Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 824: Brother and sister meet and escape (1)

  Chapter 824 Brother and sister meet and escape (1)

  Ning Yue fell into a coma from the second day, and was unable to eat from the fourth day. She could only hang herself with ginseng soup every day, and Xuanyin fed her down mouthful by mouthful. On the seventh day, Xuanyin couldn't even feed him.

  Her whole body is like a thin cicada wing, so fragile that it is almost transparent, and it is afraid of breaking if it is gently pinched.

   Divine doctor Zhou took Ning Yue's pulse and sighed in embarrassment: "Really, King Yinjun, even if you kill me and Qingqing, there is nothing I can do, so prepare for the funeral."

   Xuanyin roared violently: "You've been talking for ten days! It's only seven days!"

   "Ten days is the limit, I tried my best, she..." Doctor Zhou pinched the center of her brows, and explained, "She has been weak since she was a child, and she usually looks not much different from ordinary people, but once she gets sick, the gap will appear."

   Not to mention that she has been tortured by Gu poison for so long, and has taken "health pills" for so long.

  Miraculous Doctor Zhou silently swallowed these two sentences.

  Qingqing looked at Miracle Doctor Zhou who was at a loss, and then at Xuanyin who had a cold face, flinched a little, and said timidly: "Sister Yue, is she going far away? Is she the same as mother?"

   "No, she won't go anywhere." Xuan Yin held Ning Yue's hand and looked at Ning Yue intently, with deep eyes, wondering what he was thinking. He hadn't shaved for a few days, and the light blue circle around his face made him lose the last trace of immaturity, as if he had become an adult overnight.

  Xuan Yu and Xuan Zhao sat beside each other, their expressions very dignified. Especially Xuanzhao, his brows were twisted into the word Chuan, and his eyes were fixed on the ground, wishing to stare at a hole. Doctor Zhou issued an ultimatum to Ning Yue, which is undoubtedly a very terrible thing. Although he and Ning Yue didn't have much contact, in his heart, he felt that this younger sibling was a good person, at least, he took good care of that idiot Sun Yao. Several times when Sun Yao turned danger into safety, it was Ning Yue who helped her. From his own standpoint, he hoped that Dr. Zhou would take back what he just said. Another thing he didn't say was that the eldest brother sitting next to him and the second brother who was far away in Youzhou were probably a hundred times more sad than him, and he didn't want to see them sad.

  Xuan Zhao was like this, let alone Sun Yao, who burst into tears the moment Doctor Zhou announced that he was preparing for the funeral.

  Qingqing patted her on the shoulder and said softly, "Sister Yao, you have a baby in your belly, so don't cry."

  Sun Yao cried more and more violently.

  Xuan Yin's eyes froze, he stood up suddenly, and walked out the door!

  Everyone was stunned, only to see Xuan Yu holding him back: "Where are you going? If you want to do something, I'll go, you stay with her."

   Xuan Yin coldly took Xuan Yu's hand away: "No need!"

   Xuan Yu said: "In case, she wakes up later, I think the last person she wants to you."

  Xuan Yin squeezed his fist and went out without looking back!

   "Xiao Yin!" Xuan Yu stepped forward to chase, but was stopped by Xuan Zhao, Xuan Zhao said earnestly, "Forget it, brother, let him go, he feels worse than anyone else, there must be a reason for him to do this."

Among the four brothers, Xuanzhao is the most immature, the most difficult to distinguish right from wrong, and the most difficult to understand the world, while Xuanyu is the most mature, the most sensible, and the most considerate of the overall situation. However, at this moment, it is Xuanzhao's turn to persuade Xuanyu. My heart is not half as calm as usual.

  Xuan Zhao noticed his elder brother's anxiety very early on. Although the elder brother tried his best to pretend to be calm and calm, he, as the younger brother, still felt it. He couldn't tell whether his elder brother's anxiety was because he was worried about Xuan Yin, Ning Yue, or both, so he took a deep look at his elder brother and sighed.

  (end of this chapter)

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