Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 874: Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (7)

  Chapter 874 Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (7)

   This, on the contrary, made the princess at a loss.

  If the other party is covering up and throwing smoke bombs at her indiscriminately, she may continue to be vigilant, but when the other party tells her so bluntly that she wants to have a secret relationship with her, she... can't react for a while.

   "Time is tight, and I don't see you many times, so I just said it straight to the point. I hope you don't take offense." Su Huo bowed slightly.

  For the princess who had been provoked all morning, Su Huo's respect was undoubtedly a timely rain, soothing her wounded little heart.

  She said with a slightly embarrassed look: "You have found the wrong person. I have no purpose and will not collude with anyone. You can go. I just pretend that I haven't seen you today!"

  Perhaps what she didn't even know was that from the moment she decided to cover up Suhuo's whereabouts, the balance in her heart had already tilted towards Suhuo.

  Su Huo's eyes flashed a smile: "Princess doesn't care about her grievances, don't she also care about Prince Yu's future?"

  Wang Hao's eyes trembled: "What did you say?"

   "Is the princess in the mood to hear about our mutual goals?" Su Huo asked back.

  Princess turned her face away.

Su Huo said: "The rivers and mountains in Xiliang are turbulent. Although the new emperor is a wise king, his heirs are weak. One is more worthless than the other. He won't sit on the throne for long. I believe that one day, His Royal Highness King Zhongshan will replace him. At that time, you She is the empress who is admired by thousands of people, and your son...will be an incomparably noble prince, remember, a prince, not a prince."

   There was a trace of pride in the princess's smile: "My son is the eldest son, if my husband ascends the throne, he will naturally be the crown prince."

   "Believe me, with Xuanyin around, your son will definitely not be the crown prince!"

   "You nonsense!" The princess was furious, completely unaware of what outrageous words she had said in front of a stranger. The emperor is still alive, she is already dreaming of the queen and prince's dream—

   Fortunately, Su Huo didn't intend to confess her treason.

Su Huo said unhurriedly: "Three points, I will explain the reasons to you. First, the king of Zhongshan was ashamed of Xuanyin. He neglected Xuanyin for so many years, all because he thought Lan Zhen had abandoned him. Once he knew If the truth is revealed, Xuan Yin's status will skyrocket in his heart, surpassing your son's."

  This person actually knows this!

"Secondly, your son is ashamed of Xuanyin. Lanzhen's death has always been a knot in Xuanyu's heart. In order to atone for his sin, he would rather betray the world than Xuanyin. If Xuanyin wanted to be the prince, he would not Fight with Xuanyin."

  Yes, the son even gave up the woman he loves to his younger brother, what else is he not allowed?

   "The third point is the reason why I came to you, and it is also the most important point!"

   These two are not enough, there is a third point?

  Wang Hao looked at Su Huo in disbelief.

  Suhuo took out a brocade box.

  Princess frowned: "What is this?"

   "Open it yourself." Su Huo handed the box to her.

  She hesitated for a moment, but opened it anyway, but there was nothing in the box, only a painting.

  She opened the scroll: "This is my elder brother's painting! Why is it in your hands?"

   "This is not your eldest brother's painting, it was painted by the former prince of Southern Xinjiang." Su Huo said, pointing to the seal of the painting, where Huangfu Ming was signed.

   "Why... would it... be so similar to my big brother's painting?"

   "Because they're drawing the same person, of course."

   "Wait, the same person?" The princess laughed mockingly.

  (end of this chapter)

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