Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 842: Thousands of pains and pets seduce (1)

  Chapter 842 Thousands of pains and thousands of pets to seduce (1)

  The concubine couldn't hide her joy and waved Chao Huangfuyan: "Son, come in!"

  Huangfuyan walked into the room calmly, with a graceful figure and graceful steps, like a cloud of auspicious clouds floating gracefully across the clean floor. She has an exquisite face, fair skin, and a dignified and elegant temperament. Even if Xuan Yu repeatedly emphasized that she was just a daughter of a businessman, she couldn't conceal the nobility radiating from her whole body.

  The concubine doesn't even look down on a general's daughter like Ma Ningxi. Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible to favor a humble business girl. However, the concubine likes her very much. When she was still in a coma, the concubine secretly took a look at it, and at that time, she had a good impression. Of course, it may be that her son has never been married, and she hastily lowered the standard in a certain aspect. Who can tell? In any case, the girl caught her eye.

Sun Yao also looked at the daughter of an old friend who was brought back by Xuan Yu. It was said that she was a year-end friend who had a good relationship with Xuan Yu. Because of the destruction of her home, she temporarily entrusted her injured daughter to Xuan Yu, but she always felt that the other party It's not as simple as Xuan Yu said, but this whole body demeanor is better than the princess in the palace.

  Huangfuyan bowed to the two of them: "Princess, third grandma."

  Princess Wang and Sun Yao visited her during her healing period, so they are not particularly unfamiliar.

  Princess hurriedly called her up: "Miss Huang, don't be so polite, sit down! Biqing, serve tea!"

  Biqing served a cup of hot tea.

  Huangfuyan sat down, bowed to the concubine, took a sip of tea in her hand.

  Wang Hao looked at her elegant and calm appearance, and really liked it, so she ordered Bi Qing to bring over fresh pastries.

  Huangfuyan ate a small piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

  Princess seemed to have eaten sweet-scented osmanthus cake by herself. She was very happy and said with a smile: "How is your body recently? Does the wound still hurt? Are you still used to living?"

  Sun Yao glanced at her mother-in-law wonderingly. The princess is not a talkative person. Except for nagging her three biological sons, she has always been a bit cautious when talking to others, but she seems to have no enthusiasm for Miss Huang.

  Huang Fuyan replied politely: "The injury has healed up, and I am living well. Thank you, Princess, for your concern."

It's good to live forever, the princess secretly added, and said: "It's getting cold, and you don't have a few sets of clothes to change. It's not good to wear my old clothes all the time. I called Xiu Niang to come over this afternoon and ask her to give it to you." Make some clothes."

   Even the clothes are made! The princess really cares about Miss Huang very much! Could it be that she is about to have a sister-in-law? But doesn't elder brother like Yue'er? Although the elder brother didn't say anything, the various behaviors of the elder brother are too obvious in the past few days when Yue'er has been ill! Concubine, don't mess with the mandarin ducks, it's better to cause trouble to the elder brother for nothing.

  Sun Yao drank tea quietly.

  Huangfuyan said: "Your clothes are very good, there is no need to make extra."

Of course the princess knew that her clothes were good, they were new ones that she hadn’t worn when she was young, but she just wanted to make clothes for her: “It’s okay, it’s not too much trouble to make a few sets of clothes, it’s better for my daughter’s house to dress up more beautifully.” .”

  When it came to this point, Huangfuyan couldn't refuse any more, and said "Thank you".

  Sun Yao put down her teacup, got up and said, "Mother and Concubine, I'm going to the fourth sibling."

  Princess nodded: "Okay, you go, remember to ask her and Xiao Yin how long it will be before returning, if possible, go back home to recuperate!"

   "Yes." Sun Yao responded.

Huangfuyan's eyes flickered. No wonder Xuanyin was not in the mansion. He was recuperating outside with his wife. Hearing Wang Hao's words, his wife hadn't recovered from her illness. She might stay here for a while. Should she continue to wait or not? Directly kill the door?

  (end of this chapter)

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