Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 894: Turning the East and the West to Save the Day (1)

  Chapter 894 Stealing the East and Attacking the West to save the day (1)

  Ning Yue looked at the princess indifferently, and when the prince asked that question, the princess' expression suddenly became very exciting. From blue to white, and then from white to red, it is unpredictable, like colorful clouds passing through the border, it couldn't be more beautiful!

  The princess not only changed her expression, but also began to tumbling madly in her heart.

  She was dreaming, no, she never thought that things would develop to this point, not to mention being imprisoned, and being cornered by Ma Ningyue.

  Right now, she is like a grasshopper clinging to a grass rope, being sucked into a ruthless storm, and the fear all over the sky swallows her whole.

   She stayed there, not daring to look anyone in the eye.

   King Zhongshan instinctively felt something strange!

  Who is that guy named Suhuo? Why did Ning Yue ask Guo Yu for news about him? And why did Guo Yu have such an expression on his face?

   Like being afraid, and like... Guilty.

   "Guo Yu! What did you do without telling this king?" He suppressed a low growl, afraid that the jailer who was drinking in the distance would hear him, and he almost gritted his voice.

The princess asked herself that she was born in such a prominent family, and she has been a princess for twenty years, and she has a younger sister who is a princess. She is used to all kinds of occasions. No matter what happens in private, at least she rarely loses her composure .

  However, at this moment, her body trembled uncontrollably as if she had fallen into an icehouse.

  Everyone looked at her one after another, probably except Xuan Xiaoying and Qin'er, no one could not see her guilty conscience.

  Ning Yue would not go to the prison for no reason to ask about Suhuo's whereabouts. Suhuo must be an important person related to the case.

   It's just this character, is it good or bad? What does it have to do with Guo Yu?

  Ning Yue glanced at her indifferently, and said, "My concubine dare not speak, so I will."

don't want…

Do not say…

  Princess closed her eyes and clenched her fists, as if waiting for a verdict.

   Ning Yue hooked the corners of her lips. How dare she collude with people from southern Xinjiang with such courage? Are you really hopelessly stupid? But it's a pity, the more she waited for her own sentence, the more she would not pronounce it, leaving her to suffer bitterly in the prison, and let the sharp knife hang above her head all the time, and she didn't know when it would fall!

  The concubine waited and waited, thinking of stretching out her head and shrinking her head, Ma Ningyue would expose her if she wanted to. At worst, she would die!

   What made her depressed was that she waited for a long time, but she couldn't wait for Ma Ningyue to announce her relationship with Suhuo, so she couldn't help being stunned!

Ning Yue laughed. She didn't say anything, but it doesn't mean the prince doesn't ask. Some things, just go to the end. What's more, it's not the time to settle accounts with Guo Yu. Guo Yu is back!

   "Wangfei, tell me, where is Suhuo? If you still want me to rescue everyone." She looked at Wangfei firmly and said.

  The princess covered her mouth, not daring to speak.

  If he said it himself, wouldn't he admit that he had colluded with Suhuo?

   "At this time, you are still stubborn in order to protect yourself? You can't find my elder brother, do you think you can take care of yourself?" Ning Yue asked very defiantly.

  The prince squeezed his fist coldly: "Guo Yu, tell her! Where is Su Huo? Don't force me to be rude to you!"

  As for who Suhuo is and what relationship he has with Guo Yu, when he gets out of prison, he will definitely find out the truth!

  Guo Yu better pray that she didn't do anything to Suhuo, otherwise—

  Hmph, she just waits!

  The princess received the sharp eyes from the prince, her heart skipped a beat, and she said tremblingly, "It's a farmhouse at the foot of Lianshan Mountain in the western suburbs."

  (end of this chapter)

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