Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 881: Brawl arrest (6)

  Chapter 881 Quarrel and arrest (6)

   In a few days, it will be the death day of the old prince, and it will also be the day when Lan Zhen "runs away from home". If he knows the truth, how he will punish Xuan Yu, she dare not think.

  Xuan Yu lied to him for seventeen years, he misunderstood Lan Zhen for seventeen years, and neglected Xuan Yin for seventeen years.

   Even though he was in the cold, he still gave Xuanyin such good things. If he didn't give up in the cold, wouldn't the most precious son of the throne be taken away and given to Xuanyin?

   It's fine for her to be wronged, but no one wants to touch her son!

  Boom boom boom!

  She knocked on the door.

"Come in."

   It was still the deep and calm voice.

  Princess Wang pushed the door open, glanced at the simple and clean room, and sat down opposite Suhuo.

  There is a pot of tea and two cups on the table. Suhuo's cup has been filled with tea, while the other one is empty.

  The concubine hesitated again, maybe she shouldn't be like this, she is the princess of Xiliang, if she wants to protect her son, she shouldn't make a deal with people from southern Xinjiang.

  She stood up: "I didn't know you had guests coming, let's go another day, I'll go first."

   "I don't have a third guest." Su Huo said quietly.

  The princess looked at the empty glass in front of her: "This is... for me? Did you expect that I would come to you?"

   "You are a good mother and a smart person. I believe you will make the right decision." Su Huo said frankly.

  The princess sat down in a trance: "Don't put a high hat on me, I'm upset enough."

  Su Huo's lips curled into a sneer: "Then how about we just talk about the business?"

   "Okay." She squeezed the veil tightly.

  Suhuo said: "Tell me what kind of effect you want to achieve first, and I will help you make suggestions. Of course, the decision is in your hands, and you can go back on your word at any time."

   These words are spoken flexibly enough to not give people any sense of oppression.

  If you feel something is wrong, just get out in time.

  Princess thought so naively.

  Suhuo poured her a cup of tea.

   She held it in her hand, a trace of guard flashed in her eyes.

  Suhuo shook his head: "Don't worry, I have no intention of drugging you. At my age, I have already lost interest in those romantic things."

  Princess took a sip, the tea seemed to be good tea, but unfortunately she couldn't taste it.

  She said: "I don't want the prince to know the truth about Lan Zhen."

   "Just this?" Su Huo asked.

  The concubine tried her best to make herself look calm: "That's all for now. If you can't even do this, I'm afraid you can't believe that you can help my son keep the crown prince."

   A smile appeared in Suhuo's eyes: "It's not difficult to keep the prince from knowing the truth, it's enough to get rid of those who know the truth. Who knows?"

   "On the Wangfu side, Xuanyu and I are the only ones, and on the Ma's side...Ma Ningyue." Speaking of that name, her hands trembled, "She said, she will let the prince know the truth."

  Su Huo's eyes flashed a cold light: "It's her again."

   "It's her again? Do you know her?" The princess looked at Suhuo in confusion.

Su Huo said expressionlessly: "Before I came here, I thought that I would have to spend a lot of trouble to solve a lot of troubles for you before we could reach an agreement on our goals. But from the looks of it now, it seems that we are basically dealing with the same person." .”

   "What do you mean?" The princess was at a loss.

   "To be honest, I also came for Ma Ningyue." Su Huo said seriously.

  The princess was unclear, so: "I don't understand, she has never been to southern Xinjiang, how do you know her?"

  (end of this chapter)

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