his wrist: "What are you doing? Run!"

   Xuanyin kicked a certain young gang leader away, slammed into the group of strong men, and then clasped Ning Yue's hand tightly, and rushed into the bustling crowd together.

   At a critical juncture, human potential is enormous.

  Ning Yue never dreamed that she was so weak that she could still run the whole street with him.

Turning into a secluded alley, making sure those people didn't catch up, Ning Yue put her hands on her hips and leaned against the wall. She was so tired that she just wanted to lie on the ground, breathlessly said: " Is it light work?"

   Xuan Yin stared round: "Oh, I forgot."

  When she took the initiative to hold her, he thought she had forgiven her, and when he was happy, he put aside the fact that he knew how to do light work.

  Ning Yue was going to be **** off!

   "Yueyue, did you forgive me? You were worried about me just now, didn't you?" He held her face up, like a child who got candy, his eyes sparkled with joy, "I know you have me in your heart."

  I, I am afraid of being accidentally injured, okay?

  Who worries about you!

  Ning Yue collapsed and leaned against the wall, then squatted down weakly.

  Xuanyin helped her up, half-hugged her, and let her lean into his arms: "Don't squat, you will feel dizzy and nauseated."

  Ning Yue lost all strength, so she could only let him hold her.

   Xuanyin hugged her tightly, and waited for her breathing to gradually stabilize before wiping the sweat from her forehead with his sleeve, and looked at her silently.

  Red little face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a little more heroic than ordinary women, the slender eyelashes are slightly upturned, flickering, and revealing a bit of agility and charm.

   Maybe it's because he hasn't had enough rest in the past two days, and his eyes are faintly blue.

  He lowered his head and kissed her eyes.

  Ning Yue instinctively closed her eyes, and then quickly opened them again, staring at him faintly.

  He smiled lightly, hugged her slender waist with his big palm, and with the other hand, gently brushed away the messy hair sticking to her forehead, and gently put it behind her ear: "Yueyue, don't be angry with me."

  Ning Yue drooped her long eyelashes and said nothing.

  He raised her jaw, lowered his head, and gently approached her lips.

   Never before, like today, he approached cautiously, every inch he approached, as if waiting for her consent, she didn't dodge, and he finally pressed her lips.

Different from the previous kisses, this time, without any lustful color, just kissing her purely, as if he wanted to use this method to confirm her existence, to confirm that she still belonged to him, and only he could do this to her. things, intimate, sweet and beautiful things.

  The moonlight slanted down, illuminating their lingering figures, slowly clinging to each other in the dark night.

   In the air, gradually, a sweet smell filled the air.


Sun Yao went to the backyard to go to the toilet. When she was in her boudoir earlier, she heard the old man in the mansion say that sunflower water is contagious. At first she didn't believe it, but after staying with Ning Yue for an hour yesterday, she seemed to be coming today. Already in faint abdominal pain, accompanied by mild diarrhea.

  After going to the toilet, she stood in front of the ancient well and washed her hands with a ladle of water from a water tank beside her.

  Suddenly, someone patted her.

  She turned around, and suddenly saw a ferocious ghost tooth mask, she almost cried out in fright.

  The owner of the mask stretched out his hand, making a silent gesture.

   She was startled.

  The owner of the mask gave her a light push on the shoulder.

  She fell into the well.

  (end of this chapter)

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