Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 857: Mother and child reunion frivolous (7)

  Chapter 857 Mother and child reunion frivolous (7)

  She asked how the two came to Xiliang and how they met Ning Yue.

  Rong Qing told her that it was Ma Yuan who recognized him when he was performing a mission in the Nanjiang Palace, and took him out of the Nanjiang Palace. He met Xuanyin's shadow guard halfway, and returned to Beijing with them.

  As for Ma Yuan assassinating him, fleeing to the cottage with Huang Fushan, meeting Ma Jingyan, being hunted down by Suhuo, and Ning Yue's illness, nothing was mentioned.

   "Did you leave the palace with Qing'er?" Lin Lanzhi asked the boy.

  The young man cleared his throat, and said without changing his face: "No, I... I started a few days later than him, and I caught up with him."

   There is no need to tell the beauty about the thrilling assassination.

  Lin Lanzhi likes this child very much, but it's a pity that it's a boy, otherwise, she wants to keep him as her daughter-in-law.

   Lin Lanzhi touched the young man's head, totally unaware that the head of the commander-in-chief cannot be touched casually, except for Rong Qing, the prince would be beaten if he touched it.

   "So your father is still alive, so why didn't he come back with you?" Lanzhi asked.

Rong Qing had expected that Lin Lanzhi would ask this question. In fact, Ning Yue also wanted to know the answer. What Rong Qing told Ning Yue was no different from what she told Lin Lanzhi. Ning Yue only knew a little more than Lin Lanzhi, which was Xuanyin's. The shadow guard came to Rong Qing because she needed Rong Qing's medical treatment. Rong Qing said: "I ran into a little trouble on the road and got separated from my father."

  Lin Lanzhi heaved a sigh of relief, it's not that something unexpected happened.

   "Can your leg be healed?"

   "I'm afraid not."

  Lin Lanzhi felt sad for a while, but thinking that her son was lucky to survive after soaking in ice water for so long, maybe he shouldn't be too greedy. But in the world, what mother doesn't want her child to be healthy?

   After talking with her son for a while, she reluctantly let go of her son's hand when it was almost dinner time: "Sit with Rong Lin for a while, and I'll cook."

   "I'll help you." Ning Yue said.

  Lin Lanzhi saw her daughter's face was a little weak, and didn't want her to help, so the boy hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Let me help you! I'm actually good at cooking! My cooking is delicious!"

   "Huh?" Lin Lanzhi looked at the young man in surprise, this child is only sixteen or seventeen, right? He is also a world-renowned general, wielding knives and guns is his specialty, how can he cook?

   "I cook Rong Qing's meals! I also wash his stinky socks! He enslaved me since he was a child, and I can do anything!"

On this point, he did not lie. Rong Qing picked him up not to show mercy, but because he was strong and easy to use. His tragic childhood was always under Rong Qing's various oppressions, all kinds of slavery, Spent in all kinds of brutal training!

  He swore that one day he would squeeze it back!

  Lin Lanzhi laughed: "He bullied you, I'll tell him later."

   It's so sweet to hear these words.

  Beauty Mother is so kind!

  However, Lin Lanzhi will not really let a general from southern Xinjiang go to the kitchen to help, and go alone.

  Ning Yue missed her and followed her.

  After the mother and daughter left, only Rong Qing and the boy were left in the room.

The boy's lion fur, which he had kept for a long time, was finally able to stretch, and he flew onto the bed, shaking Cheng Chen almost to the ground. He buried his face in the pillow and took a deep breath: "Rong Qing, this is really you!" The bed you slept in when you were a child? It's so small!"

  Rong Qing looked at him, and his thin lips curved slightly: "You dare to sue my mother."

  (end of this chapter)

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