Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 901: Turning the East and the West to Save the Day (8)

  Chapter 901 Turning the East and the West to save the day (8)

  Damn it!

   A month later, the child was sent back, as if he had suffered a serious illness.

  Since then, the child's personality has completely changed.

  In the past, he was always bullied and dared not say a word, but whoever dares to beat him later, he can beat people until their skulls crack.

  Damn it!

   It must be taught by that woman!

   "Master, master, master!" The servant increased the volume.

  Patriarch Sikong was taken aback, kicked him and said, "What are you shouting about? Didn't I see you, Master, am I thinking about something?"

  The servant felt aggrieved, and told you for a long time, but you didn't listen to a word, and you blamed me for shouting?

   Patriarch Sikong sighed, unfilial son, unfilial son!

   "Master, let's paint this pavilion according to the previous color, what do you think?" the servant said.


   "And this." The servant took out another blueprint, "Our other yards have been refurbished, but the yard of Mr. Zhongchangshi has not been done. Look...can you do it?"

   If he dared to touch the place where that woman lived, that unfilial son must cut him off!

   "No need, just leave there idle!"

   Patriarch Sikong walked away with a gloomy expression.


  In a quiet courtyard, the Xuan window was slightly opened with a slit, and Su Huo sat by the window, observing the movement outside from the slit.

  The mansion was about to have a wedding, and it was so messy that they managed to sneak in. Since the yard didn't dare outsiders to come in, they were happy and quiet, but they still couldn't be careless.

  Rong Qing sat on the head of the bed, looking at Suhuo indifferently.

   Su Huo felt uncomfortable, frowned, and looked over coldly: "What are you doing?"

  Rong Qing asked lightly: "Does the queen know about your collusion with Xiliang people?"

   "She won't know." After finishing speaking, he paused, "You won't live to tell her the day!"

  Rong Qing let out a cry.

Su Huo hated Rong Qing's perpetually calm appearance, and also hated his young skin and perfect mind: "You shouldn't have left the palace with Ma Yuan back then, your enemies are everywhere here, and everyone would want to I want your life! Only by the queen's side can you be safe. Unfortunately, you can never go back!"

   "No one wants my life, except you, Suhuo." Rong Qing said sharply.

The corner of Suhuo's mouth twitched: "Yes, I want your life, but your life still has some value, so I can't kill you for the time being! When all the heads of the Xuan family fall to the ground, I will send you down to be buried with you of!"

  Rong Qing sneered.

Su Huo was upset by his appearance, but he was not a person who showed his emotions, so he said sadly: "Three days! The emperor only gave the Xuan family three days! If after three days, the Xuan family can't find you When it comes to you, there is no evidence to prove your innocence... Huh, I really look forward to that day! I will definitely take you to stand in the crowd and let you watch your sister's head be chopped off by a guillotine!"

   "Really?" Rong Qing held the corner of his lips calmly.

"Speaking of which, I can't really blame you for what you're doing today." Su Huo is not a talkative person, but to Rong Qing, he always has endless things to say, "If you want to blame, you can blame yourself. Okay? Do you have to bump into the princess? And your sick little sister, she knows too many secrets, and she is destined to live soon."

   "Suhuo, you are very nervous." Rong Qing said suddenly.

  Suhuo's eyes turned slightly cold.

  Rong Qing said: "When you are nervous, you talk a lot, and your speech is incoherent, without the point."

  Suhuo's eyelids twitched.

  (end of this chapter)

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