Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 870: Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (3)

  Chapter 870 Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (3)

   Are they really brothers? It sounds surprisingly similar!

The concubine shook her head in disappointment: "Xiao Yin, why did you talk to concubine mother? You still don't know anything, so you said that concubine mother ran to trouble her again! Do you think concubine mother has looked for her before?" Is it troublesome?"

   "It's not a belief, it's a fact." Xuan Yin's voice was not loud, but his tone was very firm.

   "Facts? Where did you hear the facts? Ma Ningyue said it? Or her elder brother? Or this brat?" She pointed at the boy.

  The boy snorted coldly: "Old hag!"

   "You!" The princess almost exploded in anger!

  Xuan Yin looked at her, his eyes were as quiet as a lake, and a chill passed through him faintly: "Concubine Mu, what happened yesterday is already too much."

The concubine's eyes turned cold: "Do you mean that I will intensify endlessly? Xuanyin, is your surname Xuan? If you still admit that you are a child of the Xuan family, arrest these people for me! Ma Ningyue , Lin Lanzhi, Ma Keqing, and what the hell, arrest them all!"

   "You are the ghost!" The boy jumped.

   Xuanyin looked at her indifferently, and there was an undercurrent in his eyes that she couldn't understand.

  Her heart skipped a beat, the little trash back then seemed to have really grown up...

   Xuanyin said lightly: "I won't arrest anyone, you can go."

   "Xiao Yin!"

   "For the sake of the king, for the sake of the elder brother, for the sake of Mrs. Guo and uncle, I will tolerate you again, but this is the last time!"

   Xuanyin said indifferently.

The princess could hardly believe what she heard: "Xiaoyin, why do you treat me like this? I was bullied, and the face of the palace was completely gone. As a member of the palace, don't you feel ashamed of your cowardice?" ?”

"Cowardly?" Xuanyin smiled lightly, with an imperceptible coldness, creepy, "I'm just too cowardly, so let my concubine bully me again and again, thank you concubine for not starving me to death Poisoned to death or murdered, keep me, and remind father and king every day that my mother betrayed him and escaped, and I, a little villain, is still living freely, so quickly vent all your anger towards my mother on me!"

  Princess took a step back.

Xuanyin said again: "You have such a temperament, you always do things impeccably, and you can finally make yourself take the lead. The good people let you do it, and the rest are all villains! I contradict you, I am a villain ; they teach you, and they are also wicked."

" can you be so sarcastic about me? You were not like this before. Ever since Ma Ningyue passed the door, you have started to fight against me! It was she who brought you down! I knew that you shouldn't marry that poisonous woman! I want..." the princess growled.

   "Dong Ba." Xuan Yin interrupted her.

  Dong Ba stepped forward: "Master."

   "Go to Liujin Courtyard and pack up Yueyue and I's things."

  Princess: "Xuan Yin!"

  Xuan Yin walked towards Tangli Court without looking sideways.


  The princess left Ma's house in embarrassment and anger.

  Besides being angry, she also felt wronged.

  Xuan Yin's mother died at the age of four. She raised Xuan Yin, and she didn't ask Xuan Yin to repay her like his own son, but at least, can he respect her like other **** respect their aunt?

   Did she eat less or wear less? What the three brothers have, what doesn't he have?

  He has such a bad temper, contradicting her and the prince, and even bullying Xuanzhao, when did she not bear it?

   But in the end, look, she raised a white-eyed wolf!

  He was sure it was her fault without even asking what happened, huh, he just sent her a sentence, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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