Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 876: Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (9)

  Chapter 876 Xuanyin moved out of the palace angrily (9)

  Dong Ba bowed his head and said: "These are not from the Wangfu. We didn't move any of the items kept by the Wangfu. What we moved were the private belongings of the fourth master and fourth grandma."

   "Private property?" The princess smiled disdainfully, "Isn't that bought with the monthly money of the palace?"

When it came to money, Dong Ba straightened his waist: "My fourth grandma has nothing else, and there is so much money to spend. Every penny here is earned by her opening Huichuntang! She bought Huichuntang back then. All the money came from the dowry! Fourth master gave her ten loads of gold, but she took the gold to buy silk for fourth master to make soft armor, and didn't spend a cent on herself! If the princess wants to ask How did the ten loads of gold come from? I think it would be better for you to ask the prince. It is said that Mrs. Lan Zhen left it to our fourth master! As for the rules of the palace..."

  Dong Ba said, and took out ten gold tickets from his arms, "Ten thousand taels of gold, Fourth Grandma said, it will be used as the accommodation and meal expenses for this period of time, no need to look for it."

  What is rich and powerful, this is it!

  The princess was slapped in the face, and her face turned purple with anger. But she is well-bred, so she won't beat people like that shrew Ma Ningyue!

  She tightened the veil, her eyes were like torches and she said: "Put down the things! This princess has to check one by one! Don't try to take away a single thing from the palace!"

"Cut!" Dong Ba rolled his eyes, "You guys, open the box and show the princess whether the fourth master and fourth grandma have confiscated the things from the palace! Sister Lianxin, please take out the account book. Check it out one by one!"

   Lian Xin's legs went limp.

  Dongmei hugged a box, trying to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible.

  The concubine's eyes swept away: "What are you holding in your hand?"

   "No... nothing." Dongmei hid the box behind her back.

  The concubine walked over quickly, forced the box over, opened it, and found that there were three deeds!

   Two copper mines in Yutai Mountain and one gold mine in Youzhou!

   "You still said you didn't take anything from the palace? What are these? Thieves!" The princess was angry and threw the box to the ground!

  Dongmei bit her lips and said: "I'm not a thief! These are given by the fourth master to the fourth grandma! It's not something from the prince's mansion!"

  The concubine looked at the deed paper, and the more she looked at it, the more familiar it became. She suddenly remembered that she seemed to ask the prince for two copper mines. What did the prince say? He said that he took the copper mine and gave it away to make some connections.

   "Ha!" The princess covered her chest and laughed angrily, "Okay, very good, it's really great, one or two, they both treat me as a fool, that's great—"

   After finishing speaking, she took the deed and got on the carriage to the military camp!


  In Tangli Courtyard, Lin Lanzhi was taking care of four little slackers. She looked at them tenderly, and only hoped that they would be by her side every day and let her take care of them every day.

   It was cold, and Ning Yue said that she wanted to eat hot pot. Lin Lanzhi made a mandarin duck pot bottom, cut some side dishes and meat, and put what she wanted in it.

  Rong Qing doesn't eat spicy food, and Ning Yue has been drinking traditional Chinese medicine recently, so she also avoided it. The two ate the light corn ribs at the bottom of the pot, and Xuanyin and the young man took over the spicy food over there.

  When eating in the palace, serving dishes are served with serving chopsticks. Although it looks hygienic, there is no atmosphere, and talking is not allowed. After a meal, people can be suffocated to death.

  Which one is here? He kept hearing the boy shouting "Oh my god, I'm so hot".

   also heard Yueyue giggle.

  I heard Lanzhi dotingly scold the children.

   This is home.

   It is not a lifeless palace, not a deep palace with towering bones, nor a simple and secluded courtyard, it is a place where the heart can stay.

  One meal, the four children can eat enough.

   Lin Lanzhi was fed with happiness just by watching them eat.

   Take a walk in the yard for a while, and then go back to each room.

  Ning Yue flung Xuan Yin on the bed without any image, and gnawed wildly.

  Xuanyin's teeth were hurt and his lips were bitten, but despite being so clumsy, he still teased him almost out of control.

  The body reacted.

  Ning Yue sat on him, looked down at the beast that wanted to show off its majesty, its ears turned red, and it was about to come down.

   "Want to run?" Xuan Yin clasped her slender waist, caressing her red and swollen lips playfully, "I'm so excited, did you get moved by me, or did you finally move out from the palace?"



  When he stood by her side without hesitation and supported her, he wanted to throw him down. Then, at the thought of not having to go back to that lifeless ghost place again, it was like taking a love potion to add to the fun, and I really wanted to suppress him and linger to death.

  (end of this chapter)

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