Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 872: Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (5)

  Chapter 872 Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (5)

   "Lan Zhen? Is Xiao Yin's mother?" Lin Lanzhi asked.


   "What happened to Lanzhen?" Lin Lanzhi asked.

   "They all thought that Lan Zhen ran away from home, but in fact, Lan Zhen died to save Xuan Yu. I asked her why she lived so peacefully? Why did she trample on Xuan Yin and me recklessly?"

  Ning Yue said very simply.

   She didn't mention the blood relationship between Lan Zhen and the princess, and Lan Zhen had children with other men.

   She didn't mention the specific process of Lan Zhen's death.

   These are very private things, except for the person concerned, she can't tell anyone.

  Rong Qing glanced at his sister, but did not speak.

  Lin Lanzhi rubbed her heart, and said with difficulty concealing her distress: "Does Xiaoyin know about this?"

  Ning Yue shook her head: "I haven't told him yet, only Xuan Yu and Wang Hao know about the palace."

   "Don't tell him yet, this too great." Lin Lanzhi had lost her dear ones before, and understood the pain that was worse than death, thinking that at least her mother still had hope in her life.

  Ning Yue hummed and agreed.

   It was not for the so-called hope, but for fear that Xuanyin would not be able to bear the blow.

  Xuan Yin always thought that her mother had abandoned her husband and son, and while thinking about Lan Zhen, she hated Lan Zhen at the same time. She wanted to tell Xuan Yin the truth countless times, but when she thought of Lan Zhen's tragic death, she was afraid that Xuan Yin would collapse when she found out.

   This man cares too much about her and Lan Zhen!

"I understand. The concubine didn't blame you for scolding her. She was afraid that you would tell the truth. In that case, Xuan Yu's reputation would be ruined, and the prince would cherish Xuan Yin even more. So she was actually threatening you just now. You, tell you not to talk nonsense?" Lin Lanzhi frowned.

  Ning Yue shrugged: "Almost."

  For the time being, the concubine only mentioned that she should not tell Xuanyin and the prince. If she agrees, maybe the concubine will really make progress and ask her to hide it from the whole world.

  Of course, for the sake of Lan Zhen's reputation, she won't really make it known to everyone, it's enough to let the people who should know know it.

   "Okay, don't talk about me. How are you doing? How did you tell grandma?" Ning Yue changed the topic.

   refers to Rong Qing's experience in southern Xinjiang.

  Rong Qing smiled leisurely: "Tell the truth, there is no need to hide it, and I will tell the truth on the side of the emperor."

  The amnesia is not the elder brother's fault. If you really want to blame it, you have to blame those people who framed the elder brother for the amnesia and living in southern Xinjiang. What's more, Xiliang is facing internal and external troubles, and the emperor is at the time of employing people. As long as the eldest brother is a prime minister and assistant, as long as he sincerely submits to the court, the emperor will ask for it.

  Rong Lin is the same, his strength makes the whole of Xiliang frightened.

   "Brother did the right thing. It is indeed the best to take the initiative to confess and surrender."


  In the carriage, the princess was pushed back to her original seat by the old man in black robe.

  The concubine was in a bad mood today. She was hijacked in a disguised form at this time, her nerves became tense, and she asked vigilantly, "Who are you? Why are you in my carriage? My people, why didn't I find you?"

  When she got into the car, neither the driver nor the guards reminded her that something was wrong inside, otherwise, she wouldn't have put herself in danger!

  The lips of the black-robed old man did not move, but a soft laugh overflowed. If the lip lines were not too obvious, the princess would almost think that this man's mouth was fake!

   Laughter, like the cold wind, wandered around in the car.

  The princess is like falling into an ice cellar.

   "Don't be afraid." His voice was low, as if there was some kind of comfort, but also a hint of bewitchment, "I am not your enemy, and I will not hurt you."

  (end of this chapter)

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