Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 833: Addicted sister jealous (1)

  Chapter 833 Pet sister is addicted to jealousy (1)

  The young man really hit the wall, and he didn't know what tool he used. He barely heard the noise. Ning Yue lay next door, sleeping soundly like a baby.

  Dongmei wanted to come in to clean up, but was rejected by the young man. Rong Qing is a weird person, he doesn't like strangers wandering around in his room, and he can't do sweeping.

  Afterwards, Dongmei watched in astonishment as the legendary Nanjiang Marshal cleaned up the house with a broom and dustpan. She swore that it was really clean! No sawdust or dust at all! Oh my god, is this really the battlefield commander who killed tens of thousands of people? Is it too high energy?

   After cleaning up, the boy went to the well to wash his hands and changed his clothes, and returned to the house, where Rong Qing had already laid down, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

  The boy leaned over and smiled: "Aren't you happy to see your sister?"


   "She is your sister, that is, my sister, and I will treat her well!"

  Hearing this, Rong Qing turned around and gave him a sideways glance: "Isn't it your aunt?"

  The boy exploded: "How could she be my aunt? She is your sister! You are me..."

  Rong Qing squinted his eyes.

  The young man coughed, and hummed reluctantly: "Father."

  Rong Qing closed his eyes.

   Before long, he fell into a coma.

   This is a manifestation of overdrawing his mental and physical strength. Although he can still speak, he is actually very fragile. Whoever slaps him now may be able to slap him to death.

   That's why he didn't like him treating others, and forced him to set three rules. If he is seen like this every day, he will die from overwork sooner or later.

   "If you show it to your sister, then you are not allowed to show it to anyone else, do you understand?"

He threatened in a low voice, but Rong Qing was so sleepy that he didn't hear him at all. He grinned, and came to Ning Yue's room again, opened the curtain and looked at the little person who was also asleep in the bed, and said, "Call Rong Lin brother, I ordered to buy you candy..."


  In the yard, Xuanyin stared at the two doors with heavy eyes. Just an hour ago, they were two rooms, but now they are one! What's horrible is that Yueyue is sleeping on the bed, and Rong Qing is sleeping on the other bed, oh, and there is a handsome guard beside her. He really wanted to strangle those two guys, strangle them hard!

Doctor Zhou ate a fried chestnut with sugar, and said casually: "Okay, don't be angry, I know you love my wife, but Rong Qing won't do anything to her, let alone Rong Lin, that kid Maoer It's not even long enough!"

  Can you stay with Yueyue without even growing hair? Also, he doesn't believe that Rong Qing won't do anything to Yueyue! That guy was clearly here for Yueyue, making him look like someone from Yueyue, what a shame!

   Xuan Yin squeezed a chestnut angrily: "Who is Rong Qing? How did he know Ning Yue?"

  If he was just skeptical before, he was sure when Rong Qing broke through the wall. Just like he once wanted to knock down the wall of Liujin Courtyard very much, it was a feeling that he wished to see the other party with his eyes open and closed. If you say you don't know each other, ghost letter?

  Miraculous doctor Zhou smacked his lips and said, "Rong Qing is Rong Qing, I don't know how he met the princess."

   "And? You mean Yueyue also knows him?" Xuanyin's face darkened even more.

   Divine doctor Zhou said: "Didn't you hear it just now? They talked."

  If Rong Qing were a stranger, Ning Yue's first reaction would be to be frightened, right? Of course, what Dr. Zhou didn't point out was that Ning Yue didn't bother to see Xuan Yin, which shows that Rong Qing comforted Ning Yue very well.

  (end of this chapter)

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